Update: found a match! Thank you

Initially, I created Reave with the goal of finding connections, but wanted to get a feel for the environment first. I think after three months I have a good understanding of certain characters, landscapes, lifestyles, etc and am now desiring to connect her with a family. I'm fairly laid back with my expectations and as long as she fits what you're looking for, I'm all for it!
-- About the Character --
Name: Reave
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 11th of Chakros, 467 MA - She is currently 31.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Birth Origin: Unknown
Current Residing City: Spinesreach - Has lived there for 1 IG year
Current Guild: Syssin - Has served here for 1 IG year
General Character Features: Dark curly hair and grey eyes.
Personality: Curious, Friendly, Extroverted, Passionate, Mischievous, Secretive, Risk Taker - Gambler
Things to Note:
1) She has a vague AF background, but you generally wouldn't have raised her. Perfect for those people that forget about their kids.
2) Can be shadow or spirit aligned. Would prefer not to go Undeath if I can help it just due to her current roleplay.
3) Social chameleon. You probably have seen her around.
Contact: Either Discord me @ Reave#1650 or In game.
Thank you