After trying since basically I made Akrios, he finally got to achieve something he's been working on for ages. In his own way, as is the nature of the Order!
Haern, the Hunter has invited you to join His glorious Divine Order and awaits a response. AGREE if you wish to join the order.
Thank you to order people for the Holy War, and a big love to @Haern for the interactions thus far!
I have some love to throw out there. First off, I want to send massive love to the Admins for the moon event. It was undoubtedly the best, most intense and most emotional event I have ever had the pleasure to be part of. At times, I even struggled with typing because my hands were shaking too much.
Secondly, massive love to Duiran. The council as a whole is welcoming and encouraging and I truly feel so at home there. There are so many interesting characters and once the whole shadow and rot situation is over, I hope to be able to get to know more of you a bit more in depth.
Thirdly, all the love to the Praadi. Shamans are such an amazing guild and it's a pleasure to be around each and every one of you.
Finally, a couple of individual shout-outs, to two people who have made me truly enjoy the game again. @Valeria You've become Cinna's best friend and her very best bad influence. I love rping with you because it feels so natural. You also give good advice, even if Cinna doesn't always take them. @Illikaal Cinna really looks up to Illikaal in so many ways and always tries her hardest to make him proud, both on a personal level and in the Praadi. Illikaal is always so supportive, which has helped making Cinna really grow in both the Shamans and Duiran. Rping with you is always a joy and it makes me want to push my rping skills further.
Life's been super busy and it's reduced the amount of time I've been able to play. The FOMO has been real. My love is for how vibrant and alive the game feels and that I find myself looking forward to seeing all the progress to the many sub-stories in this epic tale!
And even those Duirani peeps I've had the pleasure of interacting with. It's been difficult to navigate the changing dynamic, but I am so here for it. - @Sibatti, @Valeria, @Illikaal, @Aisling, @Eaku
And also much love to the Celani behind Berrad, Saebi and Aban, as well as @Slyphe, @Damariel, and Ethne. It's been a blast to interact with these various characters (and sometimes INCREDIBLY frustrating
Berrad >:(
), but altogether it's made for such an amazing experience and such a rollercoaster of character development that I can't wait to see how more of this event unfolds.
Edit: Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot my Spirean pals. @Inkh@Kanivara@Aliyah@Pietre@Lenoriel@Feirenz@Legyn You guys have been wonderful to get to interact with. It's not often we get to do much cross-tether RP that extends over weeks and weeks, but it has just been a real treat to get to RP with y'all.
Holy moly I got to level 200, something I thought would never happen! I don't really have much to say about it, other than the push to 200 is a community effort, even if you bash entirely by yourself (which I didn't do). From free gifts to help boost you along, to bashing partners, to simple emotional support, getting here is not a one-person job, and I wouldn't have gotten here without my amazing support network. This includes, but is not limited to:
@Paxe: gave me chocolates, chalices, globes, grimstims, and fireworks! @Bulrok: Literally gave me globes, and then gave Rij 50 FREAKING GLOBSE for us to split. For free! Plus the guy has talked PVE theory with me for literally over a year. @Linne: was hilarious as hell, and also gave me a bunch of free chocolates. @Maeve: gave up RPing with me for actual months (same goes for Paxe and Teramasce, and a bunch of others), also gave me some globes! @Almol: being a good compatriot in the journey, gave a ton of moral support, and wasn't too grouchy about me bashing places he was in while he was pushing to 200. @Ictinus: good trolling, an xp refund for a joke zap, the xp refund for the loss we experienced due to bleedouts in the War of Night events, and the amazing PVE boosts in October and September. The one in October especially made up for the losses I experienced in the War of Night finale. @Teramasce: I think he gave me a grimstim, but more importantly, he listened to me talk about nothing but bashing for 77 days without jumping out of a window. @Mjoll: Literally owe this woman everything. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be playing Aetolia at all right now, and her support and rubber ducking over the years has been an immeasurable boon. Love this woman . @Illikaal: being a real one who saw me doing this before I thought I ever would. @Kurak: for paving the way and for talking bashing theory with me almost as much, if not more, than Bulrok @Rijetta Last but certainly not least, my bashing partner! I would not at all be here without you, you sped up my trip <i class="Italic">tremendously. Camaraderie from this journey is probably going to last forever. I have you to thank for being several days ahead of my fastest schedule due to some cleverly-timed vaccination time off from work. Amazing work. Now let's get YOU there! Note: all numbers are built around the old xp numbers, for current xp numbers just multiply everything by 100
%-to-200 started at: 35.56% Estimated Finish date: 11/29/2022 Actual Finish Date: 10/23/2022 % ahead of schedule: 21.01% Time to reach 200: 77 days Total XP Gained: 5,827,770,368 (291 1-100 bashes) Chocolates consumed: 154 Amount Spent on Chalices: 1630cr Credits saved by Chalice Buff: 680cr Highest xp Week: 10/17-10/23 w/ xp (40.4 1-100 bashes) (8.95% to 200) Highest xp Day: 10/18 w/ 156.46 million xp (7.8 1-100 bashes) (1.73% to 200) Average %-to-200/week: 5.93% Average %-to-200/day: .91%* Average xp/day: 80,769,244.24 (4 1-100 bashes) Total Mobs Killed: Pending rankings update Average XP/kill: 10,848xp** Times Zapped: 1
*I actually cut the WoN out of here because it was breaking my projections and was basically an outlier. It's technically a tad lower than this. **This is skewed by the 16kish corpses I gathered for the Ati ritual. It's probably some % higher than this when it comes to my actual bashing since I did low level zones for that. Not sure by how much.
