So, I was having this discussion the other day with someone else, and now I'm curious what other people used\use as guiding points for their character? When I setup Dask, I knew he was going to have a backstory to hate Vampires, that he was going to be zealous, but music actually was sort of the inspiration for Dask's attitude...
So, what did you use for inspiration for your character?
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
You used Kiyotan as inspiration for Kiyotan?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Duality[/spoiler][spoiler]
The Ripper - Stylistic murders. Penchant for brutality.[/spoiler][spoiler]
Frankenstein - Remade into a new man. Undead zombie-look. Was going to have him wear his goggles around his neck...thought it was too much.[/spoiler] [spoiler]
Penny Mob - Gangs from Glasglow, called so for the price of their bail.[/spoiler]
Only not your name
The Battle Poem of Valkyries:
"See! warp is stretched
For warriors' fall,
Lo! weft in loom
'Tis wet with blood;
Now fight foreboding,
'Neath friends' swift fingers,
Our grey woof waxeth
With war's alarms,
Our warp bloodred,
Our weft corseblue.
"This woof is y-woven
With entrails of men,
This warp is hardweighted
With heads of the slain,
Spears blood-besprinkled
For spindles we use,
Our loom ironbound,
And arrows our reels;
With swords for our shuttles
This war-woof we work;
So weave we, weird sisters,
Our warwinning woof.
"Now Warwinner walketh
To weave in her turn,
Now Swordswinger steppeth,
Now Swiftstroke, now Storm;
When they speed the shuttle
How spearheads shall flash!
Shields crash, and helmgnawer
On harness bite hard!
"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof
Woof erst for king youthful
Foredoomed as his own,
Forth now we will ride,
Then through the ranks rushing
Be busy where friends
Blows blithe give and take.
"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof,
After that let us steadfastly
Stand by the brave king;
Then men shall mark mournful
Their shields red with gore,
How Swordstroke and Spearthrust
Stood stout by the prince.
"Wind we, wind swiftly
Our warwinning woof.
When sword-bearing rovers
To banners rush on,
Mind, maidens, we spare not
One life in the fray!
We corse-choosing sisters
Have charge of the slain.
"Now new-coming nations
That island shall rule,
Who on outlying headlands
Abode ere the fight;
I say that King mighty
To death now is done,
Now low before spearpoint
That Earl bows his head.
"Soon over all Ersemen
Sharp sorrow shall fall,
That woe to those warriors
Shall wane nevermore;
Our woof now is woven.
Now battlefield waste,
O'er land and o'er water
War tidings shall leap.
"Now surely 'tis gruesome
To gaze all around.
When bloodred through heaven
Drives cloudrack o'er head;
Air soon shall be deep hued
With dying men's blood
When this our spaedom
Comes speedy to pass.
"So cheerily chant we
Charms for the young king,
Come maidens lift loudly
His warwinning lay;
Let him who now listens
Learn well with his ears
And gladden brave swordsmen
With bursts of war's song.
"Now mount we our horses,
Now bare we our brands,
Now haste we hard, maidens,
Hence far, far, away."
It -has- been a subtle theme in her career in Aetolia: she wore a Valkyrian fullplate as a paladin, raven/wolves (these are symbols that represent valkyries) has been features in her designs, her wings rooms is in Yggdrasil, and so on.
I seriously lurv you so much.
Some of this
A dash of this
A bit of this for flavor:
And a hint of this:
Ugh that last picture didn't link right the first time.
With a little bit of this next guy for his werewolf badassery and hatred for vamps (though Seir did not bang one)
Sprinkled with
And topped off with
Joshua Graham, the Burned Man[/spoiler]
And evidently, I cannot get this to work either.
Who I picture Aarbrok as now: