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  • Guilded and sanctioned Teradrim are not the only ones with access to the Pillars.  Any one in Ivoln's congregation has it as well by going through the temple, iirc. I think the big thing would be that those high ranked in Ivoln's Order could have access to the Undeath skill as it is His Gift they are sharing without having to switch class. 

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited October 2021
    I don't understand the reasoning of making it gated behind high rank in the order when it's something that:

    a) pretty much any Tera can do immediately if they're guilded and have the ability and it isn't gated behind some big responsibility threshold
    b) Ivo's pretty consistently like "yes, make people undead, make them undead a lot, do it, all over the place, if they want it give it, bring those badboys in"

    Obvs that's all up to administration interpretation and decisions, but I really think "make it a high order rank" thing seems incredibly inconsistent with most of the ideologies in the game.

  • Or any. Matters not. Just throwing it out that they should be able to as well 

  • This was among the suggestions in my message!!! Just saying!!!!!!!!!
    (Web): Abhorash has joined your web.
    (Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
    (Web): Abhorash has left your web.

    Alela's Affirmations
  • I think I remember hearing or being told, or maybe it was just speculation, that the change to undeath was done to mirror the role of the Zealot class in creating Duamvi. The thing is, the roleplay behind a Duamvi is drastically different than Undeath. In one you are welcoming a symbiote, of which there are a limited number (in lore) to become one with you. In the other, you are breaking out of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth for whatever reason you are choosing. It's not like it's some limited resource.

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited November 2021
    It's been discussed before and more or less rejected, but I think weapon usability for class skills should be broken wide open to allow use of any weapons that meet the requirements necessary for a skill to function for a given class.

    There's been this argument that weapons play a major role with class identity, which I see to a degree. Bardiches/Halberds and Warhammers are just straight up Iconic for Carnifex, for example. But I honestly think they're given too much weight by the current system and creative lead.

    For one, you'll always have your base class proficiency, which will likely encourage more folk to use the weapons that are meant to be pivotal to class design. There's gonna always be folk who can't bear to sink 100 lessons into a new proficiency (understandably) or buy the SUPER expensive bracers of proficiency. But secondarily, I really think the skills themselves (plus guild culture) do a lot more to inform class identity. Weapon use, meanwhile, is more of a way to express your character and give them some creative identity. In all honesty, the reason I was most excited for Templar to come across was because I finally would be able to put a big honkin' sword in Tet's hands and have it be actually useful. I don't think anything is lost by letting Syssin use daggers (while we're here, can we pretty please have daggers be slash/jabbable?) or letting a Carnifex swing around a big ol Scythe, or letting a Teradrim use a (insert weapon here).

    Edit: I'm still in favor of limiting weapon proficiency use by class (dstabing with a longsword or axe is dumb af), but I definitely think the pool should be widened a lot, especially for knight classes.

  • I can't agree more. For both mage classes, for example, we just use a weapon to focus our magic and parry. Why can I only stick that focus in a staff, scepter, or dagger?

  • Xavin said:

    I can't agree more. For both mage classes, for example, we just use a weapon to focus our magic and parry. Why can I only stick that focus in a staff, scepter, or dagger?

    Ascendril is less cool due to its inability to use a smallblade as a focus. >:(
  • I would absolutely love halberds as a Templar, honestly. I love polearms and I love glaives but only having glaives as a two-handed polearm option is unfortunate.

    Also I do think that knights should get access to two-handed axes (maybe styled off of real life dane axes?) if those aren't already slated for an incoming class. They seem like they could be very fitting for Carnifex and Templar (and Warden imo).
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Oh god you mentioned glaives, and it's borderline silly that Carnifex can use Bardiches but can't use glaives. Look at this picture of glaives on the left and Bardiches on the right:

    While I'm sure there's a LindyBeige video about how bardiches aren't hacking weapons but are rather thrusting weapons (as Halberds probably are as well), the way Fex use them is in a spinning slash maneuver. Literally would map perfectly onto glaives. Two handed axes would make my brain explode.

  • Allow Earthcallers to learn Earthen as a language. Just saying.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Talamh said:

    Allow Earthcallers to learn Earthen as a language. Just saying.

    I mean I totally agree with the above and I only laugh, because of the interesting RP it has caused between Mac and Talamh! LOL
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • NipsyNipsy Setting fire to Aeryx's mine
    If you have Teradrim class, you can speak Earthen anytime. I have Teradrim and Earthcaller, so I dont have that issue, I didn't realize it didnt work for Earthcaller.
    Please this.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Nipsy said:

    If you have Teradrim class, you can speak Earthen anytime. I have Teradrim and Earthcaller, so I dont have that issue, I didn't realize it didnt work for Earthcaller.
    Please this.

    yeah I didnt know either till Talamh brought it up to Mac in game and I was like what what whaaaaat??? so sent a message to Ictinus about it
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited November 2021
    I'm actually curious: does the lore of EC support just knowing Earthen? Teradrim don't get it as a default, either; it's a reward for getting Earthenform in Terramancy, which in my mind ties it specifically to getting Earthenform (aka a racial trait). Not that I'm against them getting it out of convenience, but it'd probably need a justification if there isn't one already.

