New job. May not be long term, may end up being something awesome. Working at a powersports dealership selling Ducati, Honda, Triumph, Suzuki and Yamaha. Got to meet Ducati's president today - awesomeeeee!
Gonna practice on a plank first, will be needed. After that, I have some low, rounded glasses that I am thinking about turning into candleholders, so something pretty on those. Will have to see what comes to mind when it's time!
@Damariel 's zap description. 10/10 would get zapped again, that is a freaking gruesome and badass way to kill someone.
For the curious:
The room grows unnaturally silent and you suspect that Someone might be watching, listening. A gentle rumble from directly underfoot is your only warning before two lengths of a spiked, metal chain shoot from the ground towards you. The bladed ends impale your stomach faster than you could hope to react, shooting out your back before looping around to pierce you again, and again, and again, the loose coils violently growing taut. The last thing you see, before your body separates into a thousand tiny pieces, is the spray of your blood on the open air. You have been slain by Damariel.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
@Damariel 's zap description. 10/10 would get zapped again, that is a freaking gruesome and badass way to kill someone.
For the curious:
The room grows unnaturally silent and you suspect that Someone might be watching, listening. A gentle rumble from directly underfoot is your only warning before two lengths of a spiked, metal chain shoot from the ground towards you. The bladed ends impale your stomach faster than you could hope to react, shooting out your back before looping around to pierce you again, and again, and again, the loose coils violently growing taut. The last thing you see, before your body separates into a thousand tiny pieces, is the spray of your blood on the open air. You have been slain by Damariel.
(Market): Tifa says, "Looking for a Divine."
(Market): Draiman says, "I'm here, as always. What do you need, My child?"
Damariel grips His chain and closes His eyes, the ends magically extending to violently bury themselves deep, deep into the ground. He pauses for a moment, opening His eyes with a start and yanks upwards on the middle of the chain, the spiked length going taut for just a moment before loosening again. It retracts slowly back into His hands, blood dripping slow, thick droplets from the chain onto the ground below. Draiman has been slain by Damariel. Draiman has been torn to pieces, ripped apart by the righteous chains of Damariel.
@Aishia : Been there, done that, so to speak. Might be immune to that particular syndrome. I've already lived there once and managed to get away. I prefer to visit the place.
Posting this in love because I've read through it like 100 times, and it's not Aet related so I figured it didn't belong in q&mq
My cousin just sent me this, a discussion between himself and Hulu:
To: Cc:
More detail.
It was late night, the wind was blowing hard outside which helped to provide a cloudless sky. The moonlight shone through the windows of my hearth. Here I sat in bliss, comfortably tucked under a cozy blanket having just enjoyed a rather thrilling test of might at trial by combat in the realm of Destiny. To celebrate my triumph I reached out to hulu for entertainment. Smiling to myself as I thought of the commercial free passage I had previously secured, I selected the to see the comedic play of the cast of Brooklyn Nine Nine. I was even more excited having found out that they had a new act. Alas, there was a dark shadow cast on the night I was unaware of, for villains whom I can put no face or name to had betrayed me. They struck a deal with whom I can only presume must be the devil himself and I was one who would be fodder to the carnage that would be wreaked. For larger coin purses they had betrayed our alliance, this I knew as I gazed upon the dancing demon that shone across my screen. I gasped, frightened by this unexpected fiend that had revealed himself to me. Quickly I grasped the remote, searching for the button that could banish "Samsung" as he announced himself. Flailing I finally found the trigger that would release me from my torment. Having saved myself, my first instinct was survival. For this I had to figure out what portal the demon used to enter the realm of my family room. After a moments pondering it was clear, he had come through the portal of hulu, but this seemed impossible. After all, me and the hulu gatekeepers had an alliance. It struck me then and became aware of their betrayal. I reached out in outrage, quickly beginning to write a missive to reddit, thinking the community could come to my aide. Visions of my comrades and I as we stormed the gates of the Hulu castle flashed before my eyes, but instead of further driving my bloodlust I felt grief. Some part of me still valued my previous friendship with those of Hulu, however significant the betrayal of their hierarchy. I decided to delay the dispatch of my letter, and reach out to those of hulu. This decision has brought me to this correspondence with you good sir, the first of hulu I must rally to my cause to stop the tyranny of the monarchy.
