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Announce post #3198: 2021 Auction



  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    Saidenn said:

    voltda/duanathar is blocked by lower health/mana

    I don't have a horse in this particular race, but I do have to say that the low health barrier of wings et al is really not a handicap. Mj and I both have jumped together someone with wings and it is pretty much impossible to damage them to the threshold where they can't use it.

  • edited July 2021


  • AeryxAeryx Docking Nipsy's pay
    The Auction is an Auction and not a Gamble. Everyone who plays these games should know they do them eventually and to try their best to save accordingly. I personally made it a high priority goal of mine in late 2019 after I made the character and learned a bunch of quests and other ways to make gold to earn as much as I could and save as much as I could in order to win an item in an Auction. No joke. I have not sold a single credit for gold and may have a chance to win something here because I made it a priority to myself with what I do in the game(Questing every day, Farming, Merchantry, Fishing, Ylem Mists, Bashing).

    Do you think it's fair to devalue my effort because other people didn't make this a priority to themselves? Not trying to attack you here, honest. Just saying, try to consider all angles.
    Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die.
  • Yeah, that is good and all. Until you have the people with enough disposable income they just up and buy 2000 credits and in an instant make up for 100 days minimum of your work. I like Konnorns idea of a raffle or lottery. Maybe not replacing auctions but as something so it isn't whoever is best off financially wins. 
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Aeryx said:

    Do you think it's fair to devalue my effort because other people didn't make this a priority to themselves?

  • AeryxAeryx Docking Nipsy's pay
    Ayastia said:
    Yeah, that is good and all. Until you have the people with enough disposable income they just up and buy 2000 credits and in an instant make up for 100 days minimum of your work. I like Konnorns idea of a raffle or lottery. Maybe not replacing auctions but as something so it isn't whoever is best off financially wins. 
    Sure. I could get behind that, as long as you have both systems for both kinds of people who want to participate in them. We do have lottery system in the game already too that could be purposed for such a thing.
    Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die.
  • edited July 2021


  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    If I'm being honest, framing work you put in game to save gold and credits as being "devalued" because you didn't get an auction is a bit silly. It's fungible in-game currency, you've lost nothing. None of us are promised auctions or the like, so I don't think it's fair to claim that someone wanting a system that looks different and might be more available to more people is "devaluing" something you did. You still have the gold and credits.

  • At the end of the Day Aetolia is a business, the goal is to pull as much revenue as possible. Changing the auctions to something that would discourage people from dropping their money here will never happen. Yeah it sucks when someone can out spend you. Yeah it feels unfair, but think of what the person dropping that money did to earn that money, just because they didn't "put in the effort IG" doesn't make the effort to pile up that cash any less.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    Tirria said:

    At the end of the Day Aetolia is a business, the goal is to pull as much revenue as possible.

  • I guess I'm surprised that people have 4500 cr laying about.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    Tirria said:

    I guess I'm surprised that people have 4500 cr laying about.

    Date: 3/9/2020 at 0:53
    From: Razmael, the Synthesist
    To : Everyone
    Subj: Credit milestones

    You can now earn credits each day in Aetolia through the milestones system!

    Using the new credit milestones, you can earn up to twenty platinum keystones each day which can be exchanged in the milestone shop for a single bound credit each. You can earn keys by completing a list of tasks outlined under MILESTONES CREDITS, and then claiming them. But, WARNING: you can only lay claim to TEN credit milestone rewards each day! That means if you only complete and claim the milestones that reward 1 key each, you won't be able to reach the daily maximum of 20 platinum keystones received.

  • Aetolia can either be a business or it can be a community.

    The admin can't, with one hand, go 'we're all a community so you all have to be nice to all of us even if you feel ignored or mocked' and then with the other go "well it's a business, so I guess it sucks to suck kid, pay me money".

    A community can make money, they do often, however if we want to decide everything here is just a business transaction and not a community of people trying to make something, then we're gonna have to have a lot of lengthy conversations between customer and service provider about some stuff that should be fixed/changed/rehashed. I'm very patient when this is a community and the people up top have other shit to do or are willing to hear us out. If we're dropping that pretense, then I'll have to have some very uncomfortable conversations with people I have been very understanding to in the past.
  • @tetchta yeah that's cute. I assumed that the smart play for IRE would be to not allow free credits into the auctions kind of like how they tried to do with the houses and stone.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Sometimes longterm ability to read the room and gauge public opinion makes more money than nickel and diming and squeezing your customer base for everything they're worth, particularly if your model requires a steady stream of relatively-happy customers to maintain. I would say allowing bound credits and iron coins was a good call, and is not the issue honestly.

