
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    First day of work, and made a really good contact last night for hopefully even MORE work!
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.

    I don't know if this is love or rage but I went to the doctor today. New doc, first appointment. I got called morbidly obese which is harsh. But now I have a plan to start losing the weight I have gained and gained which is cool. I have to keep a food diary which is balls. But it keeps me honest on what am actually eating and doing. Dr. Lady says I might be able to drop the blood pressure medication all together if I get the weight under control. We will see? I am willing to make a change but I am going to be a grump for a while

  • Mariena said:

    I don't know if this is love or rage but I went to the doctor today. New doc, first appointment. I got called morbidly obese which is harsh. But now I have a plan to start losing the weight I have gained and gained which is cool. I have to keep a food diary which is balls. But it keeps me honest on what am actually eating and doing. Dr. Lady says I might be able to drop the blood pressure medication all together if I get the weight under control. We will see? I am willing to make a change but I am going to be a grump for a while

    If carrying around a physical notebook to record this stuff in isn't your thing, check out the My Fitness Pal app. You can do it all on your phone, and it'll list things like the calories in what you're eating too so you can have a number to work with.

    It's also super useful for when you go out, as the dishes from most of the popular restaurants are in it as well!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    I'm really loving the adventure mode on Diablo 3. got it set on Master(One step below Torment I think?) and am using it to level my monk from 60-70. Going pretty swell so far. Ran into two elite packs at once and got smoked a couple of times though. Ugh T_T.

    But it's super fun. Nephalem Rifts are fun. The bosses at the end are really challenging. God I hate the ones with those arcane mario-bros wannabe spinner things. Would rather deal with molten desecration jailer or something. Guh.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • @Mariena Totally couldn't agree more with @Nevlar‌'s suggestion of the My Fitness Pal app! If you have a not-super-old smartphone, you can just scan the barcodes of stuff if you eat things not-totally-home-made often and it shoves it on there. It helped me by a LOT to figure out where all my calories/nutrients were coming from, and I fail miserably at stuff like food diaries.

    Also - that's an excellent idea, @aarbrok. Both adorable AND portion control! I should go get some ikea kid bowls and stuff...

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    So what's a guy with a metabolism/stomach like mine do? I get super hungry every hour or so. :( I should probably just work out, I'd probably lose the hell out of weight >.>
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    @Aarbrok @Aryanne @Everyone You guys rock, you know that? I wrote that post in the waiting room (grandma had to have her appointment too) and was feeling very lowly. I think I can do this and it is because of the support of this community.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    My dad can be a bit strange sometimes, but I love him and his quirky ways. Today when he visited, he complained about my TV being too small (he lives just up the hill from me, so no need for him to come watch it at my place, and he's got what I consider being a ridiculously large one on 48 inches). Then he tells me to come along and goes to buy me a 42 inch TV, just like that! No consideration or even hesitation involved. :D

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Sweet, @Teani.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • @Mariena I couldn't agree more with the my fitness pal suggestion. That's what I started off with and it really helped me out with my weight goals. You eventually teach yourself through that what to avoid in general, so it becomes more of a lifestyle change which is beneficial in the long term for a healthy life. I wish you the best and if you ever need any advice or support, I'd be happy to share my own stuff too.
  • edited September 2014
    I love that I've finally got a comment of 'I can tell you've lost weight!' Really brightened my day. Which I need, since my daughter has a cold and sleep has been pretty much non-existent.

    @Mariena, I heartily agree with the support from here, such an unexpected place to encounter it and knowing I'm going to post to the 'world' so to speak each week about how things have gone has kept me better on my eating. (Which is the biggest problem for me!)

    I also agree with the my fitness pal app and your signature stamp is awesome, such a great idea (How'd you do it?). Though I personally only track what I eat on my fast days. But tracking and looking at calories has really made me start paying attention even on the days I'm not restricting my food.

    Edit: Although it doesn't really feel like restricting so much anymore. I've gotten into the swing of what I can and like to eat on those days. Lots of berries and veggies with some meat with my dinner and more veggies.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    @Ianea That is wonderful!

    If you go on , go to the apps tab, click 'tickers' in the blue banner that comes up when apps is selected at the top, and under 'what would you like to do' you can 'change style of your ticker', which is what I did. Then they give you a source code to shove places

  • Oh hey I forgot about that thing. Maybe I will join you to show my support! I stopped using it regularly before because I got busy.
  • @Mariena : Just going to throw it out there, unless something drastic happened since I saw you you are NOT morbidly obese. Jesus christ what a harsh doctor!

