Hey folks,
Liaison changes will be going live in roughly a couple of days. We're releasing the changelog now to give you all time to prepare for the changes. While I consider this changelog to be finalized, please be aware that things are still subject to change until release. This changelog will be reposted on the in-game announce board whenever the changes go live.
After liaisons, our primary focus will be on addressing the issues with the Carnifex class. After that, we'll be taking a hard look at Cabalists and giving them some focused changes to make them more PvP viable, which is why they are under represented in these changes.
- (1507) [Feed]: Can no longer be stacked on top of other writhe afflictions.
- (1513) New ability: [Haze].
- (1532) New ability: [Subvocalization].
- (1412) [Sanguispect] now gives and respects the vitality cooldown.
- (1419) [Mindburrow] cooldown reduced to 60 seconds.
- (1439) [Bleeding] now cuts bleeding in half at an equilibrium time of 3 seconds.
- (1441) [Shadowblow] now has a 3 second cooldown on its damage proc.
- (1545) [Bloodmeld] now operates on a 10 second tick, up from 7 seconds.
- (1277) Agreement clauses for the involved parties have been added to rituals that change vampire paths and sires.
- (1485) RITUALLIST will now show all available rituals, regardless of having 'unlocked' them.
- (1486) Nightstalkers can now join the Bloodborn guild, either through Kelende or a guild member. This will change their class to Bloodborn.
- (1620) The mindsurge, slicktongue, tonguelash and stilltongue ritual defences will no longer fade after time.
- (1409) Removed pacifism and belonephobia from Mentis. Anorexia will now give the proper affliction depending on undead status.
- (1677) Mentis is now unusable if you are prone and afflicted with stupidity.
- [Berserk] is now a Praenomen-only whisper.
- (1648) Failure during the minion-raising process will no longer prematurely kill your current minion.
- (1653) New ability: [Swordplay].
- (1663) New ability: [Devastate].
- Lots of backend code was rewritten. Bug if you see anything strange.
- (1471) The output of PACTS has been changed.
- (1503) [Bubonis]: Will now inform their master what they afflicted a target with. Indorani-only.
- (1561) [Chimera]: No longer passively attacks. Instead has 3 active attacks you command it to do.
- (1445) Deleted: [Soulstorm]
- (1590) [Soulcage] now applies, and respects, the two minute starburst cooldown.
- (1594) [Tweak] now gives hallucinations instead of confusion. Madness gives confusion instead of hallucinations. Confusion has been moved up to second in the Ash cure order (just below Sadness)
- (1692) New ability: [Eclipse]
- (1477) New ability: [Adder]
- (1477) The previous changes to bonedagger that allowed it to be comboed with a Tarot fling have been reverted, including the Devil Pause/Unpause abilties.
- (1556) [Moon] has had its affliction options expanded. If the affliction is specified in the line, the affliction will no longer be hidden. Amnesia is no longer an affliction option. Vomiting and clumsiness have been removed and added to the Sun pool (see report 1673 below).
- (1557) [Devil] will no longer proc lust.
- (1673) [Sun] tarot is now a clone of Moon geared to physical afflictions rather than mental. Their mechanics are identical. Available afflictions are paresis, clumsiness, slickness, vomiting, lethargy and sensitivity.
- [Hangedman] now requires the target to be prone to entangle. If they're not prone, hangedman will prone the target with minor balance loss.
- (1425) [Maingauche]: No longer delivers a venom on proccing.
- (1425) [Maingauche]: Now always uses the weapon in your left hand.
- (1516) [Engage]: Will now proc AFTER the target leaves the room.
- (1516) [Engage]: Will no longer deliver a venom, but will always stun.
- (1619) [Bruising]: Will no longer be applied from non-Battlefury attacks.
- (1625) [Vorpal]: Will now use up the weapon charge in both left and right hands, even if using a two-handed weapon.
- (1566) [Resonance]: Output has changed slightly to allow for easier tracking.
