
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Arbre said:
    Not sure if I should Like that post or not...


    EDIT: To be less insensitive...breakups suck, but sometimes they're for the better. Chin up head high!
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Sadface for Angwe. Hope you are ok. :(
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il

    Aarbrok said:
    So, I am sure some of you are seeing alot of Red Equal signs today.  I dont know, I normally hate hopping on a bandwagon of trending twitter pictures, and facebook updates, and other hullaballoo that is out there, but to see the sheer magnitude of my generation, the generations younger than me, and now even our parents and grandparents coming around for Equality once again, well it brings my heart to a very happy place.

    If you did not know already, this is essentially what is taking place currently.


    If anything I am an advocate for equality.  I just want to see our country not regress when I think all minorities, religions, races, colors, purple people eaters.  I dont care who you are really, if you exist you should always have a voice.  So I suppose seeing such a large amount of people doing something as symbolistic as changing a picture or advocating for equality is an amazing feat and proof that social media can be beyond pictures of your dinner and a bunch of hashtags and sillyness. /endrant

    Not that I am against this because I am homosexual, however this is against the forum rules and I am shocked that the other Mods did not catch this...  I quote..

    "6. Controversial OOC topics are not allowed
    This refers specifically to OOC topics related to such things as religion, politics, ethics, etc. Please keep such discussions to more appropriate forums, as we do not wish to see players driven away from Aetolia due to high-friction topics that rarely see resolution."

    This post groups religion, politics, ethics and a bunch other things which goes into this ruling.  
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • edited March 2013
    Aarbrok said:

    If anything I am an advocate for equality.  I just want to see our country not regress when I think all minorities, religions, races, colors, purple people eaters.  I dont care who you are really, if you exist you should always have a voice.  So I suppose seeing such a large amount of people doing something as symbolistic as changing a picture or advocating for equality is an amazing feat and proof that social media can be beyond pictures of your dinner and a bunch of hashtags and sillyness. /endrant
    I could not agree more.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    You're absolutely right and I didn't catch that myself. I want to say that this is alright, since it seems like Aarbs posted it and that was that. We didn't debate it or what have you. If someone wants to hop onto the RAGE thread and say that "the Conservative bastards make their job difficult" or something, that should be fine, as long as it doesn't spawn a multi-page argument.

    Topics like this are typically restricted because it's human nature to argue about them extensively.
  • I feel like the spirit of that rule is more towards "Don't start a thread on controversial real-life topics." A post like that I don't really see any problem with, I certainly haven't gotten any PM's on it saying Soandso was deeply offended by it.

    Now, Had Aarbrok wanted to start a new discussion topic debating equality to each type of individual, then yeah we'd probably close that down quick just because the very nature of such a debate tends to lean towards some pretty heated arguments and we'd rather not let that happen.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Ansnom talking me into leaving for our vacation a day early.  Gonna be headed toward New Orleans, Louisiana for the weekend in a few hours!!
  • (she's going for the beads)


  • Arbre said:
    Ansnom talking me into leaving for our vacation a day early.  Gonna be headed toward New Orleans, Louisiana for the weekend in a few hours!!
    Oh my god. If you find Bill, Sookie and Eric down there say hello from me!
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    edited March 2013
    Macavity said:

    Aarbrok said:
    So, I am sure some of you are seeing alot of Red Equal signs today.  I dont know, I normally hate hopping on a bandwagon of trending twitter pictures, and facebook updates, and other hullaballoo that is out there, but to see the sheer magnitude of my generation, the generations younger than me, and now even our parents and grandparents coming around for Equality once again, well it brings my heart to a very happy place.

    If you did not know already, this is essentially what is taking place currently.


    If anything I am an advocate for equality.  I just want to see our country not regress when I think all minorities, religions, races, colors, purple people eaters.  I dont care who you are really, if you exist you should always have a voice.  So I suppose seeing such a large amount of people doing something as symbolistic as changing a picture or advocating for equality is an amazing feat and proof that social media can be beyond pictures of your dinner and a bunch of hashtags and sillyness. /endrant

    Not that I am against this because I am homosexual, however this is against the forum rules and I am shocked that the other Mods did not catch this...  I quote..

    "6. Controversial OOC topics are not allowed
    This refers specifically to OOC topics related to such things as religion, politics, ethics, etc. Please keep such discussions to more appropriate forums, as we do not wish to see players driven away from Aetolia due to high-friction topics that rarely see resolution."

    This post groups religion, politics, ethics and a bunch other things which goes into this ruling.  