  • This was from another thread, but I LOVE this:
    Sarkis said:

    Enorian has a byzantine history of politics, backstabbing, soul-searching, and this belief it could be something better, but utterly unsure how. Basically, it's like France after its empire more or less had collapsed, but before World War I. And its only ally is Borneo. And Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empires are leering at it in a most unsettling way.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • Ishin said:

    I'm really loving the adventure mode on Diablo 3. got it set on Master(One step below Torment I think?) and am using it to level my monk from 60-70. Going pretty swell so far. Ran into two elite packs at once and got smoked a couple of times though. Ugh T_T.

    But it's super fun. Nephalem Rifts are fun. The bosses at the end are really challenging. God I hate the ones with those arcane mario-bros wannabe spinner things. Would rather deal with molten desecration jailer or something. Guh.

    I just bought Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls and have yet to be able to start playing it. Though, I think I'm going to roll the archer, because archers be OP. Though I'll be playing on the 360. I'm hoping that its as good as everyone says it is.
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • Now that summer's over and classes have started I'm finding it way easier to get myself into a healthier pattern of working out/eating. I have no idea why, but when I've actually got a consistent schedule things get infinitely easier than the free-for-all that was summer.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Zsadist said:

    Ishin said:

    I'm really loving the adventure mode on Diablo 3. got it set on Master(One step below Torment I think?) and am using it to level my monk from 60-70. Going pretty swell so far. Ran into two elite packs at once and got smoked a couple of times though. Ugh T_T.

    But it's super fun. Nephalem Rifts are fun. The bosses at the end are really challenging. God I hate the ones with those arcane mario-bros wannabe spinner things. Would rather deal with molten desecration jailer or something. Guh.

    I just bought Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls and have yet to be able to start playing it. Though, I think I'm going to roll the archer, because archers be OP. Though I'll be playing on the 360. I'm hoping that its as good as everyone says it is.
    Demon Hunter is probably one of the harder classes to play. Barbarian is the easiest, I think, and Crusader(I lol at mobs on my 'sader, it's epically stronk), but once you get higher on difficulty then DH becomes a lot more about kiting. What sucks is when you kite one elite group into another, and then you have to fight two of them T_T
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • I was expecting Diablo 3 expansion to be expensive, but it is surprisingly affordable. Welp, guess I'm going to check it out too!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    It's really fun, guys. If I had good internet I'd be like come play with me. But I also play on xbox 360, so...
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Husband and I made seasonal characters. My Battlenet ID thing is in the wow thread, I think, so feel free to add me.

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    Console and PC Diablo 3 are in pretty different states right now. There was a big content patch that was released for PC but hasn't hit consoles yet.

    On the PC version Demon Hunters are by far the best class, on the console version it's probably Witch Doctors.
  • Extremely surprised that I got some random kills in the beginning of a lesser, an almost-vivi and a vivi at the end. I don't usually get kills, and I don't usually 'lead' them with two others! Was fun while it lasted, even though we lost the lesser and the fight in the end! (Shield less, Valingar. :C)
  • I died from system failure was much better the second time around >_>
  • Tho I did run out of 3 different potions that second fight >_>;
  • I saw that. I was slapping myself and wondering why I left instead of killing you. >_>
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Ezalor said:

    Console and PC Diablo 3 are in pretty different states right now. There was a big content patch that was released for PC but hasn't hit consoles yet.

    On the PC version Demon Hunters are by far the best class, on the console version it's probably Witch Doctors.

    Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah I play on xbox, so like...for me DH is still the hardest class. Strongest offensively I think for sure. I do massive damage with my DH. I just...if they get too close my ass is grass lol.

    I do enjoy my monk though. Like 300k and some hp, and almost 200k attack damage. Just started campaign on Torment 1. Pretty fun so far :D
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Nice people. The kindness of strangers, willing to put their necks out to help me, transformed what could have one of the worst days of my life into something manageable. Such an amazing string of people doing what they could to help me has left me speechless and happy and I bought a milkshake to celebrate.
  • Moirean said:

    Nice people. The kindness of strangers, willing to put their necks out to help me, transformed what could have one of the worst days of my life into something manageable. Such an amazing string of people doing what they could to help me has left me speechless and happy and I bought a milkshake to celebrate.

    Milkshakes are the best kind of celebration, barring pie. :D
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