TLDR; I tried to watch Brooklyn 99 on hulu late last night. I pay for ad free service and you showed me a Christmas ad. The entity you represent betrayed me.
I don't want ads, I paid to not see ads, your company took my money but still gave me an ad. Get me 5 days free ($2 value, half of what I paid for no ads. You can take your 1 day $0.40 and cram it) and you buy my silence and continued patronage. I look forward to your response Bladymir.
On Dec 7, 2015 8:14 AM, wrote: ## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Bladymir L, Dec 7, 6:14 AM: Hi Torrey,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. I'm really sorry for the trouble. Would you be able to elaborate on the problem at all? What show did you watch when you got the ad? I wouldn't be able to refund you for the ad, but I may be able to credit your account with a day of Hulu.
The more details you can share, the better equipped I'll be to help. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks, Bladymir L Hulu Support
Hulu ended up giving him a month free because of the response.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
The following members of D'baen are in the realm: Member Rank Status Class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asaraii Praetor Praenomen Axai Ascendant Praenomen Draiman Ascendant Sciomancer Cariv Ascendant Praenomen Xeniothalus Vicarius Praenomen Talfinel Procer Decessus Praenomen Gifiri Procer Decessus Earthmelded Praenomen Icuin Procer Decessus Praenomen Mangor Procer Decessus Praenomen Ares Servant Nightstalk Nerida Servant Nightstalk Vialuna Servant Nightstalk
^ Hey there, revival of the D'baen. I'm so happy we have so many new peeps. It's a mind overload for me, and it is pushing me to hash out the rest of our changes too. Thanks for sticking around - and also - if you have IC or OOC input for how to make us better as we change and evolve thanks to the admin roles encouraging it, feel free to talk to me either way. Sorry I don't have the time lately, I'm adjusting to a new schedule. Thanks for being patient!
Posting this in love because I've read through it like 100 times, and it's not Aet related so I figured it didn't belong in q&mq
My cousin just sent me this, a discussion between himself and Hulu:
To: Cc:
More detail.
It was late night, the wind was blowing hard outside which helped to provide a cloudless sky. The moonlight shone through the windows of my hearth. Here I sat in bliss, comfortably tucked under a cozy blanket having just enjoyed a rather thrilling test of might at trial by combat in the realm of Destiny. To celebrate my triumph I reached out to hulu for entertainment. Smiling to myself as I thought of the commercial free passage I had previously secured, I selected the to see the comedic play of the cast of Brooklyn Nine Nine. I was even more excited having found out that they had a new act. Alas, there was a dark shadow cast on the night I was unaware of, for villains whom I can put no face or name to had betrayed me. They struck a deal with whom I can only presume must be the devil himself and I was one who would be fodder to the carnage that would be wreaked. For larger coin purses they had betrayed our alliance, this I knew as I gazed upon the dancing demon that shone across my screen. I gasped, frightened by this unexpected fiend that had revealed himself to me. Quickly I grasped the remote, searching for the button that could banish "Samsung" as he announced himself. Flailing I finally found the trigger that would release me from my torment. Having saved myself, my first instinct was survival. For this I had to figure out what portal the demon used to enter the realm of my family room. After a moments pondering it was clear, he had come through the portal of hulu, but this seemed impossible. After all, me and the hulu gatekeepers had an alliance. It struck me then and became aware of their betrayal. I reached out in outrage, quickly beginning to write a missive to reddit, thinking the community could come to my aide. Visions of my comrades and I as we stormed the gates of the Hulu castle flashed before my eyes, but instead of further driving my bloodlust I felt grief. Some part of me still valued my previous friendship with those of Hulu, however significant the betrayal of their hierarchy. I decided to delay the dispatch of my letter, and reach out to those of hulu. This decision has brought me to this correspondence with you good sir, the first of hulu I must rally to my cause to stop the tyranny of the monarchy.
