We've got some changes to the system incoming, sometime this week. Hopefully sooner rather than later. You've all been great with constructive feedback. If you've spoken up, know that you've been heard and will likely see some response in the form of rectifying a flaw or seeing the addition of an improvement!
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Who are you and where did you come from? Because seriously, you're a keeper.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I get: You have emoted: Tza strokes her a barbed bone darkbow.
Note the unnecessary 'a' in there. The announce said this shouldn't happen though. Am I doing something wrong or is this currently not working correctly?
@Nola's wonderful suggestion has been incorporated already, simply CONFIG ATTIRE OFF. Regarding the bug, I'm a sexist pig and forgot feminine pronouns. It'll be fixed in the upcoming patch.
I tried to find a humorous picture to make Tok a sexist pig, but couldn't. Dogpile image search gave me all sorts of obscure things. This is my favorite. [spoiler] [/spoiler]
Um... And in that case, I vote from 4 different IP addresses? Dunno what kinda system you've got set up, but I get errors if there are multiple machines with the same IP address on my network.
IP addresses going through your modem, not your router. Your router IP is something like that's not your real IP.
SeirSeein' All the ThingsGetting high off your emotion
Yeah. You have an outside IP that is leased to you through your ISP. Your router is a network within the big wide network that is the intertubes.
If you wanted to vote multiple times, you'd have to use a proxy. Though I'm sure that most IP's used by proxies are blacklisted by those sites. Or, they may not care enough to block them. My guess is the latter because it's the only way that Aardwolf would keep #1 over so many years since its playerbase is smaller than an IRE game.
This is gonna make crafting a whole new level of awesome
You murmur to Niuri, "By the way, I love the maid outfit." Niuri, the Ultraist says, "Severn does like it on Me too, I have heard." Niuri, the Ultraist says, "Best keep it before anyone else sees it!" Niuri removes a maid outfit.
From: Tok 5/1/2013 0:37
To: Everyone
Clothing and more!
OK! Quite a few changes, most of them relevant to attire and clothing,
but I've hidden a few treats throughout so you -have- to read this:
* Clothing has been moved to a multi-location system, meaning that each
item could theoretically be worn in several different places (not at the
same time). Quite a few items can do this, and a lot also cannot. We've
tried to catch all of them but it turned out to be quite a tiresome
process and a few may have slipped through the cracks. We'll be notified
when an item is used and doesn't have -any- location to be worn on, but
if you think an item should be worn in a location it currently cannot,
send us a bug and we'll take a look.
* Following this, you can now SHIFT TO to move an item
that is being worn to another wear location. This occurs 'silent,' so
the room won't be notified of your fidgeting. Hurrah!
* Additionally, P(ROBE) an item to see where it can or cannot be worn.
Some of these locations may sound silly, such as 'fullbody,' but it's
the easiest way to communicate what you're wearing and where it's being
worn. Additionally, INV WORN will list any custom attire description
next to the item, which might be a more helpful way of seeing how you're
wearing your clothing, rather than using LOOK.
* Now that items can be worn in multiple locations, the Wear and Remove
descriptions that crafters can set are in risk of making little sense.
To help fix this, we've given crafters the option to set the
'WearLocation' of an item; please note that this only sets the -default-
location, which is the location that will use the Wear and Remove
strings. Also, forgers can now join their tailoring brethren in
designing items with a unique Attire description.
* Speaking of forgers, you guys now have a new skill called 'Helms'
which will allow you to make...helms! Or helmets.
* For those of you who have been having trouble with their artifacts,
celebrate! We've now removed the concealment artifact (offering full
refunds), allowing you to conceal artifacts to your heart's content. On
top of this, artifacts no longer count towards, or are hindered by, the
wear limit associated with other clothing.
* Tailors can now give -certain- items pockets, either one or two
depending on the item. As might seem logical, each pocket can hold only
one item.
* For those system builders out there, GMCP contains an attribute for
items that are being worn called 'wearslot,' which will contain the
attire string for that particular item.
