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Quick Newbie Questions

edited February 2014 in Newbies

I've played IRE games for years, mostly Achaea with a bit of Lusternia mixed in. Having decided to leave my home mud (Achaea) indefinitely, I'm looking for a new mud. I had to create a character here to post, so I may not even stick with Ramie. Anyways, I would need to be in populous and very active orgs. I have absolutely no desire to be in any orgs that have almost no players in them or orgs that are stagnant. Been there/done that, heh. 

Which orgs have high numbers of players and activity? Combat also holds a very large interest for me. Though I dislike 1v1 combat, group combat is extraordinarily appealing. Therefore, I'd probably need to be in some sort of conflict related faction. 

How including is the general playerbase here? Do you have a lot of exclusive cliques to deal with? Do players have general good attitudes towards other players who are in ic conflict with them? 

Systems. I'm not very good at coding. Are there updated systems floating around here? If not, it would be a huge barrier to pk for me since I used Svo in Achaea. 



  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland

    That covers the systems question.

    I think Aetolia is really welcoming and friendly - we have clans for stuff like finding RP or asking coding questions, and new players are definitely welcomed to join in to stuff, and the PKers almost all treat each other really civilly OOC. Roleplay is a huge thing here, so if you stand around tossing out emotes, you'll likely see things happen.

    Now, obviously I'm biased here, but I personally think that Carnifex and Spinesreach are great orgs for new players. We are active and tend to hold events on a regular basis, and neither org is filled with tons of super powerful players that kinda dominate things - instead, we have lots of newer players, returners and middling-tier players and focus a lot on getting them involved, which is where our activity stems from. Carnifex is also a pretty sweet option for someone who is interested primarily in group combat - our 1v1 is pretty meh atm, but we totally shine in a team fight, dishing our heavy damage, impales, doing useful things like blocking, and multiple Carnis on a team can set up some pretty sweet instant kills. Now, I'm GM/CL for those orgs, so take my recommendations with a grain of salt.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Oh, I should add as a caveat that if you do go Carnifex, you WILL be yelled at and you'll have to salute and all that jazz. Evil, military knights and stuff - it's a pretty particular RP, so I wouldn't advise the guild unless you are down with going through "boot camp."
  • Hmm, I hated Mhaldor in Achaea so that might not be the best idea, heh. I dislike 'snuggly' rp/orgs, but also don't really enjoy grunt/slave related rp either. 
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    It's not quite Mhaldor level, but more like military boot camp. We yell at people because we *caaaaare*.

    Here's an example of what I mean: http://www.aetolia.com/node/61178
  • That actually looks pretty interesting.

    Also, it looks like I'm going to have to try and bribe Vadi into making a char here so he can build one of his reasonable systems for Aetolia. He makes great systems, updates frequently, is great with support, and the price is reasonable for a dependable product. That and I trust him not to sell me a system and never hear from him again. I've been burned before with buying systems from people for high prices, then they go dormant or something. The ones listed in the link above are...well, kinda crazy in terms of price. No offense to anyone. 
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I'd go with one of the free options for now - Xarian's for mudlet or Daskalos' basic ducky system for CMUD - and remember that Aetolia has autocuring which will cure afflictions, drink health, eat moss, etc. It's not as good as a real system, but it's just fine for team PK or bashing.
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    edited November 2013
    I don't think there's much hope of Vadi coming over here, sadly. However, @Kaeus does provide a system called Tripwire which is about on Vadi's level (if way more expensive. All the systems are expensive here.)

    A 'nature' side alternative to the Carnifex (an absolutely awesome guild for both RP and PK) are the Sentinels. While we're not quite on the Carnifex' level in the group PK side of things (I'm trying to generate interest in classes and practice for group PK) we are very much an active guild that's currently undergoing a slew of revitalizing and exciting changes, all (except, of course, for the coming class revamp) player-driven (though, there is an avenue for RPing the inception of our next revamp if you enjoy playing a scientifically and/or tactically minded character).

    Edit: While the term 'forestal' may carry snuggly connotations from Achaea and Lusi, you'll find that there's none of that in Duiran in general and especially not the Sentinels, nor has there been for quite some time.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I don't think any Aetolian guilds are really snuggly/huggy anymore. There's room for players to play softer characters, but every org tends to have a sharper edge here - it's the Midnight Age. Darkness is everywhere, threats to the world come pretty often, and both sides tend to show respect to harsh characters.
  • Sentinel might not be a bad choice for you. It's shortly (hehe) receiving a major revamp so the numbers will increase even more once it does. Angwe (guildmaster) is a very active pvper and a great rper as well, so generally speaking it is a fun group to be around.