TLDR; I tried to watch Brooklyn 99 on hulu late last night. I pay for ad free service and you showed me a Christmas ad. The entity you represent betrayed me.
I don't want ads, I paid to not see ads, your company took my money but still gave me an ad. Get me 5 days free ($2 value, half of what I paid for no ads. You can take your 1 day $0.40 and cram it) and you buy my silence and continued patronage. I look forward to your response Bladymir.
On Dec 7, 2015 8:14 AM, wrote: ## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Bladymir L, Dec 7, 6:14 AM: Hi Torrey,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. I'm really sorry for the trouble. Would you be able to elaborate on the problem at all? What show did you watch when you got the ad? I wouldn't be able to refund you for the ad, but I may be able to credit your account with a day of Hulu.
The more details you can share, the better equipped I'll be to help. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks, Bladymir L Hulu Support
Hulu ended up giving him a month free because of the response.
Where's a fucking LOVE button for this shit?!?!?!?! God damn it forums, install a LOVE button!!!
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
While this is a mostly LOVE to shadow what @Trager has said, FINALS ARE OVER! WIth that, I have also signed paperwork on a new home, during the holidays, which I am moving into New Years you can imagine packing right after finals, and then prepping for a move into a home during all that, I am pooped but I have to get done before the term starts up again.
My presence may be a bit spotty for a couple weeks, bear with me. I miss you Enorian and grumpy Duiranite folks.
I love that Martin Shkreli has been arrested by the FBI and that a horrible person has been punished, I love that there is a clause in the purchase he has made of a one of a kind Wu-Tang clan album, is that it can be retrieved only by heist or caper involving Bill Murray or the Wu-tang clan to nullify said contract, I love how the FBI has responded stating it was not seized during the apprehension of the criminal.
I furthermore love that this sounds like the making for one of the best movies I have ever heard of.
I love that Martin Shkreli has been arrested by the FBI and that a horrible person has been punished, I love that there is a clause in the purchase he has made of a one of a kind Wu-Tang clan album, is that it can be retrieved only by heist or caper involving Bill Murray or the Wu-tang clan to nullify said contract, I love how the FBI has responded stating it was not seized during the apprehension of the criminal.
I furthermore love that this sounds like the making for one of the best movies I have ever heard of.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Thank you, @Keroc ! (and anyone else who helped but weren't the ones who posted about it)
Anyway, awesome! whatcha gonna engrave?
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
For the curious:
The room grows unnaturally silent and you suspect that Someone might be watching, listening. A
gentle rumble from directly underfoot is your only warning before two lengths of a spiked, metal
chain shoot from the ground towards you. The bladed ends impale your stomach faster than you could
hope to react, shooting out your back before looping around to pierce you again, and again, and
again, the loose coils violently growing taut. The last thing you see, before your body separates
into a thousand tiny pieces, is the spray of your blood on the open air.
You have been slain by Damariel.
(Market): Draiman says, "I'm here, as always. What do you need, My child?"
Damariel grips His chain and closes His eyes, the ends magically extending to violently bury themselves deep, deep into the ground. He pauses for a moment, opening His eyes with a start and yanks upwards on the middle of the chain, the spiked length going taut for just a moment before loosening again. It retracts slowly back into His hands, blood dripping slow, thick droplets from the chain onto the ground below.
Draiman has been slain by Damariel.
Draiman has been torn to pieces, ripped apart by the righteous chains of Damariel.
(Market): Damariel says, "Yes?"
For the more curious. I had a hearty 'lol'.
I've already lived there once and managed to get away. I prefer to visit the place.
My cousin just sent me this, a discussion between himself and Hulu:
More detail.
