Ok so we all love an excuse to get wanky about our characters, right? I thought it'd be fun to fill out one of those dumb survey memes for our characters, so I've made a list of things! Copy it, paste it, fill it out, get fancy with linking pictures and videos, all that good stuff. Also it's more interesting if you explain your choices!
What would your character be as...
- A cupcake
- A colour
- Junk food/sweets
- A cocktail/other drink
- An item of clothing
- An item of jewelry
- A book
- A toy
- A hairstyle
- An item of furniture
- A style of architecture
- A sport
- A board game
- An art movement/particular artwork
- A type of weather
- Something from the kitchen
- Something from the nineties
- A flower/plant
- A fruit/vegetable
- A car/mode of transportation
- A genre of music/particular band
- An Aetolia premote
And for a few extras:
If Aetolia was a movie, your character would be played by:
If they were in DnD or another tabletop, their class would be:
Their DnD alignment would be:
Their theme song:
Go go!
[spoiler]Prankquean (prngk kwn)
n. v? adj…(?): prankqeen, phrankquean, prenkquean, pq, qp, etc, et al, so forth, and on, foriverever:
[high Joycean(see FW), Indo-Europhean roots, from also: Olde Engleesh]
The Prankqueen is an enigmatic figure of mythos, largely and initially discovered amongst the pages of the English language1 novel Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce. Many scholars consider her origins to be literary in nature, though mild debate is documented on the subject. Her role is no less nebulous, though a firmly distinct scatological connection can tenuously be made, further supported by her coprological associations.
Some claims have been made that the prankquean (PQ) draws her lineage from the sundry collection of ephemeral folk known as “faeries,” infamous for their bad jokes and distorted sense of time and season, for her riddling assaults and collection of personages seem to confound the standardized passage of time and space, most notably her watery modes of transportation. However, counter arguments have been presented, citing her use of confiscation and conversion to debate that her parentage does not spring from the deep roots of Celtic myth, but instead grows from the history of conquest and imposition of foreign beliefs Ireland has been subject to since its near inception.
Perhaps most interesting is her transcendence of form and function, flitting between various bodies and conversations to shadow the speakers with repetitions of her insistent questions. “Why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease?” Why, indeed.
Still others stoutly declare that she is nothing more than a personification of Ireland’s melancholy, driven to drink, piss and ask damn annoying questions to all she encounters.
1 Substantial debate exists upon this classification. For ease of reference, we will assume FW is, indeed, scribed in a known language.[/spoiler]
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
A cupcake: A triple chocolate cupcake (chocolate cake filled with a fudge ganache and topped with a midnight chocolate icing) -> What can I say, she -really- likes her chocolate.
A colour: bright orange
Junk food/sweets: uh, Chocolate, obviously.
A cocktail/other drink: Hot chocolate -> might as well be that, I mean it's all she drinks
An item of jewelry: bangles -> they jingle and make noise when they want to
A toy: a noisemaker -> it's loud, on purpose and on accident (mostly on purpose though)
A hairstyle: long and flowy
An item of furniture: that big comfy couch that everyone seems to pile on
A style of architecture: abstract -> Always off in every tangent.
A type of weather: bright sunshine
Something from the kitchen: apron ->apparently she's being domesticated, so why not?
A flower/plant: tulip
A fruit/vegetable: mango
A genre of music/particular band: upbeat pop -> anything to put you in a good mood.
An Aetolia premote: sparkle