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How does your class acquire pie?

Carnifex: Find a piemaker, murder her, her family, her children, and anyone who asks what you're doing, and take her pies, because the weak don't deserve pies.
A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."


  • Carnifex v2: Storm a tavern, drink all their booze, scoop up the pies, then charge off to the next tavern! Rinse, repeat!
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • Ascendril: Convince a piemaker you can help them create the perfect, elementally balanced pie and that the only way to be sure is for you to taste the attempts. Enjoy the progress.

  • Indorani: Deform and decay a piemaker, have minions bake the piemaker into a pie, and save for later when you need a delicious and nutritious snack. Alternatively, take one from the Illuminai guild hall.
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Shaman me: uhhh keep having children until one of them knows how to make pie.

    Shaman 1.real: eschew pie in favor of deconstructed pie which is just handfuls of grains and berries and a tall glass of honey.
  • Real ascendril: Drop calamities and take the pies from everyone's lifeless hands.
  • Your Orb glows brilliantly as you will a strawberry pie (#326867) into being.
  • Terafex: Pick it up off of ground, feed to @Mjoll to see if it's edible.

  • KynaKyna Victoria, Australia
    Kyna-class: Violently goes for the cookies instead.
  • AloliAloli Between Books
    Monk: we bake it ourselves and if it's not perfectly balanced, throw it in another monk's face who has to make a better one!

    Sentaari have a guild game called kai pie. It's a little like what @Xavin said since monks work with all the elements.

    Bake the pie while meditating on each element that goes through it so they are in perfect balance with each other. Flour and other dry ingredients represent Earth, Water represents itself, Air and Fire are represented when gently kneading and baking the crust and filling! However, when the ingredients are not in perfect balance, the monk has to kai lift the pie and throw it in monk's face (if they can aim that well), who then has to make a better pie.
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • Karhast politely asks Phoenecia for a pie and stuffs his face with it because his Duamvi loves honey
  • RazmaelRazmael Administrator, Immortal
    edited December 2019
    I order the Celani to make me a pie.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important

    A darkly shaded ritual room. Bloody ritual tools. The Sciomancer stands amidst an array of scattered books, scrolls, cave inscription rubbings, and other esoteric materials of research. They're finally ready. They speak the foul language of Shadow, which I can't even spell, chittering tones that offend every ear which hears them. A shadeling leaps and hops in a darkened corner, chanting along, its horrid yellow eyes nearly bulging out of its viscous, evil little skull. The shadows creep and lengthen across the wall, blowing out what little candlelight is in the room as a rime of frost settles upon every surface. Something coagulates from the darkness, birthed by shadow, given form by its evil, corrupting might.

    The Sciomancer is promptly devoured by the pie.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • You reach into the ether and pull out a strawberry pie.
    Name: a strawberry pie (pie326867)
  • Rijetta said:


    A darkly shaded ritual room. Bloody ritual tools. The Sciomancer stands amidst an array of scattered books, scrolls, cave inscription rubbings, and other esoteric materials of research. They're finally ready. They speak the foul language of Shadow, which I can't even spell, chittering tones that offend every ear which hears them. A shadeling leaps and hops in a darkened corner, chanting along, its horrid yellow eyes nearly bulging out of its viscous, evil little skull. The shadows creep and lengthen across the wall, blowing out what little candlelight is in the room as a rime of frost settles upon every surface. Something coagulates from the darkness, birthed by shadow, given form by its evil, corrupting might.

    The Sciomancer is promptly devoured by the pie.

    Very evocative.

  • edited December 2019
    Syssin: Hypnotize the baker, make him think he's really a tavern wench and steal his pie while he flirts with the customers.

    EDIT: Oh, and giggle in the shadows while eating the pie.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    edited December 2019
    Templar: Defend the baker and his family from bandits, get rewarded with pie.

    Pretty mundane stuff.

    EDIT: Realistically we should never even get the pie because doing good is it's own reward (credit: @Czcibor)
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee

  • Arbre said:

    Too bad you couldn't have done that with the chicken.
    please move this to the OWNED thread, thanks
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • TedrunaiTedrunai Immortal
    edited December 2019

    Tedrunai said:
    Your Orb glows brilliantly as you will a strawberry pie (#326867) into being.

    Dristin said:
    You reach into the ether and pull out a strawberry pie. Name: a strawberry pie (pie(326867)
    zap dristin
    You are stopped in your tracks by the translucent fire surrounding Dristin.
  • Shaman:
    Step 1: Acquire a pie fetish.
    On second thought...
    Banner of the Guardians of Dendara
    Bruin and his pet squirrel, Kaly Bruin Bunny Sticker
    "Chibi Bruin" "Easter Bun Bruin"
    By: Konnorn By: Phoenecia
  • TiurTiur Producer
    edited December 2019
    Tiur: make a pie. Show celani awful, poorly written pie. Wait for celani to correct pie. Claim I made a pie.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    Praenomen: Pie is for mortals.

    Teradrim: Smash open the door to the bakery with your flail. Have you golem hold down anyone in the way while you choose your pie and eat it in front of them.
  • Praenomen: Tempt someone to eat a pie. Feed from them afterwards. Try it with different races.
    Some lovely images of Rebra by @Konnorn, Acaisha Buffo, and @Eleanor respectively!

    Rebra chibi
    Callidora and Rebra
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Seldom forum lurker: Appear out of nowhere, backhandedly remark that the pie we used to have back in the day was really, really good. Damn. Shame that kinda pie isn't around. Really too bad.

    Never actually get around to getting pie.
  • Wayfarer: Shout loudly at the pie maker and throw axes violently at the wall around them at rapid speed. Leap into the air and come crashing down on the pie makers table cleaving the pie in two in your battle rage absconding with one half for yourself and the other bleeding out filling onto the ground.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Sentinel: I bought a pie. I slice into the crust, something squeals. My weasel jumps out of the hollowed out pie in a panic and bites its own ass.
  • Syssin: Hypnotize the pie maker from phase to walk into their bakery and unlock the door to the stockroom. Walk in and take everything, even if it's not the flavor you like.
  • edited December 2019
    Ascendril: Preheat fulcrum to four hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Carefully extract the fundamental components of 'pie', as prescribed by the ancient tomes, into the lattice. Wait approximately twenty-seven Rahielan days for the crust to bake before realizing you forgot the filling, abandoning the project, and initiating a flaky calamity.
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