PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
A really big thank you to @Slyphe. Being in the order is really fun, and I love everything you've been doing with both the order and the people in it. You make us feel involved, and like we're doing stuff that's important. The interaction is always fun too, when it happens.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
A big thanks to everyone who attended the costume ball in Enorian. It may not have panned out the way I'd intended, but it was still really fun. Extra thanks to @Maghak, @Omei, and @Slyphe for covertly crashing the party; you guys were entertaining to watch.
Credit to @Phoenecia for fostering through a PK incident and the associated ruckus to run a costume ball that was not, in fact, half bad. Player events are always great.
Thank you @Phoenecia for setting up that lovely Enorian ball. And @Omei, @Maghak, and @Slyphe for crashing. Much to Mariena for being the only mortal in the storytelling contest.
"Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
@Spinesreach and @Carnifex, especially this week @Denser and @Exayne - people like you guys, who are excited to play and eagerly dive into stuff like org events and are enthusiastic about stuff like reward's what makes it fun and enjoyable to lead and reminds me why we create those types of things in the first place. Thank you for making this game fun!
@Spinesreach and @Carnifex, especially this week @Denser and @Exayne - people like you guys, who are excited to play and eagerly dive into stuff like org events and are enthusiastic about stuff like reward's what makes it fun and enjoyable to lead and reminds me why we create those types of things in the first place. Thank you for making this game fun!
Glad to have you back @Moirean. Time to further develop Denser's role in the Carnifex
Kudos to the carnifex and spinesreach. Excited over my transfer over to spinesreach and participating on carni events while trying to maintain my ooc life
I have to thank the following people for some pretty great RP and just being generally awesome lately: @Kelliara, @Tina, @Kiershu, @Angwe, and @Ellenia.
Thank you to a bunch of people who recently have made things awesome - @Solaria, @Angwe, @Meyvitch, @Amila, @Xavin and @Mariena. Thanks to Duiran for being awesome lately and chatty. I like chatty Duiran.
AngweI'm the dog that ate yr birthday cakeBedford, VA
I'm not sure if this has been said before, but even if it has it deserves to be said again. A huge Thank You to @Moirean. The time and effort you put into ensuring Spireans and others always have something to do and work towards within the city is amazing, not only that, the RP scenario's you create (or that randomly happen) deserves their own comment. But I don't comment on the forums often if at all. I thought i'd pop on to say Cheers. Keep it up you're making this game so much more interesting for so many people.
@Daskalos - For the fight. My heart was racing the whole time, can't believe I lasted so long against you. Thanks for being a good sport all the time, win or lose. ( At least towards me :P )
I was really just gonna idol and log out, and you responded, giving me WAY more fun than I expected !!
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
Also showing some love for @Ivoln, here. I never believed what I thought to be throwaway banter would end up prompting a meaningful, and oddly heartwarming conversation later down the line. It was an awesome way to end my night, and will probably end up helping me character-wise in a lot more ways than you know. So thank you.
Keep calm and don't mind the smell. (Although I would absolutely like Kelsys coming back!) (Especially with crocodile class! ..Did I mention crocodile class?)
i am rapture coder
@Sear, @Ivoln for the beautiful yet sudden interaction!
Thank you @Phoenecia for setting up that lovely Enorian ball. And @Omei, @Maghak, and @Slyphe for crashing. Much
to Mariena for being the only mortal in the storytelling contest.
You've made Aetolia super fun for me!
Sharing the love! Massive thank you to everyone that's been putting up with Amila lately! @Omei, @Aisling, @Areka, @Elwyn, @Angwe, @Meyvitch, and @Solaria
(Although I would absolutely like Kelsys coming back!)
(Especially with crocodile class! ..Did I mention crocodile class?)