And here's for those interested in some DATA VISUALIZATION:
This is my average per day of the week. There's not enough data for a full analysis and these don't actually reflect bashing space availability. If nothing else, my personal schedule impacted this more than anything.
This is the actual pace to 200 I got vs my original projection. You can see me flag a bit in the beginning, but you can tell that I started two person bashing with Rijetta about 2 weeks in and my pace exploded. You can see the brief dip from the war of night conclusion week, but it's much more noticeable in my next graph.
This is my "% ahead of original pace," which compares how quickly I gained vs my original projection. You can REALLY see the war of night there, that flat line that even dips down a little bit. Easily my worst week. Then you can see that, immediately when it ended, shit went absolutely off the chart. You can also see how the bashing buffs in October really accelerated my pace a decent amount, if you compare the slope of pre-WoN to post-WoN.
And that's it for now. Thank you everyone who bore with me through this journey, it was a lot.
My goodness. Where to begin. I have had a love/hate relationship with these wars since coming back. That being said! I want to give a huge shoutout to EVERYONE. That's Duiran, Enorian, Loch, Spinesreach, the admin, the volunteers.
Ups and downs, it's been flavorful and absolutely had its amazing moments. Thanks, for those of you who took the time to RP, to converse, to combat, and who're continuing to. Very excited to see what the game has in store.
On September 1st of this year, due to many compounded things in Aetolia, I decided to take a break for awhile. For my own mental health. I had been progressively feeling more miserable in game from March until September. Many reasons, and I'm not in the Love thread to be a downer or call anyone out.
I decided when I came back near the end of October to make the switch to Spinesreach. I was feeling all kinds of different about the prospect of doing it. Would it make sense? Would it go poorly? What would I lose? What would I gain? About a month later, here, I am, feeling absolutely rejuvenated inside of Aetolia, and am glad I did it. Every day I login is fun and interesting, and getting to know all sorts of new and different players and characters has been a blast. I love all of them, and all of it so far. But I would like to specifically thank @Legyn@Reave@Kanivara@Nebula@Aros@Kamui@Haleth@Lenoriel@Feirenz@Nepthys@Catalina@Rhyot@Wjoltyr@Pietre@Kagura and many more.
These folks are absolute gems to play this game with and interact with so far. I look forward to going into the new year feeling motivated to play Aetolia regularly again, and furthermore, I look forward to seeing how Aeryx changes moving forward.
Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die.
I legitimately love this and its big (BIG) "Witness me!" energy.
(Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
(Web): Abhorash has left your web.
Alela's Affirmations
Thank you to order people for the Holy War, and a big love to @Haern for the interactions thus far!
First off, I want to send massive love to the Admins for the moon event. It was undoubtedly the best, most intense and most emotional event I have ever had the pleasure to be part of. At times, I even struggled with typing because my hands were shaking too much.
Secondly, massive love to Duiran. The council as a whole is welcoming and encouraging and I truly feel so at home there. There are so many interesting characters and once the whole shadow and rot situation is over, I hope to be able to get to know more of you a bit more in depth.
Thirdly, all the love to the Praadi. Shamans are such an amazing guild and it's a pleasure to be around each and every one of you.
Finally, a couple of individual shout-outs, to two people who have made me truly enjoy the game again.
@Valeria You've become Cinna's best friend and her very best bad influence. I love rping with you because it feels so natural. You also give good advice, even if Cinna doesn't always take them.
@Illikaal Cinna really looks up to Illikaal in so many ways and always tries her hardest to make him proud, both on a personal level and in the Praadi. Illikaal is always so supportive, which has helped making Cinna really grow in both the Shamans and Duiran. Rping with you is always a joy and it makes me want to push my rping skills further.
And even those Duirani peeps I've had the pleasure of interacting with. It's been difficult to navigate the changing dynamic, but I am so here for it. - @Sibatti, @Valeria, @Illikaal, @Aisling, @Eaku
And also much love to the Celani behind Berrad, Saebi and Aban, as well as @Slyphe, @Damariel, and Ethne. It's been a blast to interact with these various characters (and sometimes INCREDIBLY frustrating
Edit: Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot my Spirean pals. @Inkh @Kanivara @Aliyah @Pietre @Lenoriel @Feirenz @Legyn You guys have been wonderful to get to interact with. It's not often we get to do much cross-tether RP that extends over weeks and weeks, but it has just been a real treat to get to RP with y'all.
