It's one of those things. I take a weekend off every few months and have people tell me, "boy, you take a lot of time off". It just happens that my shift is hard to fill and people don't like to work weekends, so it becomes this major deal whenever I want to have a little R&R.
I work 10-14 days on 0-4 days off perpetually. Doing 10-14 hours+ a day. Sometimes I finish early and come back on the last days only having worked 9 hours. On those days my boss will ask why I left early, and my response always wants to be punching him in the nose
I was having a breakdown due to the paperwork I signed today at work discussing me potentially losing my job due to cutbacks, so I went to the spa and had a pedicure, manicure, and mah hurr did....
Even though its fun purple, im still kinda freaking out.....
When I was in 8th grade, I decided to run down some stairs, trip, have my foot make a loud 'snap' noise and proceed to slam headfirst into a wall. Head trauma aside, my foot has been screwed up ever since and when it got x-ray'd, they saw no sign of a break or fracture. Now, whenever it gets cold out, I get shooting pain all along where my foot 'snapped'. Arrrrrgh it hurts so much tonight I've been limping around my house.
@Haern Speaking as a medical assistant/secretary for a group of podiatrists and orthopaedic surgeons.. I would recommend going for a second opinion with a different doctor/specialist. We see cases like that ALL the time. Non-healing fractures are generally one of the major causes of pain like that and are difficult to locate. If not that, there could be an issue with pronation.. which is what happened to me. Recalled an injury to my foot and limped around until I was fitted with custom insoles that took the weight off that spot.
Tried to drive to Arby's to have a last fling with bad-for-me-food before I go on my mostly paleo diet tomorrow. Car decides to go into hyper-rev mode as soon as I hit 40. Refuses to slow down. I had to literally slam my brake to the floor to get down to 10mph and it wouldn't stop. Had to turn off car to stop. Sitting in the parking lot of safeway, turning car off and on again, waiting for it to cease being in beast mode, not wanting to go forward on the off chance my car goes batshit and I plough into a pedestrian. WTF car, wtf.
It finally worked again, but I was too nervous to drive it to Arby's so I went back home. Mister can fix, but meh.
@Minarael Neutral, girlfriend. Neutral is your friend(especially if it's a manual, which it doesn't sound like it is). Sounds like more what happened is your accelerator got stuck. See it a lot on older lawnmowers and stuff, when cables freeze inside the lines.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
I've done some damage to my right hamstring. It's probably just pulled, but it's preventing me from squatting today, probably running too (haven't tried that yet) and I might have to cry off until Monday.
I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but I can count on one hand the number of workouts I've missed since I started a year ago. I'm constantly terrified of getting out of the habit, and this will be two missed ones in a row, if I'm lucky - if I'm unlucky I may have injured myself in some long term fashion. Lifting is my meditation - it's what I do to arrange. I get anxious and off without it.
@Ishin - That's what Kamus said when he got back. Throw it in neutral and tap the gas good once. But as with all things mechanical, once the actual -mechanic- shows up, the car drives fine. He has a pretty good idea of what's wrong though, so it'll get fixed. Just bleh!
Out of the days slated to have off, I got called in for all of them except one. That one was mostly spent helping other people fix their computer because my little crocodile heart can't say no to people in need and I had not been able to before since... I have been working nonstop for over a month and a half.
My co-workers except for one are unreliable and screw up things when they do come in usually.
...but I swear I will finally have some days off. Soon. (I'm starting to understand what IRE management must feel like. don'thate)
Out of the days slated to have off, I got called in for all of them except one. That one was mostly spent helping other people fix their computer because my little crocodile heart can't say no to people in need and I had not been able to before since... I have been working nonstop for over a month and a half.
My co-workers except for one are unreliable and screw up things when they do come in usually.
...but I swear I will finally have some days off. Soon. (I'm starting to understand what IRE management must feel like. don'thate)
This is... scarily accurate. Except my coworker is a dreamboat (<3)
This....uhh. This isn't really a rage so much as "Here, enjoy my misery."
I'm deathly afraid of garbage disposals. Like, I close my eyes and stand halfway across the kitchen and reach out to gingerly turn it on as far away from the sink as I can be. If there's a movie where there is even a hint of a horrible mangling garbage disposal I nope nope nope out of there. If something falls down into it, my boyfriend has to come fix it, even if it's a fork. Even if most of the fork sticks out into the sink. That beast will eat my hand off. I'm not going near it.
So I'm washing dishes. The water is NOT draining. OMG. It is clogged. I cringe, close my eyes and cower 3 feet away and turn on the disposal. It happily chugs BUT NOTHING HAPPENS. OMG. My boyfriend is sleeping and he's sick. I have no warrior to come save me. I finally get my nerve up and get a wooden spoon and a pot lid (I'm not going in without armor) and quickly poke at it. IT IS SOLID. THE DRAIN IS SOLID. At this point I nearly start hyperventilating. My garbage disposal nightmares are coming to life. The drain is spawning a monster. HALP HALP OMG.
It's ok. I can do this. Breathe. I'm a strong, independent woman. I don't need no plumber. I grip the spoon harder and plunge it - nay, STAB IT - at the monster emerging from my disposal. There's an explosion. Water fountains upwards. I start screaming. I slip. I fall. My pot-lid shield goes flying towards the cat. The cat freaks out and soars onto the couch. This is it. This is the end. OH GOD I AM GOING TO BE EATEN BY THE GARBAGE DISPOS-
Oh. I knocked the drain cover in while washing the dishes and it did what drain covers do and covered the drain. Eh. Heh. Heh... My grumpy, sick, half-asleep boyfriend was not as sympathetic to my bruised tailbone as I had hoped he'd be. I am now only allowed to wash dishes during the daytime.
