Hi! So! There's a lot more endgame bashing areas these days. Three, right? Four, depending on how you count. And this is cool, it's a response to player requests and also is an attempt to balance the Knife Economy. The thing is, these areas...okay, the charitable, chill way of putting it is "are extremely frustrating."
I'm an endgame basher, a whale, and have a really decent bashing setup. I've minmaxed several of my bashing classes, and boy these areas are...to put it simply, inviable for endgame bashing. I died in the Welto Trench just trying to explore the area. I've heard Eftehl** and Den of Shadow sare nearly unbashable for folk. Dramedo Warrens is just on the cusp of an area I'd call bashable, but you can still get totally boned due to RNG. No skill, no manual bashing, just bad RNG and mob stacking and you're dead there.
The main issues are, as I see it, from my perspective, skills/debuffs that totally remove player reactionability. In my case, it's all the grapples/impales. You can get writhelocked in a ton of areas just because of RNG, which makes bashing there an unattractive prospect, because you just end up losing XP for pretty much no increased reward.
I've not played in the other areas, but I've heard some complaints as well. If this is an attempt to curb or complicate autobashing, I get the intention, but it's not actually the solution. There's no coding around writhe locks. If you get locked in tens of seconds of writhing, it's over, period. Is there any possibility this can get looked into at some point? 'cause as it is right now, the new areas aren't actually expanding the available bashing zones for most people by much, if at all.
**edit: I'm hearing a mix of reviews for this area so YMMV

And I'm not saying this to be mean, I appreciate the thought that goes into areas. But let's scale it back a little, huh? For example - the volcano. Every mob there hits absurdly hard, some in exotic damage types that are difficult to resist, to the point where it's absurd. And then there's aggressive mobs that just make it harder for no good reason. I get the difficulty of the elder lava daemon, even if I feel he's overtuned because of some of the mechanics of that fight but...the rest of the area needs a touch up. And I think the same goes for a lot of endgame areas.
The thing that bugs me about it all is like, is there supposed to be a point of contact about feedback for this stuff? If so is it @Tedrunai since they posted about it while I was not playing? Is it someone else, is it nobody? No idea.
Also I think the intent behind each area would be nice to know. Is it supposed to be for group bashing? Solo? Is that why certain things are in place? Who knows.
Like most things in Aetolia, the documentation and information are low and we're left to just make assumptions and choices about the stuff based on what's just in front of us. And what's in front of us are areas that are ramped up a lot of the time to 1 million difficulty.
At the same time, though, of all these new areas, I can handle the Den of Shadows and Eftehl Island if I bash semi-manually. It does mean my bashing speed will be reduced by a bit, but I tend to survive a bit more. Keep in mind that I am bashing in Archivist though, but I don't have a hunting damage artifact, nor do I have crit_hit. I am fully transed in my miniskills, with an artie shield, L3 enhancement, L2 health sip bonus, L2 con+, L2 magic_potence, and red/white ylem amulets.
On that, I don't use a hunting system beyond targetting and the rest is manual keybinds.
The only real 'defensive' artifact I have is level 2 enhance. I shouldn't need to beef up with sip rings or +stats to bash an area, so while some of the more decked out whales may love the new bashing zones because they're relatively empty of other players, I think that's fairly telling as to the difficulty level. I also bashed a bit in Den of Shadows and it seems like the mobs there are un-crittable? With some of the lower-armored classes, they basically rely on critical hits with vigour elixir to help keep them alive. If there was more emphasis on group bashing zones, I think I'd be down for doing these areas, but to maximize my exp means to do it by myself.
Tell me how I'm doing!
A = Low threat (Newbie-ranked area)
B = Moderate threat (below 50)
C = Medium threat (below 80)
D = Normal threat (below 90)
E = Normal threat, Skill
F = Normal threat, Tacticle gear
G = Strong threat (90-99)
H = Strong threat, Skill
I = Strong threat, Tactical gear
J = High threat (above 99)
K = High threat, Skill
L = High threat, Tacticle gear
M = Max threat, Multiple aggressors
These are just examples and can definitely be changed. The guild sets a generic area rank, let's say J for Ayhesa, and then adventurers who bash that place can report on their experiences to the guild, saying that it is possible to manage with less experience so long as you wear proper tactical gear (artifacts, buffs) or simple if you have all the necessary skills (omnitrans), and HUNT RATE AYHESA H.
This way players have a way to provide feedback to Admin. If there are records kept in some abbreviated fashion in game, others can also go check the reports to see if they can manage a place or not. For example:
Rated: J
Additional reports:
Class circle rating
Sciomancer 92 H
Templar 89 F
If enough reports come in from players, the general rating can be changed by Admin.
Uncrittable mobs
High concentrations of aggro mobs, especially ones that roam
Mobs that call for help.
Arbothia is a great example of number 2, but it's doable. The volcano is has these too, but as they are much deadlier with their CC and absurd damage it makes for an unattractive choice.
Clawhook has mobs that call for help and they can prove to be deadly, but at least the mobs are crittable.
Areas that combine these are going to be automatic nopes from me, because I can just go to Tcanna, crit everything there and still get super high experience returns. I feel like if it is insistent that these areas have such levels of difficulty, their experience margins should be significantly higher.
I think Eftehl is mostly fine; I can coast through it via an autobasher so long as the stars do not align and conspire to kill me via a patrol mob. The real annoying part is the frozen_feet preventing me from retreating when I catch it.
As Illidan put it - why go there when I can breeze through any number of other areas that are safer and have around the same level of returns?
I have not gone through Welto, but all impressions I've been given would indicate that I should have little interest. I think I understand the intent of designing areas this way - namely that the builder in question didn't want it to be an autobasher's wet dream - but I can't help but feel that this aim unintentionally falls along the same lines as putting focus on everything that the average player dislikes about bashing. By and large, it's not that interactive or thrilling of a process and most people only do it to hit the 100 or 200 goodies. Forcing me to pay more attention to it than I do now is asking me to pay more attention to a process that I automate because it isn't fun.
Are there other ways admin could 'proof' things against full automation without making it a deathtrap?
Or perhaps we should ask how to make bashing more fun or engaging so people don't want to automate it? This one is a toughie, I don't necessarily expect any answers or else IRE might have already acted on them.
I do think it's possible to make areas require more clever thinking (see: Tcanna, weird bleeding ticks) without making them an unenjoyable slog (stacked writhes, weird balance knocks that bypass first aid, uncrittable mobs). What's more, if the area requires more work, it should give quite a bit better rewards. These days it seems the carrot:stick ratio is off, at least with the newer areas.
I know this would be a heavy code investment, but giving players the ability to status effect mobs, even in limited capacity, for endgame bashing areas would provide endless opportunity for strategy and engaging gameplay/coding opportunities. Maybe you're squishy and you don't want the bleeder hitting you for a bit. Stun or weaken him, focus on the writhespam mob, burst it down, and turn your focus. Or maybe spend a balance to extend a mob's attack balance, giving you a respite from the writhe spam.
Again, I could be wrong, and my opinion is humble. Could be as easy as removing the no-crit flag on mobs.