@Moirean and @Toz for the Guild FFA and the subsequent one that was opened to the public. It was probably one of the guild events that I was prouder to have won second and subsequently nothing in the open one than first in the other events. That adrenaline will pump for a while.
This is possibly a mixed post, for a thanks and see ya.
I wanted to drop though a huge thank you to everyone in game who spared a few minutes with me. It was a lot of fun learning the ropes with you all. Perhaps when the inspiration hits I'll come back but for now good bye. Sorry to anyone I left RP & work hanging with. I can only manage so much bashing & idling before the enthusiasm falls off. I'll probably be back someday but for now >:D< and take care.
Big thank you to @Moirean for giving one of the best interviews I've ever had in seven years of playing Aetolia. Cannan often rides a line between being amusing and an exasperating little snot, and the fact that you're not only willing to deal with him but riff so well off his eccentricities speaks volumes about your rp and ability to improvise. Thanks to you, I feel like Cannan is growing naturally as a character.
If we had nineteen more of you for GM in each guild, Aetolia would be ten times the game it is. You're a boon to the players under you, novice and knights alike.
@Feichin - For taking pity on my retarded self and not murdering the hell out of me when I realized I never got the messages for Teradrim after their last changes. Ahem.
The overall combat spirit lately has been real cool.
I think alot of people are being involved in getting some younger folks involved, not being overly griefy and having some patience in the conflict. Its good to see, actually encouraging me to get back out there and not stress everytime mudlet goes in lockdown with more than 4 people in the room.
Thank you to everyone who let me ramble on and call it a sermon last night. Everyone was so nice and a lot of fun to interact with! So thank you for helping me forget about my cold for a while.
Thank you to the people who been patient with me lately. I've been not very fun to be around and I've not been having fun myself. Been going through some rough stuff RL and I've let myself obsesses over too many details and petty drama in game, instead of just enjoying playing. Sorry to everyone I've been icky to, and thank you to everyone for pulling me out of that slump, in particular: @toz, @piper, @anfini, @cannan, @eleanor, @kaldaka, @tina, @denser, @aldric, @xenia, @kikon, @ferrik, and all of the Carnifex for making me smile.
And a return thank you to the man above. ^ up there, for making the Order an awesome place to hang out, as well as all the fellow members who are awesome.
And a second thanks for politely pretending not to notice I'm a total noob.
It is -so- much easier to recruit people when you know they're going to come and have a blast.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
Despite not being in the order anymore, Slyphe is still awesome. That is all.
We all have hard times @Moirean and especially when you have to deal with city AND guild stuff, time is pretty limited. Thanks for giving me the chance to dabble with the shops and commerce!
@Eleanor, @Kaldaka and a few other Spireans who chipped into the donation contest. Was starting to get demoralised that I was the only one donating. Hurray. Time for me to quickly get some gold to chip in more
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
I want to give a shout out to pretty much all the players of Enorian. You've all been really awesome and I love feeling the energy of the city come alive.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
A huge thank you/<3 to Areka and Eleanor, for an awesome deck of cards. (finally got mine because I had to wait for a good chance to get it from Areka and had to wait to get paid). A no thank you needs to be added for all the glitter now adorning my coat from the wrapping Areka used. IT'S EVERYWHERE.
Thank you, @Daskalos, for helping me fix the forums. And for being generally awesome, not just with the gifts, but for talking Sessi straight in a time of need.
@Chakrasul, for the literally non-stop awesome fucking bad assery, day after day, and your dedication to getting an empty organization rolling again. It's noticed!
@Sabeine, for the RP that always makes me feel like I need to go back to my novel and practice more. You're the best.
@Trager, for your complete refusal to give up, your willingness to RP a weighty rivalry, and your politeness and general good-to-be-playing-this-game-with-ness in OOC communication, even when I've just killed you for the second time tonight.
@Lyl, @Ezalor, @Ison, for being awesome org leaders and generally awesome people.
@Ezalor, for enduring my pestering about BB combat these last few weeks.
@Lyl, for enduring my meltdowns when I can't get a simple function to work, and for letting me solve my code problems merely by copy+pasting the functions to you.
@Catty, for the bad ass RP and being Queen of All Foci.
@Exayne, for the bad ass RP. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
@Tina, for being an absolute machine as an orderhead. Ku-dos.
Through all the stuff that has been going on with my work schedule, I have to thank a group of people who have worked on creating some fun stuff recently for Aarbrok and a bit of character development.
You two, I absolutely love, LOVE the dynamic of your characters, you give Aarbrok the genuine creeps with how calm your demeanor can be over things that the genuine character population would panic about, but you do so with such a flair that shows humor and educational teaching in your approach. Aarbrok has had so much education just observing the both of you putting things back together again.