Bedbugs. When I lived with Mesk's player, we ended up with bedbugs because Oklahoma is the worst place in the world to live. We successfully got rid of them. Been living at my current apartment since August. Not a single bedbug in sight.
And then.... Suddenly. This morning. Nine. NINE that I spotted and murdered in the space of 10 minutes while I was freaking out about the first one. In my clothes, on my bed. This is NOT cool. ;.;
And I know there's a helluva lot more than just the nine I saw. Additionally, I know it won't be as easy to get rid of them here because 1) we don't have a no-cost dryer to nuke all clothes/blankets in. 2) we don't have an outside space in which to sun-bake them all either.
Add to that that the apartment is a ridiculous mess because my roommate believes that eventually his apartment will reach mass entropy where it can't get any messier and that cleaning it is thusly a waste of time, and I'm going to be stuck with this problem for at least two weeks because I don't have time to clean it so it can be properly exterminated. It's bad enough that to get it done in the amount of time I have off without sacrificing the small amount of sleep I get, I'm pretty much going to have to hire someone to clean it so I can hire someone to exterminate it. And I -may- need to get a new bed, too, because I don't know wtf to do if they've burrowed into the futon mattress. ;.;
Ick. I -know- there's no bugs on me right now, but fffff, I feel all crawly.
This last weekend is probably the first time since winter ended that it dropped down below 75 in the apartment. Usually my roommate freezes me out. >.>
Add to everything that I mentioned it to a friend, and was apparently overheard, so now people at work are freaking out, and HR sent me home to go 'take care of it'. Except that home is 8 miles away since I have no bus fare and I still can't take care of it till next Friday when I get paid again.
Is there anyone that might take you in for a while until it can get it taken care of? 'cause that's goddamn awful.
I would NOT let someone with bedbugs into my apartment, no matter how much they cleaned. That was too much of a nightmare. AETOLIANS FOR UNBANNING DDT!!!
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Even though its fun purple, im still kinda freaking out.....
It finally worked again, but I was too nervous to drive it to Arby's so I went back home. Mister can fix, but meh.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Out of the days slated to have off, I got called in for all of them except one. That one was mostly spent helping other people fix their computer because my little crocodile heart can't say no to people in need and I had not been able to before since... I have been working nonstop for over a month and a half.
My co-workers except for one are unreliable and screw up things when they do come in usually.
...but I swear I will finally have some days off. Soon. (I'm starting to understand what IRE management must feel like. don'thate)
I'm deathly afraid of garbage disposals. Like, I close my eyes and stand halfway across the kitchen and reach out to gingerly turn it on as far away from the sink as I can be. If there's a movie where there is even a hint of a horrible mangling garbage disposal I nope nope nope out of there. If something falls down into it, my boyfriend has to come fix it, even if it's a fork. Even if most of the fork sticks out into the sink. That beast will eat my hand off. I'm not going near it.
So I'm washing dishes. The water is NOT draining. OMG. It is clogged. I cringe, close my eyes and cower 3 feet away and turn on the disposal. It happily chugs BUT NOTHING HAPPENS. OMG. My boyfriend is sleeping and he's sick. I have no warrior to come save me. I finally get my nerve up and get a wooden spoon and a pot lid (I'm not going in without armor) and quickly poke at it. IT IS SOLID. THE DRAIN IS SOLID. At this point I nearly start hyperventilating. My garbage disposal nightmares are coming to life. The drain is spawning a monster. HALP HALP OMG.
It's ok. I can do this. Breathe. I'm a strong, independent woman. I don't need no plumber. I grip the spoon harder and plunge it - nay, STAB IT - at the monster emerging from my disposal. There's an explosion. Water fountains upwards. I start screaming. I slip. I fall. My pot-lid shield goes flying towards the cat. The cat freaks out and soars onto the couch. This is it. This is the end. OH GOD I AM GOING TO BE EATEN BY THE GARBAGE DISPOS-
Oh. I knocked the drain cover in while washing the dishes and it did what drain covers do and covered the drain. Eh. Heh. Heh...
And then.... Suddenly. This morning. Nine. NINE that I spotted and murdered in the space of 10 minutes while I was freaking out about the first one. In my clothes, on my bed. This is NOT cool. ;.;
And I know there's a helluva lot more than just the nine I saw. Additionally, I know it won't be as easy to get rid of them here because 1) we don't have a no-cost dryer to nuke all clothes/blankets in. 2) we don't have an outside space in which to sun-bake them all either.
Add to that that the apartment is a ridiculous mess because my roommate believes that eventually his apartment will reach mass entropy where it can't get any messier and that cleaning it is thusly a waste of time, and I'm going to be stuck with this problem for at least two weeks because I don't have time to clean it so it can be properly exterminated. It's bad enough that to get it done in the amount of time I have off without sacrificing the small amount of sleep I get, I'm pretty much going to have to hire someone to clean it so I can hire someone to exterminate it. And I -may- need to get a new bed, too, because I don't know wtf to do if they've burrowed into the futon mattress. ;.;
Ick. I -know- there's no bugs on me right now, but fffff, I feel all crawly.
Aishia: ...does that actually work?
This last weekend is probably the first time since winter ended that it dropped down below 75 in the apartment. Usually my roommate freezes me out. >.>
Add to everything that I mentioned it to a friend, and was apparently overheard, so now people at work are freaking out, and HR sent me home to go 'take care of it'. Except that home is 8 miles away since I have no bus fare and I still can't take care of it till next Friday when I get paid again.
I would NOT let someone with bedbugs into my apartment, no matter how much they cleaned. That was too much of a nightmare. AETOLIANS FOR UNBANNING DDT!!!
My research paper on them, if it helps any.