- (1566) [Resonance]: You can now RESONANCE <target> BLEEDING to see how much they bleed for.
- (1595) New (old?) empowerment: [Conviction].
- - Only the Templar who has afflicted a target with Conviction can successfully deliver the cripple and disrupt empowerments.
- - Conviction cannot be placed on someone already afflicted with Conviction, unless that target has none of the cripple or disrupt afflictions.
- - Conviction affliction will fade after 60s of the Templar not attacking the victim.
- (1600) [Gaze]: Can now be used while performing Consumption.
- (1640) [Substitute]: Defence will now remain even if you log out.
- (1389) [Absorb] will now alert you as to which aura it consumed.
- (1434) Aura of Pestilence and Pestilence blessing now give different messages on flare.
- (1435) There is now a half-second cooldown on affliction mirroring to prevent the transfer of multiple combo'd afflictions.
- (1455) New ability: [Calling].
- (1582) New ability: [Supplication].
- (1565) [Warding]: Changed. Now slows enemies entering the room with the rite, similar to rubble. Piety and Warding can once again be laid in the same room.
- (1575) [Hellsight]: Now informs room what the initial affliction delivered was.
- (1581) [Fireblock] is now a persistent defence which has a 50% chance of preventing attempts to enflame you. A successful prevention will return some spark to you.
- (1590) [Rebirth] now applies, and respects, the two minute starburst cooldown.
- (1577) New ability: [Raze]
- (1611) [Bliss] equilibrium time has been lowered from 6.5s to 4.5s. There is now a 3 minute cooldown on its use, which resets on death. Fitness delivered by Bliss will now also show a room message, as the normal Fitness ability does.
- (1612) [Care]'s curing tick has been slowed to 12s.
Elemancy Sciomancy
- (1463) New ability: [Delay]
- (1498) Reflections will no longer be used up during raze attacks.
- (1465) Efreetis can now be ordered using ORDER EFREETI IGNITE <target> to instantly proc their attack.
- [Spiritbrand] & [Shadowbrand] will now only burn a target for 30% mana consumed, down from 40%.
- [Soulrend] & [Fluxus] are now channeled kills. Refer to AB file for more information.
- (1574) [Bloodboil & Bloodleech] will now cure paralysis, if present, or two random afflictions otherwise. There is a 20 second cooldown on the use of the ability, but its equilibrium cost has been lowered to 3s base time.
- [Fortification]'s function has been changed. It will now boost the duration and health of your summoned entities.
- New ability: [Altering]
- New ability: [Tone]
- There is now a room message when a vibration dies from its timer running out.
- (1400) You can now fold crystals back into the master.
- (1447) Vibes will now be muted in unstable areas if the owner is not in the area. They will also be muted in cities if the owner isn't in the area, and will be muted outside of cities/havens if the owner is in a city/haven.
- (1605) Vibes will no longer inform you when they're hitting an enemy by default. There exists a new command, VIBEALERT <vibe> <on|off>. Turning this on for a vibration type will inform you whenever that vibration type is affecting an enemy. VIBEALERT by itself will tell you which vibes you're paying attention to. The affected list is also now consolidated, meaning it'll show all on one line instead of a line for each person affected.
- [Reveberation] will now periodically protect vibrations in the room from being destroyed. One attempt will be resisted, and the vibration will require six seconds to protect a vibration again. This vibration will be destroyed last.
- [Cataclysm] has been changed a lot. Refer to the AB file.
- [Retardation] has been changed a lot. Now only lasts for 30 seconds and has a cooldown. Refer to AB file for more information.
- [Quake] renamed to [Cloudburst]. Now requires water in the room.
All code has been rewritten from scratch! Be vigilant for bugs.
Enchanting process:-
ENCHANT FOR <enchantment>
- This is a channeled action, takes around 10 or so seconds.
- When this is done, you will have that Enchantment active until you either log out or ENCHANT FOR something else.
- No more ourobori - everything is done from your inventory!
- You still need to be in an enchanting room to enchant.