* A minor (non-clothing) related change: you can now color the way items
appear in items, independent of how they appear in the room. CONFIG
COLOR EMOTEITEM will do this for you!
* And one exciting change that I probably shouldn't have saved to last
because you're all done reading, but whatever, suffer: custom poses. You
can now set a custom pose using the POSE command, so long as it is less
than 120 characters, is only a sentence long and includes the caret (^)
symbol to indicate your character's name. POSE with no arguments will
show your current pose, and POSE NONE will clear it.
Once again, thank you all for the wonderful feedback!
----------------------------------------------------------Lanosian 17th, 389 MA--
The custom pose thing is HUGE. Imagine how easy it will be to find/make RP when people can walk in and you're already giving them something interesting to look at. And no more emotes to establish the setting for newcomers!
Can we please remove concealed items from the list of items shown when looking at yourself? Oh, the conceal_artifact property was removed so now there's tons of stuff that I'm wearing and I have no idea if they're concealed or not. Also, a message saying that 'this item is concealed now' rather than the standard attire message would be super useful and makes this all much less confusing,
EDIT: It appears there is a special message for concealing an item. I apparently couldn't conceal items because I was using caps (as the syntax shows in the helpfile).
Balanceless emoting would be kinda pointless, buuuuut while we are looking at RP-oriented things, perhaps we could see the character limit for illusions removed? These days illusions serve little to no purpose in combat and are primarily used for RP anyways.
Just for aesthetics, perhaps clothing could be arranged when you LOOK PERSON to be listed with head-worn items first, then down the body to the shoes?
Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
Balanceless emotes: So I can actually emote without getting left behind. If you're walking around with a group, you'd better make sure that they're stopping and not just pausing to scent/whatever.
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
I already sent Tok a message about this, but helmets are awesome. Now, we need greaves, and cuisses, and gauntlets, too.
Gauntlets are already in tailoring.
Ooh, you are right. I assumed they weren't because when I checked for them I went to the craft shop and did 'wares gauntlets'. Apparently, the crafting references doesn't match when buying patterns. Thanks for pointing this out to me!
I thought you might wanna know. In case you've already forgotten, it's @item that you want to use.
(The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
And.. has anyone tried the @item emoting yet? I don't think it works as described.
If I do this: em strokes her @bow.
I get: You have emoted: Tza strokes her a barbed bone darkbow.
Note the unnecessary 'a' in there. The announce said this shouldn't happen though. Am I doing something wrong or is this currently not working correctly?
If you wanted to vote multiple times, you'd have to use a proxy. Though I'm sure that most IP's used by proxies are blacklisted by those sites. Or, they may not care enough to block them. My guess is the latter because it's the only way that Aardwolf would keep #1 over so many years since its playerbase is smaller than an IRE game.
Niuri, the Ultraist says, "Severn does like it on Me too, I have heard."
Niuri, the Ultraist says, "Best keep it before anyone else sees it!"
Niuri removes a maid outfit.
It appears there is a special message for concealing an item. I apparently couldn't conceal items because I was using caps (as the syntax shows in the helpfile).
II WORN is beautiful though.
You sent the following message to Tok:
Maybe, since we HAVE II WORN listing concealed, we could drop from seeing concealed in L ME?
You just received message #60 from Tok.
Message #60 Sent By: Tok Received On: 5/01/2013/0:57
"Thanks. So are you. I mean, platonically."
You sent the following message to Tok:
-I- don't mean it platonically. PROPOSE UNITY TO TOK WITH SHOTGLASS.
You just received message #61 from Tok.
Message #61 Sent By: Tok Received On: 5/01/2013/0:59
"Sure, why not."
I'm not sure if he's agreeing to taking it off of L ME or my proposal though.
Ooh, you are right. I assumed they weren't because when I checked for them I went to the craft shop and did 'wares gauntlets'. Apparently, the crafting references doesn't match when buying patterns. Thanks for pointing this out to me!