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Short Questions



  • Legyn said:
    I have a question about artifacts. Let's say I get an L2 artifact and I decide to upgrade to L3 later. Do I need to trade the L2 in for the usual 66% cost first, or do I only have to pay the cost difference between the L3 and the L2? HELP ARTIFACT PURCHASES implies I only need to pay the difference and I remember seeing a coupon for artifact upgrades in the articart, but it's not clear.
    And honestly, if you’re planning to buy artifacts over time, I wouldn’t upgrade to L3 immediately. I find it’s better to buy L2’s of a wide variety before investing in the L3’s. Furthermore you give yourself an opportunity to snatch up a lucky L3 item during a promo.
  • Who/What is the tombstone for, and it's background on Polyargos?
  • I don't know if this is a short question, so forgive me. But how come Spirit tether gets two monk guilds?
  • Teotl said:

    I don't know if this is a short question, so forgive me. But how come Spirit tether gets two monk guilds?

    You'll have to clarify which guilds you mean because my initial response is: they don't. Sentaari are the only truly monastic guild. There are others with religious themes (Illuminai, Shamans, even arguably Sentinels), but no other monastery exists. There might still be some old ex-Daru hanging around, but while they were subsumed into the Illuminai, the Illuminai are not monastic. Maybe I'm missing something or just misunderstanding?
    (Web): Abhorash has joined your web.
    (Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
    (Web): Abhorash has left your web.

    Alela's Affirmations
  • Alela said:

    You'll have to clarify which guilds you mean because my initial response is: they don't. Sentaari are the only truly monastic guild. There are others with religious themes (Illuminai, Shamans, even arguably Sentinels), but no other monastery exists. There might still be some old ex-Daru hanging around, but while they were subsumed into the Illuminai, the Illuminai are not monastic. Maybe I'm missing something or just misunderstanding?
    I guess I should have said classes instead? Not sure. But on the main site under classes it calls Zealots spiritual monks, and then just straight up Monks are classified as neutral but in game are clearly spirit tether with the Unbound as a Patron and some levels of non-affiliation with Shadow tether in place
  • Teotl said:

    I guess I should have said classes instead? Not sure. But on the main site under classes it calls Zealots spiritual monks, and then just straight up Monks are classified as neutral but in game are clearly spirit tether with the Unbound as a Patron and some levels of non-affiliation with Shadow tether in place
    Gotcha. The website is often outdated in lots of various ways. The Zealot class originated as a spin-off of Monk, substituting Luminary's Illumination skill for Monk's Kaido. Their guild, the Daru, were kind of like an extremist militant sect of a monastic order - they were hardline Rahnites who felt the Sentaari didn't go far enough. The Daru guild ceased to exist several years ago for various reasons (it's possibly a sore subject for some people still, so I'd rather not get into it in the Short Questions thread), and the Zealot class was folded into the Illuminai guild alongside the Luminaries. More recently, the class has been revamped... or redesigned from the ground up, really. It's still a sort of martial-arts-and-mental-energy-based class, but it leans more heavily into the tropes of a religious warrior (kind of like a mixture of Paladin and Cleric, in D&D terms, filtered through martial arts), whereas the Sentaari are more traditionally monastic.

    It's kind of complicated, and I'm glossing over a *ton* of stuff. There's a lot of frankly pretty interesting history you could learn in game! I'd encourage you to ask around.
    (Web): Abhorash has joined your web.
    (Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
    (Web): Abhorash has left your web.

    Alela's Affirmations
  • Is there an e-mail or person or method for trying to offer an idea without using the IDEA system? For example, something that would be related to lore/upcoming changes - things you would not want the entire population of players to read. I will be avoiding sending unsolicited emails and annoying the hardworking admin and would appreciate advice on this matter. If there isn't a way, I'd like to know so I could give up on it.
  • edited October 2021
    I would say maybe just shooting a brief message to whatever admin you think would be overseeing your idea? Like if it was an idea for Oneiromancers, shoot the message to Omei, Earthcallers to Ivoln, and maybe cc Ictinus if particularly time-sensitive? You're not gonna catch a czap or anything afaik. From what I've seen and experienced, all the admin are pretty responsive either with a hmm good thought or a probably not.
  • There was a changelog about Celesmas hats. What are they, how do I get one. In game help searching yielded nothing. 
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Wjoltyr said:

    There was a changelog about Celesmas hats. What are they, how do I get one. In game help searching yielded nothing. 

    Date: 12/16/2021 at 7:16
    From: Zeheia
    To : Everyone
    Subj: Celesmas hats!

    Red is so overdone, so we spiced it up a little for you this year. Celesmas hats are also available
    in blue, green, and white - but if you're very lucky, you might find that whatever colour you buy
    turns into something a little more special!