- Have required comms in your inventory to start this. They won't get used up until you actually create the enchantment, however.
If your active Enchantment is one that creates an item (e.g. eclipse, worrystone), this will create it.
ENCHANT <item>
- If the active Enchantment is one that goes on an item (e.g. resists, icewall), this will enchant the specified item.
- You can now apply enchantments to any (and only) Jewelcraft items (exceptions: augment, meteor, cold pocket)
- You can also enchant an orb of incantations to store the enchantment usage for your shop.
Enchantment changes:-
- Is now an applied enchantment.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Enchantment has a decay time of 750 Aetolian days (30 months).
- Is now an applied enchantment.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Can be used 120 times before enchantment fades.
- Now also 'smart afflicts'.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Can be used 60 times before enchantment fades.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Can be used 60 times before enchantment fades.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Can be used 60 times before enchantment fades.
- Increased the damage a little bit.
- No longer has a chance to break the item being augmented.
- Will instead subtract 5 months from the decay time.
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Can be used 60 times before enchantment fades.
- Removed, replaced by Waterwalking.
- Grants you ability to move across water without swimming.
- TOUCH to activate it.
- Defence lasts for one hour.
- Can be used 30 times before enchantment fades.
- Only works for normal movement
- No longer has a random chance to break/fade.
- Enchantment has a decay time of 1500 Aetolian days (60 months).
- (1654) New ability: [Conservation].
- (1265) [Regeneration] drain has been lowered to 40 mana, down from 150. Willpower drain has been halved.
- (1265) [Projectiles] drain is now fixed at 25 mana, instead of having a random factor.
- (1265) [KaiTrance] drain is now fixed at 30 mana, instead of having a random factor.
- (1444) [KaiBanish] now has a target cooldown of 60 seconds. You can now also enter commands while banished.
- (1684) New ability: [Infernal]
- (1581) [Fireblock] is now a persistent defence which has a 50% chance of preventing attempts to enflame you. A successful prevention will return some spark to you.
- (1590) [Rebirth] now applies, and respects, the two minute starburst cooldown.
- (1431) New Monk-only skill: [Scythe].
- (1659) [Combo] will now act as a single command for the purposes of stupidity.
- (1555) [Cobra] stance will properly affect the balance indicator on the prompt. To see the balance of the individual legs, the armbalance config will show such.
- (1489) [Feint] is now one of the available 'kicks' to be used in COMBO.
- (1651) Your ability to grade katas is now based on your learning in Tekura regardless of current class.
- (1265) [Bodyblock] drain is now 80 mana, down from 100.
- (1265) [Armblock] drain is now 100 mana, down from 150.
- (1265) [Legblock] drain is now 100 mana, down from 150.
- (1265) [Evadeblock] drain is now 40 mana, down from 80.
- (1265) [Pinchblock] drain is now 150 mana, down from 200.
- (1265) [Dodging] drain is now fixed at 25 mana, instead of having a random factor.
- (1265) [Rat] stance now halves the drain on all blocks.
- (1654) Removed: [Kainet]
- (1431) Removed: [Scythe]
- (1461) [Blank] no longer requires a mindlock. Its effect will last for 60 seconds after the last time the afflicter hit the target with a Tekura attack.
- (1687) [Push] now has a message.
- (1677) Telepathy is now unusable if you are prone and afflicted with stupidity.
- (1265) [Batter] mana cost has been halved.
- (1265) [Blackout] mana cost has been halved.
- (1265) [Telesense] drain is now fixed at 15 mana, instead of having a random factor.
- (1514) [Canopy] will now turn a room fully indoors, as far any mechanical checks go.
- (1458) [Effusion] no longer delivers a stun if unboosted. The self damage has been reduced by 25%.
- (1629) Curing [Vitalbane] will now trigger discernment.
- (1445) [Exorcise] now only banishes dopplegangers.
- (1456) [Omen] can now have a delay specified before the effect settles, between 6 and 12 seconds.
