I had to log off Neithan's name and onto Alistaire's just for this one, because today was INTENSE
@Katszia - Going off into the Darkness is a naughty, naughty thing to do. This conflict aint over yet, miss lady!
@Phoenecia - Always there for Sir Grumpy McPaladin, even after all the stuff that went down.
@Omei - Sweet mother of all things creepy, Omei! I have a serious OOC aversion to things happening to eyeballs, so I was shivering in my chair during that. That said! Awesome and crazy! Alistaire is now a cyclops! 0_-
@Alistaire - That was so not the way I wanted things to go down! Damn you and your zealous asinine antics. But the RP was definitely uh-mazing, as always. I just.. ergh. Ergh I say!
Thank you, @Aarbrok, for being such a damn good friend and human being. Much good feelings sent across the continent.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
edited January 2014
A few people I want to thank for all the fun lately.
@Alistaire - The scene yesterday (before all the big stuff went down) was really touching, and I love that the Grumpy Paladin is still willing to deal with his stubborn ex-wife, even after everything.
@Cole - My favorite cowboy! Thanks for putting up with Phoe's insecurities and mood swings. Cole is Phoe's best friend, even after all of the stuff that's happened, and it's nice to have someone to RP things like just shooting the breeze while fishing while still having a strong emotional connection. Thanks for putting up with me.
@Katszia - Despite the few interactions we've had, I love the intense rivalry going on between Kat and Phoe. Even now that they're on opposing sides, I still find it interesting that their decisions are still affecting each other.
@Slyphe - For being generally awesome and understanding. I swear, I'm gonna finish that order task soon. >_>
@Solaria, @Angwe, @Xavin, and Duiran in general - Thank you guys so much for being so welcoming and being so willing to give a clueless city girl like Phoe history lessons and lessons about Duiran - it means a lot to me, and I hope the interactions don't stop there. I'm already starting to feel a lot happier since joining.
@Rashar - For being someone for Phoe to confide all of her troubles in. He kind of irritates her at times for telling her things she already knows, but I think they have a pretty good understanding, and I enjoy their little conversations. Thanks for putting up with the stubborn lady.
@Ashmer - Holy crap, you're creepy. But thank you for not immediately jumping to PK when Phoe started getting defensive and touchy, even though I was expecting it to come to that, and was fully expecting to get stomped. So thank you for that. >_>
I like that @Ashmer thanked both of my characters. Makes me feel warm 'n fuzzy inside. Or was that the rum?
Anyhow. Thanks for being that creepy slightly antagonistic dude on both accounts, Ashmer.
Psh, slightly? I gotta up my game, then. I'm slacking off. Keep drinking, boyo, you might need it.
And yes, both your characters get mentioned because it's been neat playing with both characters. I'm glad you didn't turn that last bit into a PK fest.
@Ashmer - Holy crap, you're creepy. But thank you for not immediately jumping to PK when Phoe started getting defensive and touchy, even though I was expecting it to come to that, and was fully expecting to get stomped. So thank you for that. >_>
Awh, thanks! It always gets me all fuzzy when people get creeped out by Ashmer and mention it to me.
Also, you're welcome. I didn't feel it would add to the roleplay if I murderized either of y'all in that interaction, though in this case, the underlying threat of violence definitely contributed to the delicious tension in that little scene. You played the line perfectly, and I really appreciate it. It added something.
I've got quite a list myself to be doing, so bear with me! Note: it's very possible I may end up skipping a person or four, so please don't be offended if you don't make the list!
@Rashar: You are an absolute pleasure to interact with, and barring a few road bumps along the way that can be chalked up to this being rather new for you, it's fantastic to know that if something happens and I for some reason can't log in for a handful of days the Order won't devolve into chaos under your care. I've seen tremendous growth in Rashar during your time playing, and it's rewarding to feel like I've gotten to play somewhat of a role in it. You're doing a wonderful job dude, keep it up.
@Solaria: It was my hope that the structuring of the Order would allow it to be fairly self-sustaining, and your role in particular is one that's a cornerstone of this feature. You are so absolutely on top of your game when it comes to making sure Congregants are comfortable in easing themselves into the Order, and I feel like I don't need to worry about micromanaging that aspect in the slightest.
