Unfortunately I usually play at silly times when Aetolia is largely asleep, but I've now interacted with like THREE whole people (including though tells) I figured I'd throw this out there.
That said though, now that I'm a bit more invested in Holbrook, I'll try to reach out to more whenever I can!
Portrait courtesy of the talented
@Taye who surprised me (and blew me away) with this excellent depiction of Holbrook! Thank you so much!
I'm glad that you've decided to stick around though. Holbrook, as far as I can tell, is still a growing character, but there are little hooks thrown in his interactions with Elene that draw me more into what else I can pull out of him. Something about Holbrook scratches an itch that I can't quite place in Elene, and as a result, I can't quite predict how the dynamics between both characters will turn out in the future.
I like the feel of his personality thus far, however: quiet, introspective, wary, slowly finding his passions. I'm totally looking forward to how much more he can develop when you find the opportunity to interact with more of the guild and Spinesreach. Keep trying!
She hasn't quite had a curiosity who's also a person approach her with a similar curiosity as hers before. Who can say if Holbrook will only ever remain one, though she is certainly enjoying getting to make friends as her own person now. Probably she's happy to be filling her bottle by having one of them friends - wait, happy? This is happiness, right? Funny how this thing feels when you really think about it.
Depending on how his research goes I may well be able to shape my little Kelki in ways I hadn't considered. I'm eager to explore that, as well as how his nascent ambition may interact with Taye's... Tayeness. I'm having immense fun whenever we get to interact, serious characters have a way of eliciting both shenanigans and legitimately focused stuff. Always looking forward for more!
A lot has changed for the fella! First he started off as a moody, eye-bags, perfectionist with a tragic backstory (yes talk to me about cliches) but then through connections with various people within Spinesreach he's learned to warm up a bit. And then he became a senator!
I'd also been terrible at uploading artwork that Taye had done for Holbrook, and unfortunately it doesn't look like I can add in-line images, but if they're in the order that I uploaded them...
1) Latest outfit, as a Senator with his 'secretary' (now turned Ambassador)
2) During more militant times, when he joined Bama's congregation during the big war ol war late last year
3) One of the first few outfits that Taye designed for both of them, for a Spirean ball!
Anyway, with that little preamble out of the way, bump! What do y'all think about him now?!