Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader. Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660] Needed for LVL:122.00775356245
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
No antennae option, but this is closest...kind of want to download this now for my 3d printer since I just recently got a few D&D minis and paints for my birthday.
The addition of colors is awesome. Unlike the picrews going around, I was actually able to put together something really close to my interpretation of Ivoln!
I mean.....
Closest thing to Nisavi is a ratlike, probably, since they don't have batlike and her closest inspiration for me was FF9's Freya.
I made the real Oonagh
.....ill need Kjell to get on this. He always forges me beautiful stuff.
Didn't quite have the hair, but not bad!
Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
No antennae option, but this is closest...kind of want to download this now for my 3d printer since I just recently got a few D&D minis and paints for my birthday.
Akarn, complete with eyepatch
I wish they had more clothing options!
goodness this is fun