It was late night, the wind was blowing hard outside which helped to provide a cloudless sky. The moonlight shone through the windows of my hearth. Here I sat in bliss, comfortably tucked under a cozy blanket having just enjoyed a rather thrilling test of might at trial by combat in the realm of Destiny. To celebrate my triumph I reached out to hulu for entertainment. Smiling to myself as I thought of the commercial free passage I had previously secured, I selected the to see the comedic play of the cast of Brooklyn Nine Nine. I was even more excited having found out that they had a new act. Alas, there was a dark shadow cast on the night I was unaware of, for villains whom I can put no face or name to had betrayed me. They struck a deal with whom I can only presume must be the devil himself and I was one who would be fodder to the carnage that would be wreaked. For larger coin purses they had betrayed our alliance, this I knew as I gazed upon the dancing demon that shone across my screen. I gasped, frightened by this unexpected fiend that had revealed himself to me. Quickly I grasped the remote, searching for the button that could banish "Samsung" as he announced himself. Flailing I finally found the trigger that would release me from my torment. Having saved myself, my first instinct was survival. For this I had to figure out what portal the demon used to enter the realm of my family room. After a moments pondering it was clear, he had come through the portal of hulu, but this seemed impossible. After all, me and the hulu gatekeepers had an alliance. It struck me then and became aware of their betrayal. I reached out in outrage, quickly beginning to write a missive to reddit, thinking the community could come to my aide. Visions of my comrades and I as we stormed the gates of the Hulu castle flashed before my eyes, but instead of further driving my bloodlust I felt grief. Some part of me still valued my previous friendship with those of Hulu, however significant the betrayal of their hierarchy. I decided to delay the dispatch of my letter, and reach out to those of hulu. This decision has brought me to this correspondence with you good sir, the first of hulu I must rally to my cause to stop the tyranny of the monarchy.
TLDR; I tried to watch Brooklyn 99 on hulu late last night. I pay for ad free service and you showed me a Christmas ad. The entity you represent betrayed me.
I don't want ads, I paid to not see ads, your company took my money but still gave me an ad. Get me 5 days free ($2 value, half of what I paid for no ads. You can take your 1 day $0.40 and cram it) and you buy my silence and continued patronage. I look forward to your response Bladymir.
On Dec 7, 2015 8:14 AM, wrote:
## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Bladymir L, Dec 7, 6:14 AM:
Hi Torrey,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. I'm really sorry for the trouble. Would you be able to elaborate on the problem at all? What show did you watch when you got the ad? I wouldn't be able to refund you for the ad, but I may be able to credit your account with a day of Hulu.
The more details you can share, the better equipped I'll be to help. I hope to hear from you soon.
Bladymir L
Hulu Support
Hulu ended up giving him a month free because of the response.
Member Rank Status Class
Asaraii Praetor Praenomen
Axai Ascendant Praenomen
Draiman Ascendant Sciomancer
Cariv Ascendant Praenomen
Xeniothalus Vicarius Praenomen
Talfinel Procer Decessus Praenomen
Gifiri Procer Decessus Earthmelded Praenomen
Icuin Procer Decessus Praenomen
Mangor Procer Decessus Praenomen
Ares Servant Nightstalk
Nerida Servant Nightstalk
Vialuna Servant Nightstalk
^ Hey there, revival of the D'baen. I'm so happy we have so many new peeps. It's a mind overload for me, and it is pushing me to hash out the rest of our changes too. Thanks for sticking around - and also - if you have IC or OOC input for how to make us better as we change and evolve thanks to the admin roles encouraging it, feel free to talk to me either way.
Been a lot of fun new trailers this week, but ooh. I am very excited for this.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
WIth that, I have also signed paperwork on a new home, during the holidays, which I am moving into New Years you can imagine packing right after finals, and then prepping for a move into a home during all that, I am pooped but I have to get done before the term starts up again.
My presence may be a bit spotty for a couple weeks, bear with me. I miss you Enorian and grumpy Duiranite folks.
I furthermore love that this sounds like the making for one of the best movies I have ever heard of.
Best story all day.
He posted his 5 million dollar bond today anyways, so ....hes out.