    It's not like the class you might know from Achaea though. Metamorphosis was replaced by fast venom applications (speed-knight style), and access to more than just the usual venoms. They are not anywhere near as tanky as Achaean sentinels. With the revamp will come ranged skills (crossbow skillset) and less emphasis on darts traps. As always, make sure you pick a class with mechanics that suit the style of pvp you enjoy.
  • You'll also likely be seeing a narrowed range of affliction compared to what sentinels can currently throw, simply because of the design flaw that is 'give this class instant access to every affliction in the game'.

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    There's also the fact that with multi-classing, you don't necessarily have to use the guild skills to be a part of the "family" provided the classes do not conflict via tethering. HELP TETHERING and HELP MULTICLASS can explain more. (or ask here.)

    For instance, if you really enjoy playing a mage but like the vibe of say... The lycan guilds or the Templars, the option is open to you provided you're willing to see it done.

    Not sure if your other muds have the multiclass option or not.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Am I the only one who feels that WolfForm(only one I have access to at the moment) seems extremely limited? Can't glance, follow, or even bite. Seems would be able to do more than just dash when transforming into a wolf. I can understand such restrictions for something like Mistform, but seems to make Wolfform a nearly aesthetic skill only.
    An unseen presence whispers in your ear, "Bite the pillow, friend."
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Arthantos said:
    Am I the only one who feels that WolfForm(only one I have access to at the moment) seems extremely limited? Can't glance, follow, or even bite. Seems would be able to do more than just dash when transforming into a wolf. I can understand such restrictions for something like Mistform, but seems to make Wolfform a nearly aesthetic skill only.
    I believe it is meant to only be an aesthetic/flavor skill. You can emote while in the form or what have you but the only real game benefit you'd get from it is the ability to dash...and maybe scent. Not sure on the latter.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Haven said:
    I believe it is meant to only be an aesthetic/flavor skill. You can emote while in the form or what have you but the only real game benefit you'd get from it is the ability to dash...and maybe scent. Not sure on the latter.
    No use of scent, but I guess that makes sense from an RP perspective. Oh well.
    An unseen presence whispers in your ear, "Bite the pillow, friend."
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Be glad you can now emote!
  • Arbre said:
    Be glad you can now emote!
    Yes, that is the saving grace of it all!
    An unseen presence whispers in your ear, "Bite the pillow, friend."

  • I'm working on a system designed chiefly for bashing and group PK like lessers. It's primitive right now, but it has flexible curing and a fairly robust autosipper. The auto-dissecter is almost d one. The UI is very minimal, and will probably get even simpler when I have time to work on it (it's just some clunky Geyser labels in an HBox right now). 

    The free systems I've used tend to feature really cluttered UIs and don't really meet my needs. 
    Arthantos said:
    Am I the only one who feels that WolfForm(only one I have access to at the moment) seems extremely limited? Can't glance, follow, or even bite. Seems would be able to do more than just dash when transforming into a wolf. I can understand such restrictions for something like Mistform, but seems to make Wolfform a nearly aesthetic skill only.
    It is limited, but that's how it was designed. They were meant to be flavor skills with some limited utility. They're nice for sun-runs when you don't want to mistform, especially at lower levels, but they're not terribly useful aside from that. Personally I haven't found dash to be very useful, even back in Achaea of 1997/98. 
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    What's with this lag?!



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • ---[ OOC ANNOUNCEMENT ]-----------------------------( 2014/02/11 01:32:35 )---
    Hey guys, some of you may be noticing a bit of lag going on. This is a problem on our ISP's end, and we're
    working with them to get it fixed. Thanks for your patience!
  • I have tonight off from work. I want to bash. Unicorns, oh sweet unicorns, why me. *grabs athame, slits wrists*
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited February 2014
    Can we please keep questions (and banter) about higher level stuff in the short questions thread? This is the newbie section.
  • MaghakMaghak The heights of Stormcaller Crag
    I've edited the thread title to be clearer. Please stop confusing this for the 'short questions' thread, thank you!
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