Tell me how I'm doing!
@Paxe: gave me chocolates, chalices, globes, grimstims, and fireworks!
@Bulrok: Literally gave me globes, and then gave Rij 50 FREAKING GLOBSE for us to split. For free! Plus the guy has talked PVE theory with me for literally over a year.
@Linne: was hilarious as hell, and also gave me a bunch of free chocolates.
@Maeve: gave up RPing with me for actual months (same goes for Paxe and Teramasce, and a bunch of others), also gave me some globes!
@Almol: being a good compatriot in the journey, gave a ton of moral support, and wasn't too grouchy about me bashing places he was in while he was pushing to 200.
@Ictinus: good trolling, an xp refund for a joke zap, the xp refund for the loss we experienced due to bleedouts in the War of Night events, and the amazing PVE boosts in October and September. The one in October especially made up for the losses I experienced in the War of Night finale.
@Teramasce: I think he gave me a grimstim, but more importantly, he listened to me talk about nothing but bashing for 77 days without jumping out of a window.
@Mjoll: Literally owe this woman everything. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be playing Aetolia at all right now, and her support and rubber ducking over the years has been an immeasurable boon. Love this woman
@Illikaal: being a real one who saw me doing this before I thought I ever would.
@Kurak: for paving the way and for talking bashing theory with me almost as much, if not more, than Bulrok
@Rijetta Last but certainly not least, my bashing partner! I would not at all be here without you, you sped up my trip <i class="Italic">tremendously. Camaraderie from this journey is probably going to last forever. I have you to thank for being several days ahead of my fastest schedule due to some cleverly-timed vaccination time off from work. Amazing work. Now let's get YOU there! Note: all numbers are built around the old xp numbers, for current xp numbers just multiply everything by 100
%-to-200 started at: 35.56%
Estimated Finish date: 11/29/2022
Actual Finish Date: 10/23/2022
% ahead of schedule: 21.01%
Time to reach 200: 77 days
Total XP Gained: 5,827,770,368 (291 1-100 bashes)
Chocolates consumed: 154
Amount Spent on Chalices: 1630cr
Credits saved by Chalice Buff: 680cr
Highest xp Week: 10/17-10/23 w/ xp (40.4 1-100 bashes) (8.95% to 200)
Highest xp Day: 10/18 w/ 156.46 million xp (7.8 1-100 bashes) (1.73% to 200)
Average %-to-200/week: 5.93%
Average %-to-200/day: .91%*
Average xp/day: 80,769,244.24 (4 1-100 bashes)
Total Mobs Killed: Pending rankings update
Average XP/kill: 10,848xp**
Times Zapped: 1
*I actually cut the WoN out of here because it was breaking my projections and was basically an outlier. It's technically a tad lower than this.
**This is skewed by the 16kish corpses I gathered for the Ati ritual. It's probably some % higher than this when it comes to my actual bashing since I did low level zones for that. Not sure by how much.
And here's for those interested in some DATA VISUALIZATION:
This is my average per day of the week. There's not enough data for a full analysis and these don't actually reflect bashing space availability. If nothing else, my personal schedule impacted this more than anything.
This is the actual pace to 200 I got vs my original projection. You can see me flag a bit in the beginning, but you can tell that I started two person bashing with Rijetta about 2 weeks in and my pace exploded. You can see the brief dip from the war of night conclusion week, but it's much more noticeable in my next graph.
This is my "% ahead of original pace," which compares how quickly I gained vs my original projection. You can REALLY see the war of night there, that flat line that even dips down a little bit. Easily my worst week. Then you can see that, immediately when it ended, shit went absolutely off the chart. You can also see how the bashing buffs in October really accelerated my pace a decent amount, if you compare the slope of pre-WoN to post-WoN.
And that's it for now. Thank you everyone who bore with me through this journey, it was a lot.
Ups and downs, it's been flavorful and absolutely had its amazing moments. Thanks, for those of you who took the time to RP, to converse, to combat, and who're continuing to. Very excited to see what the game has in store.
I decided when I came back near the end of October to make the switch to Spinesreach. I was feeling all kinds of different about the prospect of doing it. Would it make sense? Would it go poorly? What would I lose? What would I gain? About a month later, here, I am, feeling absolutely rejuvenated inside of Aetolia, and am glad I did it. Every day I login is fun and interesting, and getting to know all sorts of new and different players and characters has been a blast. I love all of them, and all of it so far. But I would like to specifically thank @Legyn @Reave @Kanivara @Nebula @Aros @Kamui @Haleth @Lenoriel @Feirenz @Nepthys @Catalina @Rhyot @Wjoltyr @Pietre @Kagura and many more.
These folks are absolute gems to play this game with and interact with so far. I look forward to going into the new year feeling motivated to play Aetolia regularly again, and furthermore, I look forward to seeing how Aeryx changes moving forward.