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Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • 3 hour shrine battle going into the morning (WHY GOD DIDN'T I JUST GO TO SLEEP) followed by the distinct feeling that it didn't really matter at all. Also, waiting until we fully resanctify, decide people must not be coming back, disband, go off to continue our lives and then shrine is under attack again *headdesk*
  • DaingeanDaingean Xanhaal, probably.
    Amberlea said:
    3 hour shrine battle going into the morning (WHY GOD DIDN'T I JUST GO TO SLEEP) followed by the distinct feeling that it didn't really matter at all. Also, waiting until we fully resanctify, decide people must not be coming back, disband, go off to continue our lives and then shrine is under attack again *headdesk*

    I decided just to go to bed. (And now I'm foruming. I have a problem.) I like the conflict and the back and forth, but... seriously?

    Tedium != Fun
    Proudly fighting against Greytolia since the [approximately] 3/1/2010 at 18:00.
  • edited December 2013
    EDIT: Nevermind!
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    You break the sacred ritual of union with Rivas and sever your bonds.

  • My parents' internet connection doesn't like staying connected to Aetolia for more than a few minutes, 

    Also, it's the holidays and I'm busy. Whining at me that I haven't been on all day really will just make me snap.
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Ciarelle said:
    My parents' internet connection doesn't like staying connected to Aetolia for more than a few minutes, 

    Also, it's the holidays and I'm busy. Whining at me that I haven't been on all day really will just make me snap.
    I feel with you on this one. I really hate when people do this, and then expect you to not be annoyed with them when they get on your case about it. I think anyone in higher leadership can relate, really.

  • Arbre said:
    You break the sacred ritual of union with Rivas and sever your bonds.


  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    No one... really seems to get on me about it. Honestly, I think I'm more down on myself for my leadership stuff than anyone else. Everyone in the Sentinels is really laid back, despite how high-strung I am about getting stuff done. Makes me guilty.
  • Ciarelle said:
    Also, it's the holidays and I'm busy. Whining at me that I haven't been on all day really will just make me snap.
    Completely agree!! Why Aetolia is on holidays for me, and Kale will be back again come 2014. (Should probably have some family time while everyone is home, hehe). 

    I'd also like to point out, those who say "I got a real life." Comments like this kind of make me want to bash heads in.. Just sayin'.
    (Excuse me while I plan a wedding, do my work, spend time with my fiance, get things done for my family and/or friends, AND still have time for Aet... again, just sayin')
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Kaleigh said:
    Completely agree!! Why Aetolia is on holidays for me, and Kale will be back again come 2014. (Should probably have some family time while everyone is home, hehe). 

    I'd also like to point out, those who say "I got a real life." Comments like this kind of make me want to bash heads in.. Just sayin'.
    (Excuse me while I plan a wedding, do my work, spend time with my fiance, get things done for my family and/or friends, AND still have time for Aet... again, just sayin')
    Not everyone can prioritize Aetolia, especially around the holidays, like you can.  I know I can't this month.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    There is no OOC.

    My rage: indecision.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Ciarelle: once again, the message I sent was not intended to hold any form of accusatory tone. It was meant to be informative. Sorry if that was misinterpreted. I'm well aware that people have RL things to tend to, especially during holidays.

    I rage at my own apparent inability to read people's meaning when I'm tired or not attentive enough to catch certain nuances. It makes me blunder things up or react in ways that tend to screw things up RP-wise.

    I also rage at people not communicating their thoughts on things when asked to, then getting frustrated because you don't do what they'd prefer. I'm not a mind reader.

  • The small percentage of sect challenge acceptance. 
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Not knowing if someone is angry at you IC or OOC.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    There's no message when you get married IG. Kinda killed a special moment as the groom had no idea he had just been married. :(
  • @Jensen Not saying that I CAN and/or HAVE prioritized Aetolia at this time of year. 
    Meant in general, you know the other 300 someodd days of the year?
    Everyone is busy, and does things in their own time/way. It just kind of irks me when people start saying that.
    Almost as if they think they are better than everyone else. (Personal opinion, not meant to be offensive to anyone or cause any backlash.)
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.


    Oops, guess Trager didn't like what you said.

    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage
    I didn't know both tsinkin spots would have quest thingies and I messed up. Not fun at all.. Wish there was a way to change it.
  • edited December 2013
    Resended. Yay! Ironbeard.
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life
    Trager said:


    Oops, guess Trager didn't like what you said.

    I was wondering about that.


    I was like, "we both knew it was coming, but this seems premature. Okay!"


    t trager living


    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • I tried to put it politely in ICS. When you start tearing at someone's RP like that, it's you who is the 'bad guy'. Not them.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • edited December 2013
    Toz said:
    I tried to put it politely in ICS. When you start tearing at someone's RP like that, it's you who is the 'bad guy'. Not them.
    I'm sure it's really convenient for you to categorize everything into a clear 'good guy' and 'bad guy', but it doesn't work like that in the world of opinions. A person has the privilege to RP their character the way they want to and I have the privilege to think that giving your character a flaw that is completely rendered irrelevant by a bad gimmick is bad character design, regardless of how many years they've done it, and makes me 100% less willing to actually engage in any friendly interaction with their character.
  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    People trying to RP flaws or inhibitions of various sorts does not really deserve having their efforts called 'shitty', regardless of you having that opinion or not. I honestly believe that it is possible to remain constructive in regards to other peoples' roleplay and giving them advice/feedback in a way that doesn't make them feel guilty over how they portray their character. And I'm saying this despite thinking that the 'mute' handicap is often portrayed horribly in mud settings; somehow, it normally does not fit into the text-based narrative where people do not have access to your character's body language or expressions to the extent in films, books, or even tabletop settings. I can't really comment on on Vix's RP since I've never interacted with her, but yeah, Toz is right: you're coming off a bit as the 'bad guy'.
  • Alexina said:
    People trying to RP flaws or inhibitions of various sorts does not really deserve having their efforts called 'shitty', regardless of you having that opinion or not. I honestly believe that it is possible to remain constructive in regards to other peoples' roleplay and giving them advice/feedback in a way that doesn't make them feel guilty over how they portray their character. And I'm saying this despite thinking that the 'mute' handicap is often portrayed horribly in mud settings; somehow, it normally does not fit into the text-based narrative where people do not have access to your character's body language or expressions to the extent in films, books, or even tabletop settings. I can't really comment on on Vix's RP since I've never interacted with her, but yeah, Toz is right: you're coming off a bit as the 'bad guy'.
    Making a character who is mute and then subsequently says everything in illusions is not a 'flaw', it's a bad gimmick.
  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul

    Medri said:
    Making a character who is mute and then subsequently says everything in illusions is not a 'flaw', it's a bad gimmick.
    I'm inclined to agree but like I said in my previous post, I can't really judge Vix's RP since I have not interacted with her. I was just trying to point out that showing a log where you outright call someone else's RP shitty in OOC tells does reflect badly on you, whether deserved or not. It's not really about what you said, but rather how you said it. Just something to keep in mind.

  • edited December 2013
    Alexina said:
    I was just trying to point out that showing a log where you outright call someone else's RP shitty in OOC tells does reflect badly on you, whether deserved or not. It's not really about what you said, but rather how you said it. Just something to keep in mind.
    Sarcasm has come to be my only defense against ridiculous propositions. I'm sorry. :(
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    edited December 2013
    I had some bonuses to my stats up (chocolates, I think) and they dropped while I was Idlebearding overnight.  Then miasma pinged and lowered my mana.  I had to cut out the middle, because it was too long for pastebin.

    It is now the 22nd of Lanosian, year 408 of the Midnight Age.
    H:7001 M:5450 E:29400 W:26100 22 Lanosian 408 Midnight 0 [csdb eb lr] 06:52.10
    Like a blanket of darkness, the night sky obscures the horizon from view.
    H:7001 M:5450 E:29400 W:26100 22 Lanosian 408 Night 0 [csdb eb lr] 06:53.29
    Nearby light reflects off of Ruush-ka's green eyes as he silently assesses the area.
    H:7001 M:5450 E:29400 W:26100 22 Lanosian 408 Dawn 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:09.14
    (Market): Trent says, "Selling a knife handle, golden arms, a glass reservoir, a mirror frame, and a left eye."
    H:7001 M:5450 E:29400 W:26100 22 Lanosian 408 Dawn 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:09.35
    The aura about you fades, leaving you somewhat more vulnerable again.
    Your miasma defence has been stripped.
    H:7001 M:5450 E:29400 W:26100 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.29
    You begin to exude a foul miasma, granting protection upon you and your allies.
    [ Defence - miasma ]
    H:7001 M:5150 E:29250 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.29
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29280 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.30
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29280 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.30
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29302 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.35
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29324 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.35
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29324 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.36
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29324 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.37
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29361 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.40
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29361 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.40
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29361 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.43
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29383 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.44
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29383 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.45
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29383 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.46
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.50
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.50
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.50
    You down the last drop of an elixir of mana from a boring vial.
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.51
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.56
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.56
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.56
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:16.57
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.00
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.01
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.03
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.03
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.06
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.06
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29385 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.09
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29385 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.10
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.11
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.11
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.16
    [ Moss balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.16
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.16
    [ Cured - health/mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25950 22 Lanosian 408 Morning 0 [csdb eb lr] 07:17.17

    What do you want to eat?
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29385 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.00
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29385 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.00
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29385 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.01
    You have no moss stored in the cache.
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.03
    What do you want to eat?
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.03
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.05
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.06
    You have no moss stored in the cache.
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.06
    What do you want to eat?
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.06
    You have no moss stored in the cache.
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.09
    What do you want to eat?
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.09
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.10
    [ Cured - mana ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.11
    You have no moss stored in the cache.
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.13
    What do you want to eat?
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.13+ Arbre Aquila --------------------------------------------------------------+
    | Race:   Azudim            | Health:  7001/6374  | Endurance: 29400/29400   |
    | Sex:    Female            | Mana:    5390/5390  | Willpower: 25500/23400   |
    + LEVEL --------------------------------| NEXT LEVEL ------------------------+
    | Azudim Lady of the 36th Circle (136)  | 42.99% (8628214/20068603)          |
    + RANKINGS -----------------------------+------------------------------------+
    | Experience:  7th                      | Combat: Unranked                   |
    | Exploration: a Worldwalker (#15)                                           |
    + GENERAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------+
    | You are 234 years old.                                                     |
    | You were born on the 1st of Severin, 174 MA.                               |
    | You are of the Lycanthrope class.                                          |
    | Your mentor is Roux.                                                       |
    | You are a mentor and can take on proteges.                                 |
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.14
    [ Health balance ]
    H:7001 M:5390 E:29400 W:25500 25 Lanosian 408 Afternoon 0 [csdb eb lr] 10:31.15

    A full cache and 42 vials of mana.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I haven't seen Vix RP, but @Medri, you need to lighten up a bit. If you don't like how someone RP's their character, then walk away. It's as easy as that. Yes, there are cures to fix things, but if someone wants to RP something out differently, let them. It's their prerogative.

    If I see it, I usually try to RP finding a way to help them. If I notice they're not interested in changing that RP and it's draining for me, I walk away. "Hey, sorry, but this kind of RP is not my cup of tea. If you want to keep that up, you'll have to interact with others. Otherwise you're welcome back if/when you want to find a way to get around it. I'd likely help you with some awesome RP chasing the cure for it if it doesn't drag on for years and years."

    Calling someone else's RP shitty is just stooping too low. Sorry.

  • There's a difference between thinking something is bad and going out of your way to (repeatedly) harass them/bring it up. If you don't like that style of RP, then don't RP with them. Maybe she's got a reason for being mute, maybe not - but digging into someone's RP for the sole purpose of making them look or feel bad is a very shitty thing to do.

    If it was an eight foot tall Imp with flaming eyes that made me swoon with desire as a desc? That's one thing. Someone who's RPing a mute but picked a class that minimizes the downside? ...So? There's no rule that says someone HAS to have a downside. Or a flaw. Or that their flaw has to be x degree of crippling, either. The world doesn't work like that - some people really do have a ton of stuff going for them with no real downside. Rich, happy, famous, get what they want easily, sort of float through life - they've got all the luck. Some people have horrific luck and were dealt a rough hand. Then most people fall in the middle somewhere; similarly, not everyone needs a character flaw that's crippling/weakening/obnoxious to be considered a valid character.

    When I first started playing Aet, my RP wasn't all that great. I liked to think I was one of the better RPers of Achaea, but I used primarily says, didn't really emote much, and had a lot of growing to do. If I had run into someone mocking me over character choices like that, I'd probably have quit the game - instead, for the most part, people were really encouraging. Elitism brings the whole game down in a lot of ways.

    tl;dr: Is it a silly gimmick? Maybe. Does it merit the (repeated) harping it gets? Definitely not.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

This discussion has been closed.