- (1464) [Omen] will now also disable vitality for between 15 and 30 seconds, depending on number of omen afflictions on the target.
- (1457) [Oaths] - The Durdalis oath now blocks the entirety of an elemental attack every 20-90 seconds.
- (1496) [Oaths] - The Rhythm oath will no longer function while the Shaman is shielded.
- (1591) Fetishes will properly clear when attuning to a new target.
- (1649) [Quickshoot] now has a 1 second cooldown.
- (1649) [Alacrity]'s cooldown has been lowered to 90 seconds.
- (1569) Using [Hamstring] without a left/right target (i.e. entering just HAMSTRING <target>) will cause the attack to create a delayed prone effect in the target, without dealing any bodypart damage or breaks.
- (1571) [Spleenrip] no longer affect's the victim's Antidote's skillset level.
- (1572) [Throatrip] no longer affect's the victim's Fitness skillset level.
- (1607) [Slashing], [Rend], and [Hamstring] now do a fixed amount of bodypart damage, no matter the target's max HP.
- (1482) [Boneshaking] no longer fades if you have the [Distension] ability.
- (1508) [Snarling] no longer fades if you have the [Distension] ability.
- (1395) New ability: [Interchange]
- (1467) The firing of hypnosis suggestions now triggers discernment.
- (1468) Removed chance for hypnosis to arbitrarily fail.
- (1589) New [Sleight], Pall. Does damage based on target's venom and hypnosis afflictions. Useless if target has no afflictions.
- (1476) New ability: [Phasesense]
- (1406) [Slit] bleeding damage will now stack dramatically in repeated slits by the same person. The stacks will be lost 10 seconds after the last slit.
- (1436) [Scaling] now operates on a 2 second delay.
- (1449) [Resonance] will now carry illusions and emotes through a wormhole.
- (1633) [Recuperation] now requires darkflood, not standing in Spinesreach. The tick rate has been doubled and the healing rate halved, meaning that you gain the same amount over a fixed period of time as you would before, but you get benefits more often. The effects are the same: health gain, affliction healing, endurance and willpower gain.
- (1688) [Bedazzle] now shows you what you've done with it.
- (1634) [Garrotelock] no longer prevents standing or attacking, only movement.
- (1259) Strophanthus is no longer available to milk. Kalmia now provides asthma or limp_veins, whichever is appropriate. Milked strophanthus will work exactly as Kalmia does, but no new production will be possible.
- (1517) [Escape]: Lowered in rank from Virtuoso to Apprentice. As a result, the other abilities at Virtuoso rank have been spread out to cover in the gap.
- (1333) [Shake]: Will now also proc on pipe/syringe attempts.
- (1549) [Intertwine]: Purple intertwine's effect has been changed to increase the amount of reflexes by another 2 (i.e. 4 total) before the golem begins to slow down.
- (1530) [Rip]: The golem will now attack the target's torso if all 4 limbs are already broken, deailing significant bodypart damage.
- (1533) [Cycling]: Effect is changed. When active, has a 60% chance to attack again whenever a target dodges the golem's attack. Setting this as your Golem's Vigilance gives a 100% chance.
- (1526) New ability: [Presences].
- (1526) New ability: [Disturbances.
- (1413) [Sandstorm]: You can now SAND STORM RELEASE to get rid of your sandstorm.
- (1521) [Sandstorm]: You now have to append 'STORM' to the end of your supported Desiccation attacks if you want the sandstorm to remove the equilibrium cost from the attack. e.g. SAND WHIP RAZMAEL STORM. For slice, you can also optionally include a storm level, to prevent from casting the ability below a certain sandstorm level threshold. e.g. SAND SLICE RAZMAEL MASSIVE.
- (1546) [Sandstorm]: Level of storm will now be supplied in GMCP vitals.
- (1546) [Sandstorm]: You can use the @storm token your custom prompt to show your sandstorm level.
- (1522) [Swelter]: Willpower drain lowered from 50 to 20.
- (1525) [Shred]: Can now target head and torso.
