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Mildly Irritating: Aetolia's Pet Peeves



  • edited August 2022
    When people log into alts (after irl months away from the char especially) specifically to influence an election in the city of their main char. Bonus points if they then log out to avoid any consequences.
    The Divine voice of Ictinus, the Architect echoes in your head, "I think you are cursed."
  • Lenoriel said:

    When people log into alts (after irl months away from the char especially) specifically to influence an election in the city of their main char. Bonus points if they then log out to avoid any consequences.

    Isn't this situation like specifically brought up in HELP SECONDS? Wow...
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Proving bad faith is a massive pain in the ass.

  • Scio bashing :( With archivist, same artis, I'm hitting double what sciomancer is on my main attack. Granted, you've got access to gloom and spectre with Sciomancer, but 4 glooms every x seconds doesn't seem to make up the difference, and Spectre sure has its challenges.

    I usually spend 99% of my time in Sciomancer, so I didn't really have other classes to compare to for a while. Just a little disheartening for the feel of the class when I switch and my dps has a significant spike (I still love spectrebashing).

    I'm sure there's something I'm missing in this, I've been gone too long to have the idea that I know anything about current balances. Certainly gave me pause though.

  • Ayastia said:

    Isn't this situation like specifically brought up in HELP SECONDS? Wow...
    The ruling was that as long as the person only pushes on one char - even if that char is a long-unused alt and it was only brought back to be able to agitate or slander in a way the main char couldn't without losing face or has no good IC reason to - then it's not seconds abuse. Abuse would be election influencing on two chars.

    While technically permissible and apparently common, though, I still find it in horrible taste.
    The Divine voice of Ictinus, the Architect echoes in your head, "I think you are cursed."
  • Can you share the message or tells with the actual ruling? When it comes to matters like these, better to share the source than a filtered interpretation that may or may not be biased or compromised.
  • edited September 2022

    The situation being a known alt of a currently active main char, logging in to make slandering news posts and logging right back out before they could be confronted, several times, but not saying a word about it on their main.

    Sharing with the note that this ruling is not a pet peeve in any way, nor do I take issue with it- it's responding to the request above because I agree it is an important thing to know for elections and such going forward.
    The Divine voice of Ictinus, the Architect echoes in your head, "I think you are cursed."
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    OOC thinks.

  • Lenoriel said:

    The situation being a known alt of a currently active main char, logging in to make slandering news posts and logging right back out before they could be confronted, several times, but not saying a word about it on their main.

    Sharing with the note that this ruling is not a pet peeve in any way, nor do I take issue with it- it's responding to the request above because I agree it is an important thing to know for elections and such going forward.

    Your interpretation of that message seems pretty off, tbqh. The fact that it says "alt abuse [...] isn't happening in this case" would have me believe that the character in question isn't an alt of the main character and there is a case of mistaken identity at play - something the admin know for sure. Regardless, it absolutely does not say what you have claimed it to. I understand how you've arrived at that conclusion, but I urge you to re-read it and reconsider your stance or potentially seek further clarification.
  • Iazamat said:

    Your interpretation of that message seems pretty off, tbqh. The fact that it says "alt abuse [...] isn't happening in this case" would have me believe that the character in question isn't an alt of the main character and there is a case of mistaken identity at play - something the admin know for sure. Regardless, it absolutely does not say what you have claimed it to. I understand how you've arrived at that conclusion, but I urge you to re-read it and reconsider your stance or potentially seek further clarification.
    The person has self-identified as the same person on numerous occasions. But I think that's enough of this for this thread.
    The Divine voice of Ictinus, the Architect echoes in your head, "I think you are cursed."
  • edited September 2022
    I stand corrected. Regardless, I was under the assumption that someone in the election was being accused of using an alt to sway the election in their favour, but that's not what was happening. After speaking to someone else, it sounds as if someone decided to keep their main character's hands clean by using an alt to do all the dirty work. Tacky? Yes. Potentially metagame-y? Yes, but good luck proving that. Alt abuse? Nope. I was wrong, I interpreted it wrong. Sorry about that.

  • Well. That's a full one down.

  • Aros said:

    Well. That's a full one down.

    ....because it's funny... 'IF YoU DoN'T lIkE iT qUiT MiLItIa" .....

    Mildly irritating pet peeve:

    I can do my fishing dailies every day when there's nothing riding on it... but when it's part of my monthly I oppositional defiant myself and am stuck cramming it in the last few days of the month and being annoyed by it. So my mildly irritating
  • I'm not sure if I dislike the perma-open-PK nature of militias, or the anxiety about militia membership forced by certain organizations in the name of "roleplay". You really should quit militia if you don't like having to watch your back or die to a gank. But is that the standard we should hold people to for that stamp on their roleplay card? I don't know. Maybe.

    Obviously, I'm enjoying the target-rich environment immensely, but there is certainly the other side of the coin, for people who don't use my tactics and are down a level or just can't enjoy the game at all until this mess is cleaned up ICly.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • What do you mean stamp on their RP card? If someone is not open to the consequences of a purely opt in system then why are they RPing someone who would join the militia?

    If you don't want PK'd do not put yourself into a position to get PK'd. I cannot believe this has to be repeated so frequently.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • edited September 2022
    Bulrok said:

    What do you mean stamp on their RP card? If someone is not open to the consequences of a purely opt in system then why are they RPing someone who would join the militia?

