@Alissandra - It's okay hon, compared to our storied history, I understand that you guys' history book is really more like a pamphlet. I don't hold it against you
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
In before Navy/Marine rivalry. (Had to hear it all the time growing up from one parent or another. Dad was a Marine, mom was in the Navy)
I can relate. Brothers are all in different branches- oldest brother is a Marine, middle brother is Army MP, and my baby brother is going into the Air Force. Family dinners are interesting.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
So starts the new year, and the next 3 months of miserable, cold weather, college, and seasonal depression until I can be riding a real horse or an iron horse. Happy New Years nerds.
I should have known that mud players would appreciate that shirt. So many people have no idea what I'm talking about, while I'm over here like, DO YOU SEE THE KITTENS? DO YOU HAVE A SOUL?... Oh my dog that's seriously my new like, "going out, gotta wear the kitten skull shirt. My soulmate might find me" shirt. No ragrets. Not even one letter.
So starts the new year, and the next 3 months of miserable, cold weather, college, and seasonal depression until I can be riding a real horse or an iron horse. Happy New Years nerds.
...is that a CBR I spot? I believe it is. A 250, maybe, judging from the size?
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Hi5 on the CBR, and a srs smack in the face for the 250 comment She's a 2008 600RR. Two brothers exhaust that cost me about 900 smackers. But my god, she sounds amazing. And when I'm in the front, my pipe is in everyone's face, and they get so mad at me. Bahaha. But hi5! Has the matte graffiti edition going on. This was my, 'GSXR is my height, I need one, but ALL MATTE BLACK THAT I CAN ADD PINK TO?' *impulse buy* Oh hey, I have to tip toe my way through life. Has pink neons under fairings and changed to pink frame sliders since then. I think I'll lower it before next year, but I hear that screws with cornering, and I've grown fond of dragging knees around corners. We'll see. I just love that exhaust. She has a nice arse.
@Asaraii - I couldn't really tell. I saw female, and saw the bike didn't look like it dwarfed you. ...but I forgot that the CBR 600RR's are smallish anyway. I really want one T_T atm I have a Yamaha FZ6R. First bike, but man. Freedom on wheels
Nothing special done to it 'cept I ride it
That matte black looks nice on it. I had to hunt down the flipping Honda wing almost hidden in the glare there, lol, to figure out what kind of bike it is. I saw the undertail and was like 'Looks like a Honda' *hunt wing*
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Good point, it wasn't visible. Here's a little better view of the graphitti and Honda wing. And a comparison, mine is a 600RR CBR on the left, on the right is a 1000 GSXR. And I'm 5'2, GSXR driver is over 6 feet. It's so stupid, but again, I loved the matte, and that I had matching shoes, and I'm a girl, so don't judge me for feeling like a douche for tiptoeing my way through life :[
How odd. I'd have sworn my buddy's GSXR was bigger than the 600RR I looked at in the stealership a few months ago. Maybe it's just because he has Ducati fairings on it or something, I dunno. It sure looked fat as shit from the front and top, lol.
I'm not usually a pink guy, but the matte/pink combination does look good. I probably wouldn't ever ride it myself, unless I could change out that pink for some Halloween Orange.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Yada yada blah blah, and we burn so much rice when we go fast. Yada yada, blah blah, crotch rockets, so fast we can't even go as fast as it can go, blah blah.
I grew up on two wheels and have 0 interest in that kind of riding. But so popular these days, man. Urbody wanna go fast, I just wanna get both wheels off the ground.
You're all crazy. Give me a car. A sturdy car. Or a truck. Four wheels, please. My entire family does the motorcycle thing, so a few times a year I'm subject to the, "So-and-so got in an accident, ran off the road!" spiel. Nooooot a fan. The last bike accident netted me putting off six months of my life staying at home full time as a care-taker. Thxnothx. Drive save, everyone.
I am still the farmer type with his 1970 ute with a big block v8 >.< (this is my old car from 2013) I have since started working on one for my little brother for him if he completes high school.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
I am still the farmer type with his 1970 ute with a big block v8 >.< (this is my old car from 2013) I have since started working on one for my little brother for him if he completes high school.
Where the fuck is the bed?
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
@Ishin my first bike was a 04 Ninja 500 (Carborated too, gives me a better appreciation for fuel injection :P) She was grey, black and orange, so I got an orange mohawk to stick on top of my helmet. I felt like the wastelanders on Borderlands. That bike was so tiny and light. My bike weighs like 380. I'll probably never get anything bigger, most of them jump in weight after 600 and I don't do enough pullups or something.
I have a lot of stupid friends who have wrecked their bikes, especially in the last couple years. A girl I know was learning how to ride and she wrecked in shorts and a tshirt, spent 3 weeks in the hospital. I have also been to many motorcycle wrecks as a first responder, and I drive like a grandma on steroids. I -did- open her up to 155mph on the highway once, but stopped there before I peed my pants. I can say I've experienced it, no need to try again :<
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
In the first pic, he was 7 months old ( big kid, I know:P ) and this was his response to his grandmother blowing kisses. The second pic is of him standing up on his own for the first time.
Not even an hour after I get home from work, here is the collection of toys Athena has brought into my bedroom. She has a serious issue with SHARING with the other three dogs. She's the precious.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
Winter is here, and this image is what I'll carry with me inside my head to keep calm at tomorrow's funeral.
I love snow, did I mention that?
...is that a CBR I spot? I believe it is. A 250, maybe, judging from the size?
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Nothing special done to it 'cept I ride it
That matte black looks nice on it. I had to hunt down the flipping Honda wing almost hidden in the glare there, lol, to figure out what kind of bike it is. I saw the undertail and was like 'Looks like a Honda' *hunt wing*
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I'm not usually a pink guy, but the matte/pink combination does look good. I probably wouldn't ever ride it myself, unless I could change out that pink for some Halloween Orange.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Yada yada blah blah, and we burn so much rice when we go fast.
Yada yada, blah blah, crotch rockets, so fast we can't even go as fast as it can go, blah blah.
I grew up on two wheels and have 0 interest in that kind of riding.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I have a lot of stupid friends who have wrecked their bikes, especially in the last couple years. A girl I know was learning how to ride and she wrecked in shorts and a tshirt, spent 3 weeks in the hospital. I have also been to many motorcycle wrecks as a first responder, and I drive like a grandma on steroids. I -did- open her up to 155mph on the highway once, but stopped there before I peed my pants. I can say I've experienced it, no need to try again :<
In the first pic, he was 7 months old ( big kid, I know:P ) and this was his response to his grandmother blowing kisses. The second pic is of him standing up on his own for the first time.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Not even an hour after I get home from work, here is the collection of toys Athena has brought into my bedroom. She has a serious issue with SHARING with the other three dogs. She's the precious.