@Xenia: I'm truly sorry if my actions in creating conflict with you came off as tiresome or bad to deal with. While I understand that I am playing Slyphe as quite the antagonist, it's my hope that by the end, even enemies of the Order will end up with some sort of satisfaction or reward (like your custom warhound!). You played along with everything like a champ though from what I saw directly IG, and it's appreciated immensely.
@Arbre: The recent roleplay with you has hands-down been one of my favorite occurrences thus far up here in the pools. I'm very sorry that it seems to have gotten you some flak, and may not have ended up quite as fun on your end as I would have hoped, but you were simply amazing to deal with. It takes a very special (awesome) type of person to be able to roll with the sort of conflict that was occurring there, and it's incredibly rewarding to get to deal with players like that. While it can be somewhat typical of people to moan and whine about the results of God RP in some way, especially if they're not on the winning end, you just went along with the ride.
@Ashmer: You're such an instigator when it comes to this ongoing conflict between Slyphe and Chakrasul, and I love it. Let me just say that if this conflict would continue to be carried out indefinitely with neither Order growing tired of it at any point, I would be 100% fine with letting that happen as a result of the fun ensuing interactions alone.
@Chakrasul: I really can't wait until we're both logged in at the same time again soon to continue playing with this trouble that's been brewing. You're an absolute pleasure to work with as well, and even though our attacks/retaliations have been limited to messaging each other logs of the occurrences (>_>) and a few shout matches it's still been ridiculously fun.
@Omei: You're just pretty much one of my main sources of motivation around here. You keep me in line and help me out all the time, even when you've got more important things to be working on.
...Aaaand my dinner is done cooking, so I may be back for more later!
AngweI'm the dog that ate yr birthday cakeBedford, VA
edited January 2014
Too many people to thank, which is why I never post here.
I'm fully aware that the above statement demonstrates terrible logic.
@Teani @Kaira (<3 ) @Irruel @Meyvitch (I'm sorry Ang has been so distant) @Lelandria @Pheadre @Catty (Keep on keepin' on, h8rs gonna h8 including me.) @Ashmer (Jerk) @Ezalor (For everything. You know why. Troll) @Ferrik (My croc misses you) @Moirean (I h8 u. I u. I h8 and u?) @Chakrasul (We're not so different, you and I) @Haern (Maybe take more days off coding to just RP and enjoy being a god? I miss you) @Slyphe (Ride or die) @Dhar (Ride, die, ride s'more) @Phoenecia (Let's paint the town red!) @Phendegwen (Only took me three times to spell yr name!) @Elorin @Nadia @Xiuhcoatl (Please don't quit. You're so annoying but you're also so helpful and you make me have to innovate) @Kaeus (The Sentinel drop squad would never have existed w/o you) @Relandroc (The Ranger of the Curmudgeonly Path) @Omei (The see u trollin'. They h8n) @Piper (Leave. Spinesreach. More) @Xavin @Trager @Illidan @Dhagon @Jeromy (Just for being a generally cool dude OOCly) @Yettave (Just for being a pretty cool guy) @Aarbrok (My bishi!!! Kawaiiii~ neko neko nani desuuuu!) @Oleis ('Nough said.) @Razmael @Maghak (I like everything I've seen from you OOCly and ICly) @Serrice (You haven't played in nearly a year and you STILL give me someone to catch up to) @Seir (I promise I didn't mean to make a clone of yr character) @Kiershu (Get a damn mic already. I'll mail you the 4 bucks) @Sabon (Thanks for the coding help with newbies and for giving me stuff to do sometimes) @Gabriele (For making my character prioritize) @Calipso (You've come a long way) @Ciri (I'm so fucking proud of you) @Everyone I haven't remembered yet. (You know why) @Iosyne (a darker mirror has never existed. You don't even have to interact to make my character question himself) @Sibatti (For creating a culture that I'm really trying not to completely destroy while tweaking it) @Kiyotan (You rock)
I don't think I've ever posted here. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate people though - if I don't avoid you, assume I appreciate and enjoy the interactions we have.
And, if I'm idling in my haven, it doesn't mean I'm avoiding you. >.>
@Ashmer: You're such an instigator when it comes to this ongoing conflict between Slyphe and Chakrasul, and I love it. Let me just say that if this conflict would continue to be carried out indefinitely with neither Order growing tired of it at any point, I would be 100% fine with letting that happen as a result of the fun ensuing interactions alone.