- (1410) [Earthenform]: Cost to transform has been dramatically lowered.
- (1377) [Quake] damage is now determined by limb damage.
- (1520) [Earthwill] now requires balance and equilibrium to prepare but will consume neither.
- (1529) [Pulp]'s collapsed_lung affliction now affects both pipes and tinctures. The damage for smoking/injecting has been significantly increased. Additionally, movement will be delayed.
- (1553) [Barrage] is no longer a channeled attack. All three strikes will hit at once, each hitting a different limb. Balance time has been decreased and it will only have a 50% chance of dealing bruising on each strike.
- (1627) [Batter] now takes an optional limb for targetting.
- (1628) [Skullbash] now gives indifference at bruise level 2 and impatience at bruise level 3.
- (1411) The magic_impaired affliction will now halve magic damage and magic-sourced damage by 50%, instead of outright nullifying it.
- (1684) Attempting to cause 'ablaze' in a target who is already on fire will cause additional fire damage.
- (1273) Berserking will now properly show the rebounding-stripping message whenever appropriate.
- (1420) Loneliness now prevents leaping and similar abilities.
- (1677) Stupidity now has a 1 second cooldown between 'stupid' behavior procs
- (1534) Blurry_vision and clumsiness now have secondary messages when attacking someone.
- (1473) You can now see your own actions while affected by blackout. Actions done against you and around you are still hidden as normal.
- (1672) Writhing off-balance when not entangled (which is to say, writhing uselessly) will no longer extend your balance time.
- (1531) Players will be prevented from applying salves or pressing poultices if they have slickness.
- (1399) Clarity will now reduce blackout times by 10% at level 1, 20% at 2, and 30% at 3, down from 20%/35%/50% respectively.
- (1621) The 'zephyr' artifact power can now be toggled. EMBRACE ZEPHYR to active its waterwalking capabilities and RELEASE ZEPHYR to deactivate. You will likely find that your zephyrs have been deactivated due to this change.
- (1647) You can now select the negative star yourself with the starchart, by doing STARCHART <positive star name> <negative star name>
- (1642) Chance to dodge upsets has been increased by 40%.
- (1642) Upset divert/dodge will now proc on epilepsy's balance knock.
- (1297) [Restoration]: The gold coin cost has been removed from brewing this concoction.
- (1475) Base cap on herb harvesting limit has been raised from 2000 to 5000.
- (1500) Furniture that has been varnished and has been placed in a building, haven, or city can now only be destroyed with mushroom sigils by either a member of the organization/city, or the owner of the haven/house.
Hunting Grounds
- (1442) Removed the movement delay from the Hunting Grounds.
- Instead, whenever a second person enters the Hunting Grounds, a five minute timer will start after which everybody in the area will be afflicted with battle_hunger. After another five minutes, everybody will be afflicted with bloodlust. This will immediately affect any other people who come in after this timer.
Inline targeting and envenoming
- (1416) Own section because big change!
- You can now append most weapon attacks with up to two bodyparts and venoms.
- You can supply 'nothing' or 'all' in place of a bodypart, to target nothing.
- You can supply these in any order, but the first venom supplied will go on the left-hand weapon, and the second on the right-hand weapon. This works the same for body parts.
- In the case of two-handed weapons in double attacks, the first venom supplied will be the first delivered.
- Templars can sub venoms with Bladefire effects as desired!
- (1535) Line-of-sight abilities with direction and player targets no longer require the direction to be specified.
- (1550) GMCP.Char.Vitals now offers "mounted" and "burrowed" (shallow/deep/no) details. You can also use @mount and @burrow in your custom prompts.
- (1606) New command: KEYS <direction/replica>. Checks either a door (if direction specified) or replica and lists which keys, if any, open the lock.