    Penned by my hand on Closday, the 6th of Lleian, in the year 499 MA.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • Ok, cryptic changelog about Celesmas hats is cryptic. Still have no idea where to get my blue, green, or white Celesmas hat. Is this a crafting thing? What is this more special thing?

    Wjoltyr will never know

  • They're in the tsinkin village, have a look around.

  • Xavin said:
    They're in the tsinkin village, have a look around.
    I thought I had explored the village thoroughly. Apparently I had not. Thank you, @Xavin
  • Reaally random question here: anyone remember the name of the Sun Nymph that was Duiran's quartermaster or ran their war system recruitment back in the day? Milihion or something? He had an ongoing feud with Macian where the mob would attack Mac on sight for calling him a firefly.
  • (Thanks to people who answered my last question IG).

    I read about changes to hiding etc. here: https://forums.aetolia.com/discussion/comment/105049#Comment_105049

    What of these changes remained in place?

    Also, does werewolf/werecroc stealth bypass lifevision or alertness?
  • edited February 2022
    Edit: Shot down, crashed and burned.
  • edited February 2022
    Alright, another question for ya'll. A cursory search of the forums yielded nada.

    What would the approximate scale of Teani's overhead map of Sapience be?

    Put another way, what would the distance between say Spinesreach and Esterport, as the crow flies, preferably in kilometers or miles, but I will accept anything that is defined such that a conversion is readily possible. Beard-seconds, furlongs, etc. 

    Secondary question, what would the elevation of Spinesreach be?

    Obviously there are some considerations made to suspend disbelief and probably physics, we have magic and all, but it would be nice to have a numerical perspective for @Teani 's overhead map.

    Edit: I can make some assumptions but if there is an actual answer I'd rather have that. 
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    There's a pretty robust biome shift across Sapiance. You have a desert and a jungle in the south, temperate zones, and then a tundra. I think that suggests that it's gotta be pretty big. Westeros has a similar biome disparity, and GRRM was pretty good at worldbuilding and research, and it's about 3500ish miles tall. I'm not an expert in...anything, really, but I think it's safe to say that Sapience is meant to be pretty darn big. Does this mean we're running around like The Flash? Sure. But we're all superhumans, it's fine.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Now you made me sort of want to make a topographic map with proper elevation markers...

  • Tetchta said:
    There's a pretty robust biome shift across Sapiance. You have a desert and a jungle in the south, temperate zones, and then a tundra. I think that suggests that it's gotta be pretty big. Westeros has a similar biome disparity, and GRRM was pretty good at worldbuilding and research, and it's about 3500ish miles tall. I'm not an expert in...anything, really, but I think it's safe to say that Sapience is meant to be pretty darn big. Does this mean we're running around like The Flash? Sure. But we're all superhumans, it's fine.
    I thought about making assumptions snd calculating speed. I figured that might come off as whining. Can't have that. (6000 km/hr is a conservative estimatemate) 

    I'm assuming it's about the size of Africa. 
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Wjoltyr said:

    I thought about making assumptions snd calculating speed. I figured that might come off as whining.

    I think it probably was a little easier to justify when an IRL hour was an IC day, but having the short timescale brought with it other areas where you had to suspend your disbelief (like multi-day RP sessions LOL). It's a tradeoff.

  • When the artifact experience_field is manipulated, how long does it last? Till we die or log out or just an hour like the wisdom manipulation? Trying to decide if it is worth the 500 credits.
  • Neoma said:

    When the artifact experience_field is manipulated, how long does it last? Till we die or log out or just an hour like the wisdom manipulation? Trying to decide if it is worth the 500 credits.

    From what I remember, experience_field is for the 24 hours. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm remembering from using it.
  • Neoma said:

    When the artifact experience_field is manipulated, how long does it last? Till we die or log out or just an hour like the wisdom manipulation? Trying to decide if it is worth the 500 credits.

    I believe the "field" manipulations are all 24 hours, persisting through death and logout, including the artifact fields.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • Perfect, thanks guys
  • KodazaKodaza Los Angeles
    Are transmute beetles reusable, or one-time use?

  • NipsyNipsy Setting fire to Aeryx's mine
    Kodaza said:

    Are transmute beetles reusable, or one-time use?

  • Are elemental globes capped now? Got one from wheel and gave it a shot. I felt it was not as experience profitable as I remembered. (even at 373%)
  • Is there any chance we could get a HELP ENVIRONMENTS that shows the atmospherics of the environments that can be used in buildings/castles? It's super awkward to have atmospherics that don't match up with the room(s) you've created.
  • the giggling children in the home of the carnifex commander and the very tired earthmancer just outside of the military enslavement fortress are certainly a thing
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
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