@slyphe has done a lot to shape Rashar. To the point where I've been called a mini. *peer Katszia* I was in the Congregation within a couple weeks of starting, and there is no doubt that I used the entire thing as a channel when I wasn't entirely certain what to do or be. You were the first (and only, really) God I have ever interacted with, and tbh that sermon you had me do was the reason I learned how to emote say. So, thank Slyphe for the emote say. I won't even go on about how fun you are to interact with - everybody already knows. Slyphe tongue-rip. Flawless Victory.
Also - Thanks for ignoring noob.
@solaria I rub you. You know that, though. I hate that you're intense enough to have actually stopped talking to Rashar, even though we chat all day long. But that's only because I want to RP again.
@elwyn I am just going to say I had no idea or expectation even of meeting Elwyn, but you're quickly becoming an asset in his life. It's not going away. You're a blast to RP with, and just a really great person all around to chat with.
@teani Literally the first player I met here. If I had a mentor, it was you. Things aren't the same, but we can get back there maybe.
@sessizlik Even though Rashar hates muffins and doesn't understand you, you're still hilarious. Except when calling me a mindless brute, and actually meaning it. Because, I mean. C'mon.
@aren We've been hanging out a more lately, and I like it a lot. I love that you're down to sit and do some RP when the itch hits, but you're also down to go do dumb shit on a whim, too. Sorry for getting you killed all those times. Not really, though.
@ashmer You slapped me in the face ICly, and I was so busy re-reading that line repeatedly I forgot to respond until the conversation swept past, and it would have seemed odd. I actually heard your voice, man. Awesome.
@cole Awesome dude to bounce stuff off of. Don't ask -me- why you aren't running shit. Let's RP slash learntofight more.
@moirean I like you a lot, and I think that may have got lost in there somewhere. Let's try again.
@arbre There are a few people on this game who, for some reason, really make me think when they speak. Like, from an IC standpoint. You're one of them, and I always find myself as Rashar just wondering or questioning things. You're a blast. Sorry for being mean to you that one time.
@roux Because, I mean. Wow. Hooked. I'm on leave for another two weeks, and the worst part of my day is chronically coming back to my computer between semi-idling or poking random people just to see if Roux said something. Today I was just tinkering with stuff and cleaning, and those few emotes were the most fun I've had during the day in a long time. I don't know what you did, but keep doing it please.
@Rashar, Sessi was just upset because Rashar talked down to her animals. That's the only time she's called him brute and meant it. She doesn't understand Rashar even a Little, with the growling and gruffing, but our interactions are still awesome and you rp like a veteran. More please!
@Kaira, no idea if you come to the forums, but you are Amazing. Sessi adores her baby sister and would walk through fire for her. You just need to stop idling in Angwe's haven and rp more!
@Lelandria and @Pheadre, Sessi's new nieces. I can see some hilarity coming my way with these two. Getting Sessi to spar in the arena is a big deal and something she would only do for family or educational purposes.
@Meyvitch, despite Everything that has happened, Mey is one of Sessi's best friends and someone she worries about a lot. Too bad our Schedules don't Always match up. I want more arpee with you!
@Teani, we Always have so much fun together. Also one of Sessi's best friends. You can make Everything interesting, from crafting and debating, to hunting Teani is one of the people who's helped Sessi move forward in Life.
@Solaria, you Owe me arpee time. I -promise- to turn down the chipper for you!
@Saybre, you are one of very few people who can make Sessi laugh straight from the heart. I really hope there will be more fun like that in the future.
@Ferrik, I can understand why people Always talk so warmly about your char. He is Amazing! The emotes are Always so well thought out, but without getting complicated. You can make an rp-session move like water, just effortlessly moving forward and I find myself smiling the whole time. Now give Little one a proper name (that I probably won't use since I now call him Little one) and get some iron coins for a desc, Before I give those to you as well! So much love for you.
Thank you to the liaisons for giving us one of the most efficient liaison rounds yet - between keeping discussions civil, crawling through hundreds of reports to comment and brainstorming new ideas for many of the reports lacking reasonable solutions, this has set the bar pretty high for all of the rounds to follow!
