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Owned Part II



  • Uh to the person who disagreed with me..

    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    And a significant amount of bleed apparently, if a hemorrhage did that much damage. Forget to clot?
  • edited April 2020
    Backstab was 200 bleed alone. Aeryx's attack happened before a clot command could go through (I auto clot down to 200 bleeding in every cure set up atm). It then proceeded to do just 300 shy of 5k damage. Off of backstab and 1 dhuriv attack. You're good at math, how much mana would I lose and how fast would I be absolvable if I swapped clot priority to 0 bleeding anytime a templar was present in a group fight? You're saying die to Absolve instantly or get bashed for 4.7k. Damn dude, take that bullshit back to Achaea, please. 

    Edit: My bleeding is in my prompt next to the B: in dark red. 284 bleeding is not significant. The scaling is wack as shit, I told Keroc it was wack as shit, he told me it was needed because penance rupture doesn't one shot anymore off of a crit bruise, just days before you penance rupture one shot me off of one critical bruise.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • AeryxAeryx Docking Nipsy's pay
    I can only be nostalgic now at all the times I've gotten owned at lessers in the past 5 months as well. Like the times I've been hit by Corpus Frenzy for 2.9k damage or the times 5 people come with limb classes and you can't even attack once before you die. It's pretty unenjoyable. So if its any consolation I certainly understand your frustrations.

    It was a lucky shot. But its not like you wouldn't have died mere moments later anyways had the rest of the train hit you as well.
    Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die.
  • No vampire hit you that hard unless you were completely undeffed and naked, even if you were monk with leather armor and shell running, no vampire hit you that hard. Here's 19 str with level 3 knuckles vs. 44% blunt (ringmail, tower, no shell), 32% blunt (no ringmail,), and 20% blunt (blunt enhancement, miasma). Rhyot could have hit 2.9k probably if he was in Muscular or Powerful and hit 21 str, but again, I would have had to of been completely naked of any damage reduction defs.


    And no, I would not have died mere moments later. I could have shielded, flew, leaped, or you know, something. You ran in with pre-charged blades and annihilated me off of a backstab. There wasn't luck involve, just complete bullshit that our combat head wants to justify, that Serrice thinks is ok because it's ok in Achaea, that you want to justify because you apparently lost your common sense and got hit by the biggest whale in the game while you were running 0 defs in a fight.

    I get my tone is less than pleasing but facts are facts. Skill is wack.

    Related to bleed: To reiterate that 284 bleed isn't a lot, I tanked Tina's artifacted teradrim all the way up to over 1k bleeding before I realized my clotting wasn't working (when I was making this system, not now). She still didn't bash me to death until I hit 2k bleeding. Artifacted teradrim according to Spirit side players is apparently just straight bat shit crazy. So if artifacted Teradrim is that OP, and I could handle it fine until I started bleeding out for 2k every tick, then your shit needs gutted like a fish. It also means 284 bleeding isn't significant.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • At this point I feel like flagging my posts is just a way to bait me tbh. I'm sorry you made a mistake and tried to present it in a way that made it seem normal and I called you on it. That must have been really embarrassing for you and I didn't take your feelings into consideration. 
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • I can't even sincerely apologize without catching a flag.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • haha bladefire machine go brrrr
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • So, is there a reason people are flagging Bulrok's posts as abuse or are we just back to being petty about everything and showing our asses? Because I promise you that we don't want the latter.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    I see nothing in mod queue. But the mods do know that if someone is flagged inappropriately, the flaggers themselves are breaking the rules by being an ass. I don't think this thread is worth keeping though... no one likes extreme losses or mistakes being shown off.

    Watch your tone with one another. Don't theorycraft your way into getting mad. Don't be passive aggressive and try to piss one another off, good lord.

    5. Don't be a jerk. If no one gets your humor or satire, you were probably just being a jerk.

    I'm just going to ban people here soon.
  • The thread is fine, please don't overreact.
  • TiurTiur Producer
  • edited April 2020


    am i doing this thread right??
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • also WHO TF marked Didi off topic, show yourself coward!!!!!
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Kjell has been bested by Fezzix.
    Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Kalena has been bested by Fezzix.
    Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Sekeres has been bested by Fezzix.
    Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Anka has been bested by Fezzix.
    Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Kaiara has been bested by Fezzix.
    Body broken and face flecked with cigar ashes, Velheima has been bested by Fezzix.

    Scidve's a deaathtrap.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin

    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • edited April 2020

    There was some huge spam and the my laptop just couldn't put up with the strain. So I restarted my client and came back to that.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Ephi said:


    There was some huge spam and the my laptop just couldn't put up with the strain. So I restarted my client and came back to that.
    Sorry, I just like how it opens with me in web "oh unicorns" and then boom.
  • edited May 2020

    From the above. Instant NOPE!
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    edited May 2020
    I wound up getting a couple of kills on @Rhyot as I was at the mirror as a result of all that. Were you trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way back to shackling them and the firewall got you a couple of times?
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    I was trying to reshackle, but I kept getting hit by something that kept breaking my legs constantly. It was fun though. :)

  • Try to jump me in Hunting Grounds eh Naos? I don't think so bish, I'm always ready for a fight! B)
  • Hahahahaha true story, I come by it honestly though! :DB)
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