
  • edited December 2013
    My guild, who I really loved back in Wrath, gave the starting items for Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings to a Priest who quit a week later. Then, to another Priest--who quit a month later, then to a Shaman who disappeared for four months and came back to cry about not having it. Needless to say, we were not a guild who had multiple Val'anyrs for Yogg-Saron progression.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    My raid runs a very silly and fun flex every Wednesday at  9:00. Feel free to add me and come along - jjloraine#1992. I get home around 9:10, so don't freak out if I'm not there right at 9.
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Zortani#1971. I haven't been playing as much lately, but still have it going for the next two months roughly.

  • mindfawk#1948

    Haven't been in Aetolia much, but have been WoWing my tail off. Toon list has expanded from when this thread first started! Anyone else still playing?

    90 - monk (heals)
    90 - druid (heals)
    86 - hunter
    85 - priest (heals)
    85 - shaman (heals)
    85 - pali (heals)
    85 - rogue
    73 - mage
    61 - deathknight
    37 - warlock
    12 - warrior

  • Awww yiss. Farming Zandalari Warbringers has never been so lucrative. Three mounts so far and about 100 insignias~

    Perfect farming music before work.

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    I was such a WoW hater for a long time without even trying it. Kinda glad I have.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Never really given WoW a shot.  Tips for a newbie first starting out? 

  • It's easy now. Hunters are fun, Warlocks, rogues can take awhile but that was Wrath when I tried leveling one. Pick a goblin if you're horde, they're so choice. Use addons. Google which, there's a lot, they help. Use the skills with your keyboard macros, not mouse clicks because you don't want to be a pleb.

    Good luck.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Taelin said:

    Never really given WoW a shot.  Tips for a newbie first starting out? 

    Playing with a friend is INFINITELY better than going about it alone. That said, take your time and don't be afraid to explore. The game does a solid job with easing you into things and teaching you stuff alongside the story.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • If you are playing without friends, smack on some pandora or spotify, and have an experience of it. First time I played, so much fun, so many memories and attachments to areas. Don't rush, enjoy it.
  • Playing alone really isn't that bad. The quests are rich in lore and most of them are even pretty humorous. You can bliss out just riding through a zone, watching the environment, listening to its music. They put an absolute crapload of detail into the Pandaria content. I don't even worry about finding a guild or PvP buddies until I've reached endgame.

    i am rapture coder
  • I just wanted to weigh in and agree with all of the above. Yes, even mister Ferrik played WoW in a distant grey past. I will never get that entire summer of my life back. I played before the release of Wrath of the Lich King I believe.
    Being a person of music, at some point I always cave in too, turn off a game's music and play my own if I can. It creates all these different associations and attachments with experiences and areas exactly like Ingram says. Looking back it just gets you all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic. I always liked the ride on a gryphon all the way down to Booty Bay. I'm so attuned to certain music that I can pick out samples or clips from a game's (ambience) music or sound effects used in completely other media.

    As a sidenote the game is fun enough to play on your own, especially when you cater and play it exactly as you want. Though with friends or family can be fun too. Me and my brother spent a whole summer playing the [excrements] out of it!
  • I'm always a little surprised when people turn off in-game music and sounds. Warcraft has always stood out as a game with excellent sound and music direction unlike a lot of the other MMOs on the market. Mists of Pandaria in particular has had a fantastic soundtrack. I've loved every loading screen track for the game, but Heart of Pandaria was just really, really nice. I like that each expansion seems to build on the original theme as they weave in other songs--Ulduar's exterior and interior music with the Wrath of the Lich King (some of the best music from the game), the glorious Stormwind march that you have from Cataclysm (and the Ulduar music woven in yet again!) and then these myriad of themes from all across Pandaria.

    Actually, to touch on the Ulduar tracks--I can't get over how amazing it was to both see AND hear the progression throughout the instance. The slow spiral downwards to Yogg-Saron and the music becoming this frayed, somber piece with the echoing grandeur fading in the background to this hollow echo? Along with the stained glass murals of the Titans become this nightmarish mockery before you see General Vezax. Could be nostalgia talking (probably is), but that instance still impresses me.

    Blizzard really loves their music and has really done a lot of album releases, but Echoes of War was a nice one in particular along with the Mosaic soundtrack.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I do love the music and have it on for questing and exploration and when I play alts. I turn it off when I am doing lazy PvP stuff (I keep sound on for arena/RBGs for alerts) and just want some driving beats. I also turn sound off when I raid because I like to zone out to background beats while mashing those healing macros, though for progression I sometimes turn on sound for alerts and stuff, and I definitely turn it on for my first trip through an instance.
  • Totally could use a scroll if someone doesn't mind sending one!

  • edited February 2014
    Scrolls of Resurrection have been discontinued.

    A shame to see them go, honestly.

  • Time to buy game time then!
  • Eleven weeks and counting of nothing but gold on Dark Shaman. I will never get the Dark Shaman transmog set. I can forgive not getting Kardis' Toxic Totem. I've always gotten pistol-whipped by trinket drops, but my GOD give me something more than gold you damn thing.
  • Anyone interested in leveling a priest for me for some credits?
  • The Hearthsteed just got added (almost silently) today. Get your baby blue hoss by winning three games in Hearthstone.
  • Does anyone still play regularly? Amami and I are likely to play 90s together but I'm curious nonetheless. Can we get a roll call? :)
  • CarivahCarivah Tremble, little lionfish
    Aetolia stole me away from raiding, but I was on a bit last night and might be catching the bug again.
  • Im still playing regularly Ezrax.  Im over on Staghelm, lvl 90 Druid and Warlock
  • If you're keen to play with me, let's do it. I'll make a character. PM or message me with your tag? :)
  • edited March 2014
    Ill just put it here in case there are any others wanting to group up.  My battletag is: NoneLikeRob#1560

    Im not very geared up yet, got a full set for Reju, but it is nothing special and I got most of a Timeless set for Feral.  I just got end game not too long ago, so I havent done any raids or anything yet, but I really want to get with some people and start doing them, it sounds fun.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited March 2014
    Cross realm raid groups are enabled as of today, for both normal AND heroic. This is a good way to group up for something more intense than flex and maybe even scout out guilds of other Aetolians.

    My btag is jjloraine#1992 if anyone wants to group up for anything, though I usually have myself locked out from my guild's raid. I'm cool healing a flex or something if people need anyone, though, just poke me in Aet to see if I'm free.

    Come next expac there is no raiding lockout - you just can't get loot more than once per week - so I may make a clan in Aet if there is interest for a weekly fun raid. We can run it cross-servers and just be goofs....would anyone be interested in that?
  • CarivahCarivah Tremble, little lionfish
    edited March 2014
    Moirean said:
    Cross realm raid groups are enabled as of today, for both normal AND heroic.

    565 hpally with 3/14H experience looking for heroic group
  • I had surgery a few days ago and cant go back to work until this friday.  I'd like to get in an Aetolia raid sometime this week, maybe tuesday, who would be up for it?
  • I'm bored with my other gaming options at the moment, so I'm going to give WoW another shot. Anyone willing to give me some newb tips for making it more entertaining? 
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