  • From the little snippets I've read they seem to be using skills directly taught by the Earthen. It makes sense that at least guilded and maybe sanctioned Earthcallers could learn it, just like guilded members of the Illuminai can learn Illumine.

  • edited November 2021
    Tetchta said:
    I'm actually curious: does the lore of EC support just knowing Earthen? Teradrim don't get it as a default, either; it's a reward for getting Earthenform in Terramancy, which in my mind ties it specifically to getting Earthenform (aka a racial trait). Not that I'm against them getting it out of convenience, but it'd probably need a justification if there isn't one already.
    It makes sense for them to know it, it also makes sense for them to know just enough to recite the verses.

    I’m actually torn on Earthen language for Callers now on its own.

    That said, I think anointing and battlehymn should be combined into an earthenform-esque defense for Callers with the same options as anoint and hymn rolled in. 

    Edit: I would include earthen language with that ‘earthenform’, tbc

  • edited November 2021
    That said, I think anointing and battlehymn should be combined into an earthenform-esque defense for Callers with the same options as anoint and hymn rolled in.

    Please don't do this. I actually like the dirges as they are now and anything Earthenform-esque should remain exclusive to Teradrim. I really don't care for Earthenform as a thing as it is and do not want it on a second class just because it's tied to Azvosh/Pillars/Earthen. Let the class breathe.
  • One of our skillsets (Apocalyptia) is supposed to literally be singing and wardancing in Earthen.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    You can sing Opera in Italian without being a fluent speaker, too.

  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    edited November 2021
    Iazamat said:

    Please don't do this. I actually like the dirges as they are now and anything Earthenform-esque should remain exclusive to Teradrim. I really don't care for Earthenform as a thing as it is and do not want it on a second class just because it's tied to Azvosh/Pillars/Earthen. Let the class breathe.
    yeah I will always be against some type of Earthenform for the Earthcallers, there is no need for it, and from my understand two classes in the same guild are not meant to be like the other. I do not want a second hand Teradrim implied on the Earthcallers.

    However, I will fight for Earthen, language, to be added to the Earthcallers, as others have stated the Dirges are meant to be in Earthen and also all of the GuildHall residences speak in Earth. So I think its important for all Guild members and Sanction to have the ability to understand them.

    also did I actually just agree with Iazamat??!?! LOL
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • Iesid said:

    Ascendril is less cool due to its inability to use a smallblade as a focus. >:(
    I would disagree vehemently with any claim that Ascendril is anything less than cool by the fact that they have both MAGIC MISSILES and FROST SWORDS.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited November 2021
    What if Earthen were a Tera guild sanction bonus? Just A Way to get it (without getting rid of the current methods of acquiring it). It's looking like we're gonna get sanction reform, this would be a thing to look at. That way it kinda sidesteps the issues with trying to justify it as a class thing, and it just becomes a guild culture trait.

  • Tetchta said:
    What if Earthen were a Tera guild sanction bonus? Just A Way to get it (without getting rid of the current methods of acquiring it). It's looking like we're gonna get sanction reform, this would be a thing to look at. That way it kinda sidesteps the issues with trying to justify it as a class thing, and it just becomes a guild culture trait.
    I think to further this it would be nice if guild sanction was more than a button press. Maybe as simple as requiring it be done in a specific spot with them, even, would go a long way towards codifying it as a special thing not just a flag you set to give your bud a toy.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • edited November 2021
    Toz said:

    I know the Sentinels have a special hunt/sacrament when apprenticing an outsider. I'm not sure if other guilds do similar things, but it's basically some RP and a brief hunt to explain the role of the Sentinel class (I don't have Warden but it should be easy to adapt to their skills imo) and its role in safeguarding the Wilds, etc. I think things like that could be fun for giving sanction bonus especially since we're pushing towards making those focused on RP benefits. Obviously the nature of the rp depends on guild lore/culture - not everyone's going to want to go on a hunt - but I do think small RP ceremonies like your suggestion would push the roleplay-focused nature of sanctions a lot.
  • Pretty sure it wasn't for "Election Shenanigans" but there is a particular person who saw how close they were to winning and contested the moment the election ended. They used how close they were to winning as reason enough to contest - so the time delay was put in. I also think it's stupid and should be removed.
  • They could leave the election cooldown and still show the votes immediately.

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited November 2021
    I knew I wasn't crazy

    Anyway yea, whatever the reason, I think the general cooldown of six weeks (and then even longer one if someone wins again within a second cooldown) is enough to protect against immediate recontests, and I kinda already said my thing about Checking Votes/Checking for Rigging.

  • edited November 2021
    Tetchta said:

    I knew I wasn't crazy.

    Oh, you still might be...

    The display being delayed has nothing to do with whatever reason you've been told. The cooldown was put in 12/11/2020 but the displayed results were due to a player contesting over and over again in Spinessreach. Two separate things and really, the first thing should be gone now that we have a proper cooldown.

    Edit: I found it odd that the cooldown was put in exactly 5 years after.
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