First of all, setup!
Ensure you have Enable GMCP enabled in the Settings of Mudlet and restart so it takes effect. The system should warn you if its not turned on.
Next up: Settings!
To view the settings you simply type 'setting'. The syntax for further settings is in the output, but let me know if you find it confusing.
Bashing Setup
I've tried to setup bashing attacks already for all classes. The attack
definitions are found in Scripts => Ksys => Bashing => Class
Definitions. If you have any questions about them ask, but essentially
the bashing checks for eq/bal and other normal conditions to bash, and
those you can put any further conditions. GMCP should detect your class
automatically so it should pickup your correct attack.
The way my autobasher works is essentially when it sends an attack it sets a variable, ksys.flags.bashed = true. To have it bash again, you have to trigger your attack to set ksys.flags.bashed = false so that it will attempt to bash again.Basically and example of my attack is in Triggers => Ksys => Bashing => Class Attacks. I'll try to get every classes' bashing attack and add triggers for the next version, but this is how you would fix it now if you change the attack or I did your class' attack wrong.
Bashing can be initiated by typing 'f' or hitting numpad 0.
So, plenty of systems have things run off prompt for curing and the
like, and mine isn't too different except in the way it does it. I've
made a nifty thing I call "Hooks" that are essentially functions ran in a
defined order after each prompt. I categorize hooks into Display and
Action, which get executed in that order.
Hooks will let you define how the functions get ran after the prompt, and what functions are stopped by being paused (basically, Display runs regardless and Action functions run if unpaused). You can view the hooks by simply typing "hooks", and you can also see the setup for them in Scripts => Ksys => System => Prompt Hooks. Essentially, I define the functions in the Display/Actions folders, define the order in the "Hooks Ordering" script, and the Functions folder handles the functions to run/display them. The uses for this are basically any sort of auto-acting based on conditions, and my example is my auto-impale hook.
In-System Documentation
I suggest you type "system" to see this, as it has what (little)
documentation I've done. This is still ongoing, but it show the status
of toggleable modules, and what documentation you can get.
Edit: I don't know quite enough about this game yet, but since Teradrim class changes etc there's a lot updating that seems to be needed and other configurations which I don't have the coding skills required to mess about with. LOOKS good though (Save for not respecting mudlet mapper)
EDIT: I think I fixed it all by myself! I had config firstaid auto-stand on, and I think it messed things up. Nevermind!
And all day long
Shines, bright and strong,
Astarte within the sky,
While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye-
While ever to her young Eulalie upturns her violet eye.
-E. A. Poe, Eulalie
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Please to be putting an FAQ for this kind of stuff. It's annoying when half of the questions we get in Kelsys are about these systems and hardly any of us know how to debug.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax