League of Legends: A Game of Tears
Did that Aetolian tournament thing ever happen? If so, what were the results? I'm just curious as I recall it was supposed to be set to happen around this time.
Also, use this thread for LoL stuff I guess.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."

Favorite's got to be Amumu jungle. Second is Kayle support.
Anyways. I'm 4EVERASWOWannabe on NA if anyone wants to play, too. I usually only play intermediate bots with my wife for our first win of the day these days though, so I usually suck against other players.
The tournament would be streamed live for any nonplayers that just want to watch.
My name on there is the same as my main character's name on Imperian, and I don't really want that to be public forum knowledge. So, message me if you're interested and I'll give it to you in a PM.
Oh boy, if I die here I'm going to build two life size animatronic T-Rex's to tear me apart limb from limb while a team of navy seals guns me down with a barrage of M16 assault rifles on stage during a justin beiber concert and engraved on my tombstone it will say, "Oh boy."
Pet on my bike.