    If you don't want PK'd do not put yourself into a position to get PK'd. I cannot believe this has to be repeated so frequently.

    I mean, I basically agree with you. The perma-open-PK just feels weird. I try not to harass anyone too hard, but I more or less could just gank the same 2 or 3 people 5 times a day. I've killed people who didn't even know there was a war going on, they just happened to be in the militia and logged back in after a break. With the banging of pots and pans that's done about people leaving militias, there's actually an *incentive* for me to harass someone into quitting. That militia anxiety smacks very strongly of meta-commentary about a player group, though, so I don't really respect it that much.

    As it stands, I have free reign to gank people who might not have even seen a troop or heard of a raid for days. But people are obligated to stay in militia because there might be war activities tomorrow they want to be a part of, or, far more often, because "well, my character wouldn't quit the militia". Again, you're right, that's on them, and there is an opt-out. The current state of affairs just grates on me and leaves me wanting something a little more.

    EDIT: But, again, maybe this is all right. Maybe putting in a big, complex war system with bells and whistles would make the war about that, instead of about the roleplay. Maybe I'm just in my head about it and feeling bad about a good thing. 🤷‍♂️
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • Yeah I mean, anyone who says "This is causing me grief but I have to keep doing it for RP" needs to figure it out, man. This level of engagement in world PK is not something Aetolia has seen consistently in a minute, and people are gonna have to navigate that. You don't need to feel any sort of guilt because you're playing the game by the rules, but if you are, then take a break yourself. You don't gotta PK someone cause they're open.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • It shouldn't need said, but people need to stop engaging with parts of the game they do not enjoy and that actively cause them distress. It would be better for everyone involved. Yes, you should do this even if it means diluting your IC power and stepping back out of public IC politics/shenanigans. RP is a malleable concept determined by you, the player, and no one is going to fault you for protecting your play experience and mental health.
  • I think there's a component that is people wanting to break out and be a part of things, or support others being a part of things, and the choice of the community at large is to be understanding second, pushy first.

    I'm not pointing fingers, or naming names, cause I can't say I haven't come off that way, myself. It's important, I think, for all of us to remember that even the other side needs a little compassion.

    I've been on and off frustrated with the current standings, but to balance it out is trying to remember just as Bulrok was saying, you're in this for a choice and a reason, and even losing a level at 100+ isn't a big deal at the end of the day.

    Win or lose, there's progression and growth. And we've all seen the swing from once city to the next over the years in terms of "power".

    One thing I've really appreciated are the people like @Mjoll, @Benedicto, @Almol, and others I couldn't grab off the top of my head, even @Bulrok, who've played and rp'd consistently, but also effectively. The small snippets of conversation, small showings of character have made this a much more enjoyable experience.

    I'd happily lose every level if it means we're all engaging on a level that's fun and moving things forward. The interactions that feel exceptionally personal I could do without. It's never my intention to ruin anything for anyone else.

    I'm sure the competitor in all of us just hates losing, no matter which side you're on. That being said, I've gotten so much from this, that despite any frustrations I've had, for whichever reason, this has been an overall great experience.

    So gripes and all, I appreciate ya'll.

  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    My mildly irritating pet peeve is that I am stuck at XP rank 21 until I hit 200. I'm 57% of the way there as of this writing. Number don't go up. :(
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • Aros said:

    Well. That's a full one down.

    Hey don't take it so bad. I've been pingponging between 134 and 135 since the Monument war -- most of it from getting killed in PK.

  • Xenia said:

    Hey don't take it so bad. I've been pingponging between 134 and 135 since the Monument war -- most of it from getting killed in PK.
    I dropped from 133 to 129, and three of those were just from giving my hearts to Iosyne. xD It's xp loss season
    The Divine voice of Ictinus, the Architect echoes in your head, "I think you are cursed."
  • Iazamat said:

    I stand corrected. Regardless, I was under the assumption that someone in the election was being accused of using an alt to sway the election in their favour, but that's not what was happening. After speaking to someone else, it sounds as if someone decided to keep their main character's hands clean by using an alt to do all the dirty work. Tacky? Yes. Potentially metagame-y? Yes, but good luck proving that. Alt abuse? Nope. I was wrong, I interpreted it wrong. Sorry about that.

    I misread it too. That is what I thought was happening. Main running, alt slandering the competition.
  • edited October 2022
    edit: actually, not starting this here. Not worth it.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    defs that proc the aggro timer

  • Bug those. Keroc is great about fixing them.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • Sending unsolicited pastebins of logs in response to IC conversations, as if that is answer enough to an IC question.

    I can take an IC written transcript of an event, which has been edited so that it shows what happened, what people say and so on, because that's something I imagine a written statement or report would look like. In a normal conversation, though, just use IC words, truncated to explain what went down without resorting to OOC logs.
  • If you don't want PK'd do not put yourself into a position to get PK'd.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Folk in this game oughta be a lot less comfortable DMing people to guilt/berate them on Discord over stuff that's happening IC. If you think something has gone too far in game, or has OOC motivations, or otherwise isn't right, the answer is not to DM someone on Discord and tell them to play differently, the answer is to issue or, barring that, email Ictinus about it.

  • Mining carts decayed overnight. All that ore went bye bye to the abyss...

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