OONAGH!!! My brother, my sweet, sweet brother. The kindest Morrog. The Mor-Frog. You're an absolute delight and bring so much life to the city. Your crafting is incredible, you have clearly put a lot of thought into your character! I'm delighted you made Enorian your home!
Oonagh is an interesting character, especially through the lens of Iesid. The two see to eye on a 'what is best long term?' mindset, and my understanding is that they sometimes take the same roads to get there. Guiding and mentoring characters to become greater than what they currently are is a difficult role to fill, but I believe - and have seen personally - that Oonagh is capable of doing that.
I respect Oonagh as an influential or inspiring character, and I see that you as a player have the writing skills necessary to be known as a strong roleplayer in our tether. Not only that, but you possess the right mindset to turn a guild around and the results over the last few months - hiring the right people, empowering people to be what they want to be, etc - really show in the renewed health of the Ascendril.
Oonagh is an interesting character, especially through the lens of Iesid. The two see to eye on a 'what is best long term?' mindset, and my understanding is that they sometimes take the same roads to get there. Guiding and mentoring characters to become greater than what they currently are is a difficult role to fill, but I believe - and have seen personally - that Oonagh is capable of doing that.
I respect Oonagh as an influential or inspiring character, and I see that you as a player have the writing skills necessary to be known as a strong roleplayer in our tether. Not only that, but you possess the right mindset to turn a guild around and the results over the last few months - hiring the right people, empowering people to be what they want to be, etc - really show in the renewed health of the Ascendril.
5/7 with rice. the Froggo.
Like I tell everyone who says these kind of things to me, its about encouraging behavior, and taking criticism to make things better. I am fortunate not for my abilities, but for having people who are passionate around me, having people with new and old perspective.
And I am 100 percent blessed to have people like I do in the Ascendril, its not always what we put on paper, its what we encourage each other to do, im happy to take people from all different backgrounds and experiences, and give them a home to grow as they wish to.
This will be short as I don't really interact much with people, but logging into Oonagh's sermons had been a particular highlight during my first few weeks in this game. Enorian is lucky to have someone like you who'd take initiative and catalyze orgwide roleplay once in a while. It's especially felt when people gather and there's no Oonagh.
Oonagh, my former-Scio Brother from very, -very- different mothers.
...yeah, never busting that line out again.
ANYWAY! Oonagh's always been fun to talk to and be around. Like Lexen, showed trust in Tek's transition to Enorian, despite his history with the city and guild. Looking forward to pesking Uncle Oonie more.
Frogs happen to my personal favorites, and Oonagh is no exception. There are times where I look at my screen and the only thing I think of is "I love Oonagh." Your writing is fantastic. Everything flows perfectly and I've really enjoyed the few times we've been able to interact. Rhine has a lot of respect for Oonagh and I hope to see more of their budding friendship.
Oonagh was one of the first major interactions where I sat back, and was tickled pink by his attention to detail - the character's affinity for huge casseroles, and had even a bigger, frog heart behind it.
He was one of the first characters as well that I had interacted with and I was inspired by the richness of his own particular brand of imagery. Coming from other games where I've seen the writing of non-humanoid or challengingly humanoid-like races was a hard thing to do or near impossible, this big guy did it with so much ease that I could see him in my mind.
Over the course of a few months, I have seen Oonagh have his own metamorphosis. I have seen his beliefs change, and his will to branch out into other aspects of his character becomes more solidified all through the lense of our character's fast friendship. It may not have looked like it sometimes, but Sekeres has always come across Oonagh at times when she still needs direction. And I've perceived Oonagh as one of Sekeres' childhood friends.
I'm hoping that'll continue, and I'm excited to see what Oonagh does next.
Get roleplaying with Oonagh guys, he's ribbiting, he's quirky, he's sweet - Try out his gigantic hotdog meat.
I am hopeful my work schedule slows a bit, so I have the energy to provide the level of roleplay I enjoy having with others. I appreciate every interaction no matter how big or small, you just put a huge smile on my face with this.
Duiran as a whole has been wonderful, and for those who have taken the time to meet the frog....thank you. For those who haven't yet, my cousin Rodney wants to eat you in the next Bait Game.
Gali very much appreciates the sudden sausage drops and pre-announced cupcake sharing. Didn't expect Oonagh to congratulate her on getting 100, but that was a nice surprise too. Thinks he's a shrewd businessman, might ambush a Duiran shop he's in to talk crafting/Gods.
You're an absolute delight and bring so much life to the city. Your crafting is incredible, you have clearly put a lot of thought into your character! I'm delighted you made Enorian your home!
I respect Oonagh as an influential or inspiring character, and I see that you as a player have the writing skills necessary to be known as a strong roleplayer in our tether. Not only that, but you possess the right mindset to turn a guild around and the results over the last few months - hiring the right people, empowering people to be what they want to be, etc - really show in the renewed health of the Ascendril.
5/7 with rice.
I am fortunate not for my abilities, but for having people who are passionate around me, having people with new and old perspective.
And I am 100 percent blessed to have people like I do in the Ascendril, its not always what we put on paper, its what we encourage each other to do, im happy to take people from all different backgrounds and experiences, and give them a home to grow as they wish to.
...yeah, never busting that line out again.
ANYWAY! Oonagh's always been fun to talk to and be around. Like Lexen, showed trust in Tek's transition to Enorian, despite his history with the city and guild. Looking forward to pesking Uncle Oonie more.
He was one of the first characters as well that I had interacted with and I was inspired by the richness of his own particular brand of imagery. Coming from other games where I've seen the writing of non-humanoid or challengingly humanoid-like races was a hard thing to do or near impossible, this big guy did it with so much ease that I could see him in my mind.
Over the course of a few months, I have seen Oonagh have his own metamorphosis. I have seen his beliefs change, and his will to branch out into other aspects of his character becomes more solidified all through the lense of our character's fast friendship. It may not have looked like it sometimes, but Sekeres has always come across Oonagh at times when she still needs direction. And I've perceived Oonagh as one of Sekeres' childhood friends.
I'm hoping that'll continue, and I'm excited to see what Oonagh does next.
Get roleplaying with Oonagh guys, he's ribbiting, he's quirky, he's sweet - Try out his gigantic hotdog meat.
I appreciate every interaction no matter how big or small, you just put a huge smile on my face with this.
Duiran as a whole has been wonderful, and for those who have taken the time to meet the frog....thank you.
For those who haven't yet, my cousin Rodney wants to eat you in the next Bait Game.
Also I like this guy.