    If anything, an auction not driving sales isn't that surprising to me, considering people probably already bought credits for salvage in this very month.

  • When you see the absurd amounts of gold/credits bid by players to get those items, remember that those are currencies removed from the game at the end of it. If they did not bid on the auction, they could easily compete with you in the credit market, or relic pieces/iron coins/shop auctions whatever you'd like to get with their accumulated resources. But they either use their savings on the auction right now and not compete with you in the daily economy of the game OR they save their currencies for the next auction, much like how they did until this one and that again means deciding not to compete. Yes, it sucks to see the numbers go up on an item we'd like to get for ourselves, but I'd argue, the higher those bids go, the better it is for everyone except us and the bidder.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    I'll say I'm swayed on the idea that we should be having auctions more frequently, given that keystones exist, which dramatically increased the availability of credits in the game (if someone has been doing milestones daily since launch, they've accured well over 10,000 credits for free at this pont). At this point though I think we've derailed pretty far from the origins of this conversation, honestly, which mostly was "I think the items could be a bit more enticing," a point with which I agree a bit.

    Whether or not the auction is "a success" for IRE as a business is a disussion for, like, other people. People who are paid to care about that sorta thing.

  • AeryxAeryx Docking Nipsy's pay
    Konnorn said:
    Do -you- think it's fair to devalue those who -cannot- spend hours a day Questing, Farming, Merchantry, Fishing, Ylem Mists, Bashing? Not everyone Can or Want to spend that amount of time in the game daily to earn gold to -perhaps- win an auction item. Some people have lives. Some people have illnesses that make it so they cannot sit at the computer lengthy hours daily. Some people play the game for fun, but still want a chance to do something with a bit more flair. Those people are players just as much as those who Do those things, and those who simply throw in hundreds of dollars worth of credits without blinking. I am simply trying to find an option that will not be completely overrun by Whales.
    First off, I said devalue my effort, not devalue me as a person, nor am I interested in devaluing anyone else as a person. However, you seem to be completely cool here with devaluing other people just because they don't have the same real life situation as you or other people you're championing here. Super judgmental and to be honest, pretty gross. In my own personal case, I've never not been working the entire time I've had Aeryx, except for last month between moving across country. I hang out with my friends pretty often, play Magic, watch UFC, etc, so yes, I made a ton of gold by playing the game, and also still had a real life. And guess what? I play the game for different reasons as you, and I actually found it fun to gain all that gold, as much as everyone wants to troll about 'brr big number go up' etc etc, yes, I enjoy that style of gameplay, and instead of afk botting bashing like a bunch of other people do, I decided to segment off my free time and do all the things I mentioned to gain gold on a regular schedule, so that I could say I did what I did.

        Tetchta said:
    If I'm being honest, framing work you put in game to save gold and credits as being "devalued" because you didn't get an auction is a bit silly. It's fungible in-game currency, you've lost nothing. None of us are promised auctions or the like, so I don't think it's fair to claim that someone wanting a system that looks different and might be more available to more people is "devaluing" something you did. You still have the gold and credits.
    Despite you obviously attempting to go around and troll me repeatedly, I'm gonna respond to this and say that first off, I haven't saved up credits for this auction, if you'd actually read anything I write or say you'd know I am talking about gold. Secondly, yes, someone coming on the forums and being like 'I cant participate in this system, so we should just make a different one instead' attempts to devalue people's efforts for saving up any of the currencies, gold included, that get spent in the Auction. The point of the auction is is to incentivize WHOEVER IS WILLING TO SPEND THE MOST to drain that currency out of the system. It is not stated anywhere to be some mandatory thing everyone has to be able to participate in.

    I sure do still have the gold that I earned, and the credits I've saved up, just like everyone else. I did put exceedingly more effort into gaining the gold than the average player, and for a specific goal in the Auction, that we know is always going to come back at some point or another, and thus, can spend time on, which is more valuable than anything. But please, click disagree with me some more just because and posting big annoying pictures, while claiming to be a big champion of treating each other better in the community.

    Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die.
  • Tirria said:
    At the end of the Day Aetolia is a business, the goal is to pull as much revenue as possible. Changing the auctions to something that would discourage people from dropping their money here will never happen. Yeah it sucks when someone can out spend you. Yeah it feels unfair, but think of what the person dropping that money did to earn that money, just because they didn't "put in the effort IG" doesn't make the effort to pile up that cash any less.
    The fact is a change of system would still make them money. I will not say as much but say they do raffles. 10 credits a ticket. I could see a lot more people participating, spending 40 bucks on 100credits, ten entries, then the current system where people dont even bother because they know withing 10 minutes of the start the bids will be higher than they can afford
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Part of me thinks raffles, without a consolation prize of some sort, would possibly piss more people off than auctions, just because, like...idk if I dropped, say, 1000 credits on tickets...phew boy would I be salty if I got nothing out of it. Also it might veer dangerously close to Online Gambling territory. More so than lootboxes already do.

  • Tetchta said:
    Part of me thinks raffles, without a consolation prize of some sort, would possibly piss more people off than auctions, just because, like...idk if I dropped, say, 1000 credits on tickets...phew boy would I be salty if I got nothing out of it. Also it might veer dangerously close to Online Gambling territory. More so than lootboxes already do.
    That's a fair assessment. Raffles are just an example though. I, personally, would rather a system where everybody has a chance, no matter how slim, to one where a few people will buy a crap ton of credits and lock other people out. I dunno. I think in the long run it would make them more money if more people felt they had a chance to win something, even if it is slim, than no chance at all. And as Konnorn said, the fact that you can lose credits and not get anything makes you think just how much you want to put into it. Maybe don't throw 2000 credits at it when there is a chance of losing. 
  • edited July 2021


  • #proudriffraff
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Konnorn said:

    And that's why people would actually have to think twice before buying, cause it is a gamble after all. Yes, you lose out. Are you willing to lose out on 1000cr? No? Then don't buy raffle tickets for that amount. Just thought it would be a nice option to the auction that only a handful of people can enjoy. I mean, we can have both, right? Let the whales have fun with their auctions and then have a raffle for the riff raff.
    Well... people would have to think twice, yes. But depending on how it's spun and what country you're taking into account it might also be completely illegal, lol
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Yeaaaaaaaah I mean "people will have to think twice" I mean, eh, uh, eh eeeeeeeh heeh ehn. I'm not anti-raffle don't get me wrong at all, but it'd have to be framed very carefully not only to avoid legal problems in some countries, but also to avoid really stirring folk up. If you find yourself building a "buyer beware" system, you gotta think long and hard about whether you're just being straight up monsterous.

    I do think a raffle/lottery style could be done fairly ethically, but I am def not in the "YOLO Do It" camp, nor am I thoroughly convinced that it's "better" necessarily than an auction. It's just different, and it would require a degree of thoughtfulness and planning that I think is getting a bit swept under the rug here.

    I don't know how to make auctions seem more accessible to less-richy-rich players, honestly, other than to just...make the offerings more expansive. If you put enough baby stuff on there, eventually someone who only can buy like 10 credits her and there with IRL money might find themselves capable of scraping together enough to pick up something doofy and unique.

  • I think there should be a raffle or lottery with cool stuff as prizes. In addition to the auctions.

    Since nobody asked me, I also think the auction items are ho-hum at best, and the distribution is convoluted to boot. I fully expected the gold items to be basically mundane junk along the same line as previous auctions. Not the actual best stuff that people genuinely want. Too late to amass gold now. At least we got salvage this month, so there's that.

    Re: everyone's very valid points about playing it safe (or not), I get that. Aside from the emblem of getting killed, nothing strikes me as combat-altering, which ultimately is what is probably healthiest for the game. Can't break what doesn't exist, amirite? Ha ha, get it, because there is no valid combat in the game as per assertions made in this thread? It's a funny. I'm going to run away now. Duanathar! Voltda! Voltada! What am I doing wrong!?

    ... yep, I'm super lame and went there too. Ha ha...
  • Put the dice special arti into the auction and watch mazz go broke please.

  • Ehtias sees into my soul.
  • The fact that Aeryx had to defend his choice to put the majority of his focus into accumulating wealth in preparation for this auction is fucking stupid. If you didn’t focus on making money, or doing your milestones, and instead chose to invest your time and effort into PvP or roleplay or idling, get bent. The ‘iT iSnT fAiR’ is actually mind blowing.
  • Konnorn said:


    Alternatively (though this would be more work and creativity and maybe isn't even part of what IRE allows in their promos?) auctions could have a lower tier, that is nowhere near as flashy, maybe is disposable after like 6 months or something, that can can only be bid on by people with less than X amount of total hours played (i dunno, make it to reflect what the average mud addict would play in a year?).

    Hit up the people who haven't been totally disenfranchised yet and will only have an exciting memory of that time when they were new and managed to win something cool that motivated them to play for years to come.

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