- (1446) Skullcap rebounding preparation time increased to 6.4s from 6s
- (1644) Players may now set up a command separator with CONFIG SEPARATOR <>. You may chain up to 5 commands in one line, including server-side aliases. Additionally, the QUEUE and SETALIAS commands will ignore the separator token, so that you may embed multi-command lines in your aliases and queues. However, attempting to nest separators will cause the separator to be processed literally. e.g. if I chain two aliases, and those two aliases have their own chains, they'll be ignored and sent as one command.
- (1519) BURROW now consumes 4 seconds of balance.
- (1426) Instant-revive kills (e.g. starburst) will now grant sect points to the killer, but at half rate.
- (1484) You can now check WTELLS to see your web's channel history.
- (1524) Increased the potency of the willpower regeneration racial buff.
- (1538) It is no longer possible to eat herbs/slices, use pipes/syringes or eat moss/kidney when off curing balance for those types. Tree's off-balance message is now one line.
- (1601) The endgame resist skills (warmth/miasma/etc) will now give 10% resist again, but will no longer stack with divine blessing resist.
- (1691) It is now possible to hold classes that are not aligned with your current tether.
- This includes vampires with Praenomen/Bloodborn class that get cured. The class will just go dormant and you'll be unable to switch to them until you become a vampire subrace again.
- You can still CLASS QUIT these classes at any time.
- You will not be able to switch to these classes.
- Your tether will only ever change when joining a city.
- It is possible for you be apprenticed in classes from the opposite tether - although you won't be able to switch to them.
- (1598) Changing class will now keep up some of your more general defences. Added a line to the DEFENCE <name> info display that will indicate if a defence does this.
- You can now CLASS RESET COOLDOWN to instantly reset your class change cooldown. This costs 30 lessons, and the cost will increase by 10 lessons each time you do it. The cost resets back to 30 lessons every Howling. This will NOT reset your hostility class switch cooldown.
Paralysis affliction
- (1423) Own section because big change!
- New affliction: paresis
- Paresis prevents movement, touching tree tattoo, activating magical shields, parry, and will interrupt channeled attacks normally prevented by paralysis.
- All attacks (excepting bashable mobs) will now give paresis in place of paralysis.
- If left uncured, paresis will transform into paralysis after 4 seconds.
- (1415) Refilling a syringe will now only take 1 dose of tincture rather than 10, to bring the efficiency of the mechanic inline with the Living side's one-plant-per-pipe.
- (1593) [Interference] will now prevent Radiance, regardless of whether the target is shielded.
- (1438) Standardized the restrictions of obtaining the shield defence.
- Those restrictions are: on balance, on equilibrium, not prone, no paralysis or paresis, one unbroken arm, and not entangled.
- Class skills may also still have some usage costs from a resource pool.
- Affects the following: Shield tattoo, Hematurgy wisp shield, Deathlore soul shield, Desiccation shield, Naturalism barrier, Spirituality shield.
- (1587) [Book] Tattoo now lasts 24 hours and persists through logout. Each non-arena death will reduce the timer by 5 minutes.
- (1666) New ink: Obsidian. Not available from rocks, only in general stores (shortly after this posting) for 1000 gold each. This ink allows players to ink Flame, Book and Wand tattoos without Sven's help.
- (1608) [Hammer] tattoo EQ reduced from 2.5 seconds true equilibrium to 2 seconds.
- (1602) Probing keys will now show what they unlock. Coming up against a locked door or container will now notify you if you have the appropriate key.
- (1618) [Alertness] now gives a direction to better indicate what room someone is adjacent to you.
- (1658) [Secrets] now incurs a 1.25s EQ cost for the endgame skill and 2.5s EQ cost for the Vision skill. Both are now true equilibrium, which is to say they are not modified in any way.
- (1391) Removed Arcana from WEAPONLIST and replaced it with an indicator of runes, if any.
- (1603) Weaponprobe has been moved to Inept Weaponry. Weaponbelts have been lowered to Capable. Armaments are Adept. Archery has been moved to 0% Fabled to redistribute a little.
- (1650) Weaponbelts now hold 8 weapons. Artifact weaponbelts now properly double, for an available sixteen slots.