    My bad.
  • I love the 14 minute clip that Syfy has put up of the show Defiance. It'll start airing on April 15th, and for those of you who don't know it's also an MMO. Tv show and MMO both, tie in together. I was really surprised at how good the clip was of the pilot.
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    I have pics of the Defiance panel from last year's ComiCon. The premise of a tv show whose events occur in parallel with an MMO is a pretty novel idea. I'm excited for it.
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I'm not a fan of the shooter MMO style (it looks like Tera and I just disliked how the UI and controls handled there), but I've been watching the news about this because the concept is pretty darn cool.
  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    They implied at the panel that sometimes certain players who have earned epic achievements will be referenced in the show. 
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • These fingernail polishes. All 12 of them. I've been waiting for months to buy them and I couldn't wait any longer!! China Glaze is a darn good fingernail polish too, so for ~$3 a bottle, that's an amazing deal! (Thanks Amazon) Oh and LOVE that I totally talked @Lianca into getting them too ;;)
  • Moirean said:
    I'm not a fan of the shooter MMO style (it looks like Tera and I just disliked how the UI and controls handled there), but I've been watching the news about this because the concept is pretty darn cool.
    Yeah, I tried the beta of the MMO this past weekend on PS3. I didn't care much for the MMO, but the 14 minute clip of the pilot is really really promising.
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • Oh wow this looks really interesting. Thanks for bringing Defiance to my attention!
  • Here's the link to the 14 minute pilot clip on Syfy's website, if anyone else wants to watch it:
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    I watched alot about Defiance, because I am addicted to the show Face off.

    Ugh....cant wait
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Omg Face Off is awesome.
  • What is Face Off? I refuse to google.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    It's like project runway, but with movie makeup artists, so they design all kinds of cool monsters and stuff.
  • edited March 2013
    Absolutely loving Bioshock Infinite. I also can't stop laughing at the sheer amount of dumpster diving that is going on in video games lately. Dishonored? Corvo consumes all potted whale meat and brined hagfish with a fury. Half of Dunwall is starving? Too bad, I've got to eat everything in sight and god help me I will eat it no matter what. Someone summed up Booker's rampage through Columbia well:

    Booker sets a new standard for complete lack of hesitation to eat what essentially amounts to trash. Why was this guard in possession of cotton candy? Who would eat a bag of peanuts abandoned on the beach? Does the skyhook serve as a can opener, or is Booker eating open cans of beans that he finds in the garbage? He's like some kind of hobo Pacman. One minute he's digging through the bushes for loose change, the next he's sprinting through the streets, eating every snack and drinking all the booze.
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor

    A House is no more! Through the will of the Primus, House Darsroth has been dissolved due to their
    stagnation and weakness.

    One more to go!

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • Moirean said:
    Omg Face Off is awesome.

    I couldn't agree more. Best show evar! And I so wish I knew how to do all that cool stuff. Or at least could afford the material to try it out.


  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited March 2013

    Reasonably priced for what it is, for the most part, and should be fairly accessible, either by mail (in the US at least!), or at stores like Dick Blick, Utrecht, etc.

    The company has a range of materials, mold-making and things to cast with, from silicones to plastics, clear, flesh toned, breakable glass for props, etc.

    EDIT EDIT: You'll want to start with an oil based clay for the thing you're going to make a mold of to cast in another material (won't dry out, re-useable, don't have to wet it). The mold-making can be tricky, it depends on what material you're doing it with (there's the paint-on kind, or the pouring kind, which you'll want to build a water-tight frame for. Using wax to go over the edges is an easy way to make sure of that). Most of the Smooth-on products are simple A and B mixtures, either equal parts or easily-measured parts, which also helps (so you don't have to measure out oz). I'll stop rambling now. If you have any questions about their products or working with stuff, hit me up. It's a company I make a lot of use of.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: For non US, it's a good resource to at least see how things work and to learn some of the vocabulary for finding local products. They've some decent tutorials and guides as well, just need to find similar products. I can probably also help with that as well, one of the women at their Exton distribution hub mistakenly thinks I'm sweet and helps me out with things from time to time.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Sorry everyone. I may or may not have had too much caffeine at too early of an hour.

    Edit+4more: If you're going to experiment with mold-making and casting, always have a bottle of acetone (not nail polish remover, acetone) handy. It'll help with any spills or drips, especially on skin. And vaseline for sealing/protecting (molds and otherwise).
  • EleanorEleanor FOR SCIENCE
    So... minecraft at the moment is a hilarious sitcom in which Geth #296 (me) and Isaac Clarke (Akary) build Stormcaller Crag together.

    Life's good.

  • Haydyn said:
    These fingernail polishes. All 12 of them. I've been waiting for months to buy them and I couldn't wait any longer!! China Glaze is a darn good fingernail polish too, so for ~$3 a bottle, that's an amazing deal! (Thanks Amazon) Oh and LOVE that I totally talked @Lianca into getting them too ;;)
    I love that you found them! I've been needing some more nail polish colors. (I only had 2 before I bought all these)
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