@Rashar - You're fun to talk to OOC. I'm not -that- intense, I just take RP seriously. Anyways, fun to RP with and such.
@Sessizlik - I know I owe you time! I will arrange it soon..just meh. Things have been bananas OOCly.
@Slyphe - Thanks for giving me things to do, really. I get bored pretty easily, but the order tends to keep me working away at things.
@Daegon - Great to see you back. I missed RPing at your face.
@Teani - Glad things have worked out between our chars. I know there are sometimes language/cultural barriers between us, but you're pretty cool to RP with.
@Ciarelle - We vent back and forth. I love it. And you know? I love our short interactions, we just need more of them.
@Elwyn, @Xavin, @Mariena - You are all great people to chat with. I think Sol's developed a lot lately into a more laid back person because of you three. She still has a ways to go, though.
@Ashmer - I probably should find an excuse to RP with you on a more regular level. Our few interactions have been pretty interesting.
@Roux - I know Sol and Roux are not on good terms right now, but I still adore you.
@Cole - You are absolutely fantastic. You've been great to hang around with and just chat, which I don't do with people nearly enough on Sol.
@Aarbrok - You annoy the crap out of Sol sometimes with your antics, but you're awesome to RP with and just chat with. Especially bounce ideas off of. Now, I forgot you the first time. You happy now?!
@Duiran - The Council is in a great place, even if we are quiet. Glad you guys let me keep on plugging away at Feral Will. Been the best leadership position I've held in a long time. Thanks for making it awesome.
So I guess I will give out a few of my thank yous.
@Chakrasul- She helped form some of how Catty is now which is so much more different and much more fun. While the RP I had with Her was only once it was tons of fun and I do hope to have more @Ashmer- While you freak me out most the time with your RP you -always- stick to your RP and that makes it so much fun. It's awesome and I can't wait for more RP with you @Ezalor- He's been there a lot for me, Helping me fighting, helping me through RP, helping in any way he can IC and OOC- it's awesome to have that @Angwe- Same reason he thanked me really. You're a pain in the butt to deal with but it makes it fun in some ways @Kallah and @Grimdale for the awesome RP they set up with Catty where she pretty much has a double personality, I have so much fun with this RP and it has lead into so many other RP's for me. Thank you =D @Daskalos- listening to me complain all the time @Slyphe- I know it was a while ago but I had some fun RP with you and it'll always stick with me!
I know there are many others I could add to this list so I'm sorry for not including all of you. You're all awesome!
OH! @Omei while I only RP'd with you once in Spinesreach as you pretended to be Galleus it was an -awesome- RP and I wouldn't complain for more RP like that!!
OH! @Omei while I only RP'd with you once in Spinesreach as you pretended to be Galleus it was an -awesome- RP and I wouldn't complain for more RP like that!!
That uhh... may or may not have been Galleus disconnecting while accidentally visible, and me trying to explain it away. But you're welcome!
That may have been a trend of Galleus, I saw him a few times visible in Spinesreach. Just standing around, no response or movement. It was amusing, I just sat there with Aarbrok and stared...I may have stacked things around him. Make a shrine or something, who knows.
OH! @Omei while I only RP'd with you once in Spinesreach as you pretended to be Galleus it was an -awesome- RP and I wouldn't complain for more RP like that!!
That uhh... may or may not have been Galleus disconnecting while accidentally visible, and me trying to explain it away. But you're welcome!
Either way it was a fun RP trying to explain it. Just not sure why he was even there to begin with!! Never did find out
Angwe: Being a great brother to Meyvitch, putting up with his mood swings and such.
Sessizlik: Same as above. I thought she'd have more of an issue with him trying to remain loyal to Meskhenet, but she seems cool with it.
Slyphe: I had an out-of-character gut reaction to punch your character in the face after seeing Arbre's muzzle. I didn't expect that. Or the fox drum, they were both really cool and I hope to find a reason to interact with you more!
Arbre: putting up with a horny Fox. LOL.
Moirean. Your guildhall's creepy. And all I saw was the mudroom!
"Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
That may have been a trend of Galleus, I saw him a few times visible in Spinesreach. Just standing around, no response or movement. It was amusing, I just sat there with Aarbrok and stared...I may have stacked things around him. Make a shrine or something, who knows.