- (1652) Throwing will now incur an equilibrium cost in addition to balance.
- (1417) [Envenom]: The ability to see when venoms are leaving your weapon has been moved into the Envenom ability, from the Discernment ability.
Can we have double-wielded inline envenoming also accept just "left" and "right" arguments? I have heard rumors of a class that wields sharpened chopsticks with their bare toes, which would necessitate DSK <target> EUPHORBIA EURYPTERIA RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG, but until then, maybe?
Also: will paresis stop parry, like paralysis currently does?
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
STRIKE TONE <vibration> <target>
The unique properties of the octahedron crystal, once spun, will allow you to generate vibrational tones that allow a vibration to instantly affect your target in unique ways. Directing the octahedron to produce a tone does not require or consume balance or equilibrium, but requires both. In addition, it requires that the user to be unhindered.
Striking a tone will cause your crystal to temporarily cease vibrating for a short duration, depending on the vibration type. You will also be unable to strike another tone for a short time. If the vibe that was struck would next activate during the duration the crystal is recovering, the effect will be muted. Vibrations with persistent effects will be muted for the duration of the balance.
The octahedron crystal may not be spun under the effects of retardation, and embedding the retardation vibration will destroy the crystal.
HEAT: Strips the frost defense from a target. If no frost defense is present, causes minor fire damage to the target.
TREMORS: Knocks a target to the ground instantly. If dizzy, the target will also be knocked off balance.
HARMONY: Instantly heals a target for health and mana.
CREEPS: Causes a random affliction from: loneliness, claustrophobia, agoraphobia.
OSCILLATE: Scrambles a target's thoughts, causing the next focus attempt to fail and consume double the mana. Cures itself naturally after 8 seconds.
REVELATION: Functions as an eye sigil, does not require a target.
DISSIPATE: Drains mana from the target to the user. This effect is increased if the target is confused.
PALPITATION: Causes magical damage to a target, more if paralysed.
DISORIENTATION: Causes epilepsy to a target.
ENERGIZE: If targeted at an ally, gives a protective shell proportional to charge. If targeted at an enemy, causes damage over time proportional to the charge.
STRIDULATION: Strips deafness from a target.
CRYSTALFOREST: Causes the forest to shatter, first shredding shields, and then causing cutting/bleeding damage to all within the room. May be targeted towards a single player instead ofthe room-wide effect. Forest requires 20s before it regrows.
GRAVITY: Strips levitation from all prone enemies in room. Can be targeted at a single player to ignore the prone restriction.
ALTERING: Generates an aura of elemental weakness in a target, reducing their resistance to a chosen element from fire, cold, electric or magical. This effect increases in potency and duration for each brand currently on a target. While active, the altering vibration will not function for the caster.
DISSONANCE: Causes the dissonance affliction to the target. If the target is already dissonant, causes elemental damage of the target's weakest resistance, and reveals that damage type.
PLAGUE: Instantly cripples the target limb.
LULLABY: Attempts to put a target to sleep. If the target is already asleep, causes hypersomnia.
CATACLYSM: Destroys a target's shield defense, and may be used at range based on the strength of the vibration. Shortest tone balance, but disables the catalysm vibration until balance returns. Unlike other tones, striking the cataclysm tone will also consume equilibrium for the duration of the balance.
This is the case now. I've updated the changelog to reflect that. I also removed Infernal from being listed under Luminary Illumination section, that was an error.
You actually can order (or should be able to) Sanguis minions to emote. Try: ORDER <minion> EMOTE <something>
Oops, I didn't actually mean to include that in the final changelog. Yes, orb of incantations is essentially an enchantment cask. It won't be available on release, but we're releasing a new batch of aritfacts sometime soon which will have the orb included with it.
So excited to see the mage changes, as well as the other changes, coming through the pipe.
Also, delicious enchantment casks. I am a bit worried about the change to jewelcraft items only for enchantments, but I've messaged Becue about my one major concern there. Plz2jewelcraft wands.