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Monthly updates - where'd they go?

One of the things I was really excited to see upon my return to Aetolia was the monthly updates. 

@razmael what happened to those? Can you bring them back? I thought they did a huge amount to keep people happy and engaged. 



  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Is it 'cause we gripe too much about release dates? We can stop, we're just really excited! Doesn't mean we want you guys to rush, though.
  • Yeah, I get that griping about release dates would be unpleasant for @razmael and the coders.

    Honestly, I'd just like to hear "This is what we have been working on". Even if it just covered things that had already been completed, it would be cool to see what's going on.
  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    edited September 2013
    I actually reread all of them not too long ago and I really miss them. At the beginning of the year, there was a lot more of communication going on between the administration and the playerbase. I had gone off to play Achaea at the time, but I came back around April only because of those monthly development posts; they just made me feel excited about the game again.

    I want to offer some criticism without necessarily whining, but it is hard. There are other muds that I play even though they are not nearly as complex and intriguing when it comes to the actual setting or game-play features. Rather they have either new content/changes/development or are made in a way where I can feel that I can develop my character while I am logged on. I do enjoy roleplaying, but not all the time. If I can be logged on and just do stuff that actually progresses my character, then I'll find the time to roleplay, talk to novices, or perform any the various onerous tasks that must be done. There are so many things I feel like I want to talk about. Like... how the Dominion and undead houses just seems redundant at this point, despite the fact that it has been almost ten months now since Abhorash came back. Player-killing has steered towards very controlled environments (lesser extractions, duels, arena events) to the point where it feels like there is no real animosity between any of the organizations. Wars got disabled because they had a lot of issues and holy wars are surrendered because they're extremely skewed.

    Basically, I like mudding because it puts a lot of different people inside a game. There are protagonists and antagonists and it is really interesting to see how they interact as well as being part of it all. Aetolia has very little of this left. Or, well, at least less than Achaea.

    Anyway! I think the monthly development posts were a great idea. They sort of do the same thing in WoT-mud and it's just really interesting to get a glimpse of what is going on, or what is not going on, and that game has way less new content and way less gripe about release dates.

  • edited September 2013
    @Alexina I could not agree more.
    Carnifex failing since 2011. Fixes coming Soon ™
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