@Katszia - Going off into the Darkness is a naughty, naughty thing to do. This conflict aint over yet, miss lady!
@Phoenecia - Always there for Sir Grumpy McPaladin, even after all the stuff that went down.
@Omei - Sweet mother of all things creepy, Omei! I have a serious OOC aversion to things happening to eyeballs, so I was shivering in my chair during that. That said! Awesome and crazy! Alistaire is now a cyclops! 0_-
@Slyphe, because I never did @Slyphe after that rotten @Slyphery.
Y'all know why.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
Anyhow. Thanks for being that creepy slightly antagonistic dude on both accounts, Ashmer.
@Alistaire - The scene yesterday (before all the big stuff went down) was really touching, and I love that the Grumpy Paladin is still willing to deal with his stubborn ex-wife, even after everything.
@Cole - My favorite cowboy! Thanks for putting up with Phoe's insecurities and mood swings. Cole is Phoe's best friend, even after all of the stuff that's happened, and it's nice to have someone to RP things like just shooting the breeze while fishing while still having a strong emotional connection. Thanks for putting up with me.
@Katszia - Despite the few interactions we've had, I love the intense rivalry going on between Kat and Phoe. Even now that they're on opposing sides, I still find it interesting that their decisions are still affecting each other.
@Slyphe - For being generally awesome and understanding. I swear, I'm gonna finish that order task soon. >_>
@Solaria, @Angwe, @Xavin, and Duiran in general - Thank you guys so much for being so welcoming and being so willing to give a clueless city girl like Phoe history lessons and lessons about Duiran - it means a lot to me, and I hope the interactions don't stop there. I'm already starting to feel a lot happier since joining.
@Rashar - For being someone for Phoe to confide all of her troubles in. He kind of irritates her at times for telling her things she already knows, but I think they have a pretty good understanding, and I enjoy their little conversations. Thanks for putting up with the stubborn lady.
@Ashmer - Holy crap, you're creepy. But thank you for not immediately jumping to PK when Phoe started getting defensive and touchy, even though I was expecting it to come to that, and was fully expecting to get stomped. So thank you for that. >_>
Psh, slightly? I gotta up my game, then. I'm slacking off. Keep drinking, boyo, you might need it.
And yes, both your characters get mentioned because it's been neat playing with both characters. I'm glad you didn't turn that last bit into a PK fest.
Awh, thanks! It always gets me all fuzzy when people get creeped out by Ashmer and mention it to me.
Also, you're welcome. I didn't feel it would add to the roleplay if I murderized either of y'all in that interaction, though in this case, the underlying threat of violence definitely contributed to the delicious tension in that little scene. You played the line perfectly, and I really appreciate it. It added something.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
I'm fully aware that the above statement demonstrates terrible logic.
@Kaira (<3
@Meyvitch (I'm sorry Ang has been so distant)
@Catty (Keep on keepin' on, h8rs gonna h8 including me.)
@Ashmer (Jerk)
@Ezalor (For everything. You know why. Troll)
@Ferrik (My croc misses you)
@Moirean (I h8 u. I
@Chakrasul (We're not so different, you and I)
@Haern (Maybe take more days off coding to just RP and enjoy being a god? I miss you)
@Slyphe (Ride or die)
@Dhar (Ride, die, ride s'more)
@Phoenecia (Let's paint the town red!)
@Phendegwen (Only took me three times to spell yr name!)
@Xiuhcoatl (Please don't quit. You're so annoying but you're also so helpful and you make me have to innovate)
@Kaeus (The Sentinel drop squad would never have existed w/o you)
@Relandroc (The Ranger of the Curmudgeonly Path)
@Omei (The see u trollin'. They h8n)
@Piper (Leave. Spinesreach. More)
@Jeromy (Just for being a generally cool dude OOCly)
@Yettave (Just for being a pretty cool guy)
@Aarbrok (My bishi!!! Kawaiiii~ neko neko nani desuuuu!)
@Oleis ('Nough said.)
