Well I figure it doesn't hurt to try but I could use someone to play a daughter of Anikos.
The father wouldn't of been mentioned much... in fact Aniko would have been a little socially distant even as a mother. Once the daughter was old enough she would have been sent around frequently to study various things. I would prefer her shadow tethered though she'd have some reason to go against her mother and join a spirit guild.
I can provide what I am able to when I can spare it (no brainer packs)
The lessons packs will come pretty quick... the credit pack later if gameplay is consistent.
I will rp with you... the social distant isn't me having an excuse not to... its just Aniko... while having kids is awkward about them.

Anyone interested should hit me up either in game or discord Ani#0198
She was specifically sent to schools/ academies because Aniko wasn't sure how else to handle her at the time. This means she is a fairly open canvas for character building.
Perhaps she is a daughter desperate to get more of Aniko's attention? Perhaps she resents Aniko for being sent away all the time? Maybe she actually grew up more normally... not particularly striving for attention nor hated her mother. Maybe she picked up a bit of an entitled personality from being put in higher educated places of study? Her race would be part atavian, part tsol'aa... something I should of mentioned before.
I haven't had any inquiries yet but I would love to get someone to play her and open up some rp on that.