@Maghak (I like everything I've seen from you OOCly and ICly)
@Serrice (You haven't played in nearly a year and you STILL give me someone to catch up to)
@Seir (I promise I didn't mean to make a clone of yr character)
@Kiershu (Get a damn mic already. I'll mail you the 4 bucks)
@Sabon (Thanks for the coding help with newbies and for giving me stuff to do sometimes)
@Gabriele (For making my character prioritize)
@Calipso (You've come a long way)
@Ciri (I'm so fucking proud of you)
@Everyone I haven't remembered yet. (You know why)
@Iosyne (a darker mirror has never existed. You don't even have to interact to make my character question himself)
@Sibatti (For creating a culture that I'm really trying not to completely destroy while tweaking it)
@Kiyotan (You rock)
Whoa, that's a lot of names.
I don't think I've ever posted here. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate people though - if I don't avoid you, assume I appreciate and enjoy the interactions we have.
And, if I'm idling in my haven, it doesn't mean I'm avoiding you. >.>
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
@Rashar, Sessi was just upset because Rashar talked down to her animals. That's the only time she's called him brute and meant it. She doesn't understand Rashar even a Little, with the growling and gruffing, but our interactions are still awesome and you rp like a veteran. More please!
@Kaira, no idea if you come to the forums, but you are Amazing. Sessi adores her baby sister and would walk through fire for her. You just need to stop idling in Angwe's haven and rp more!
@Lelandria and @Pheadre, Sessi's new nieces. I can see some hilarity coming my way with these two. Getting Sessi to spar in the arena is a big deal and something she would only do for family or educational purposes.
@Meyvitch, despite Everything that has happened, Mey is one of Sessi's best friends and someone she worries about a lot. Too bad our Schedules don't Always match up. I want more arpee with you!
@Teani, we Always have so much fun together. Also one of Sessi's best friends. You can make Everything interesting, from crafting and debating, to hunting Teani is one of the people who's helped Sessi move forward in Life.
@Solaria, you Owe me arpee time. I -promise- to turn down the chipper for you!
@Saybre, you are one of very few people who can make Sessi laugh straight from the heart. I really hope there will be more fun like that in the future.
@Ferrik, I can understand why people Always talk so warmly about your char. He is Amazing! The emotes are Always so well thought out, but without getting complicated. You can make an rp-session move like water, just effortlessly moving forward and I find myself smiling the whole time. Now give Little one a proper name (that I probably won't use since I now call him Little one) and get some iron coins for a desc, Before I give those to you as well! So much love for you.
Also, honorable mentions:
@Angwe, @Xenia, @exayne (cup?), @Roux, @Daskalos (Thank you for -always- talking Sessi straight), @Slyphe, @Xavin and @Aren.
If I have missed anyone, so sorry! Head isn't all woken up yet.
@Ezalor, @Moirean, @Ilyon, @Valingar, @Aishia, @Feichin, @Xavin, @Kaeus
@Chakrasul- She helped form some of how Catty is now which is so much more different and much more fun. While the RP I had with Her was only once it was tons of fun and I do hope to have more
@Ashmer- While you freak me out most the time with your RP you -always- stick to your RP and that makes it so much fun. It's awesome and I can't wait for more RP with you
@Ezalor- He's been there a lot for me, Helping me fighting, helping me through RP, helping in any way he can IC and OOC- it's awesome to have that
@Angwe- Same reason he thanked me really. You're a pain in the butt to deal with but it makes it fun in some ways
@Kallah and @Grimdale for the awesome RP they set up with Catty where she pretty much has a double personality, I have so much fun with this RP and it has lead into so many other RP's for me. Thank you =D
@Daskalos- listening to me complain all the time
@Slyphe- I know it was a while ago but I had some fun RP with you and it'll always stick with me!
I know there are many others I could add to this list so I'm sorry for not including all of you. You're all awesome!
OH! @Omei while I only RP'd with you once in Spinesreach as you pretended to be Galleus it was an -awesome- RP and I wouldn't complain for more RP like that!!
i am rapture coder
Angwe: Being a great brother to Meyvitch, putting up with his mood swings and such.
Sessizlik: Same as above. I thought she'd have more of an issue with him trying to remain loyal to Meskhenet, but she seems cool with it.
Slyphe: I had an out-of-character gut reaction to punch your character in the face after seeing Arbre's muzzle. I didn't expect that. Or the fox drum, they were both really cool and I hope to find a reason to interact with you more!
Arbre: putting up with a horny Fox. LOL.
Moirean. Your guildhall's creepy. And all I saw was the mudroom!
i am rapture coder