Two very different ends of a very shattered faction that just experienced something rather horrible with someone in which they worshipped/served. I have had interactions with both of you and I have to say that Neoma genuinely had such a stark connection with Niuri it was like losing an actual mother in your roleplay, and it shows, you showed so much emotion and compassion today and a side of Neoma I have never seen.
I never thought I would find a family for Aarbrok again, but the Shamans really are an amazing group of folks who stand by each other. Be it random impromptu RP with @Phendegwen. To the compassion and matronly understanding of @Mariena and @Elwyn. You truly filled a void in the Roleplay where Aarbrok did not think one could have been considered before. Keep it going I absolutely adore everyone there.
Events, be it small interaction behind the scenes with mob controls, or in your face as a God yourself. I have seen/heard/experienced alot lately in Duiran, Kentorakro, Spinesreach, all over the place, and I have seen/heard of your interactions around. You keep it fresh, and the thing is....I learned alot recently of Roleplay, if you create something and it is interesting, unique, dangerous. The gods are hardly far behind. Just be prepared to explain it, have a plan, and be willing to have everything change completely. You all have shown that if you show an active interest, you can get support to carry on the Roleplay, be it personal or public.
You have a special place in my heart. Solaria is like an older sister to Aarbrok, she rolls with the punches, hell she is not even surprised in the least at the trouble he gets himself into. The one thing is though, he can always count on her, even if it is just to listen or help him plan new events, work on projects, or find new people to appoint to positions. Always an asset and you made me like politics again, because you took the politics out of it. You are awesome!
@Killien - Best twin EVAR. Seriously you and I go way back, but this is quickly becoming one of my favorite story arcs with you. Thank you for being so amazing, putting up with your crazy ass sister, reeling her in when she needs it, encouraging her to be better, and just generally being the best brother of all time. I have mad love for you.
@Kerryn - Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't freaking phenomenal. You've become a fast friend of mine and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you. Thanks for being the sister Katszia never had and the friend she always wanted. You've had me up all night in tears I've laughed so hard, getting into mischief with you, and we've had sobering times as well, but through it all I'm so happy to have met you!
@Neithan - Yeah so what can I say. Neithan and Katszia are one of those combinations that probably shouldn't ever be put together because they're dangerous when apart, but even moreso when mixed! I love how things seem to just flow with us and we can feed off one another's ideas. Thanks for being such an integral part of character building for Katszia.
@Alistaire - Grumpy (and crazily zealous) Paladins are the best. That is all.
@Ashmer - You make a great antagonist for my Katszia (although you get her into a lot of trouble too, so shame on you.) In all seriousness though, thanks for all the times you've made her stop and think and for providing opposition and choices. It's nice to know that there are some out there who are on the "Dark" side of things that are still willing (and actively attempting) to RP with those on the "Light" side and not just PK during lessers and what not.
@Phoenecia and @Cole - Giving Katszia people to like, then loathe. Not all great character development comes from puppies and rainbows, and the pair of you certainly provide the alternative. That said, even though most of it hasn't been "fun" roleplay, you are both great writers, and I've enjoyed that much.
@Daskalos - You're a little rough around the edges, but you've actually surprised and impressed me. Thanks for all you've done and continue to do, especially with Enorian.
Those "Divine" things: Without your willingness to twist and tweak RP randomly, Aetolia just wouldn't be the same, or nearly as exciting.
@Slyphe - You provided a great foundation for Katszia. Thank you for the RP while it lasted.
@Chakrasul - Wow. I give you kudos for your persistence! Your roleplay is phenomenal as well. I seriously never know when I'm going to be looking over my shoulder and you're going to be standing there, or "felt". It's creepy, but awesome.
@Omei - You came out of nowhere and blew me away! As yet another sudden and unexpected tweak in the ever evolving story that is Katszia's life, thank you! Options are the spice of life, and you certainly are giving Katszia things to think about. I look forward to what might happen in future RP.
I'm sure I missed some people, and I might add another thank you later to make up for that. So thanks in general to all of the people who have been a part of the story so far.
I'm not going to try and list everyone but also thanks to the orgs more generally that Ciarelle belongs to for the fun as well! Looking forward to more in 2014!
@Sessizlik: for always being up for some fun RP. She and Teani can always find something hilarious to do, even if it's just regular bashing with small-talk or meeting up and doing something completely random.
@Ferrik: for the most epic RP this year. Now I finally have a good excuse to come poke you for more fun! You're such an amazing roleplayer and the game wouldn't be the same without you.
@Kaira: You're always so enthusiastic and up-beat, making it fun to interact with you. Please, never ever stop playing like that.
@Cannan: Since that kidnapping RP, dropping in on Cannan has been awesome. The friction and his apparent frustration at her constant jabbing at him has brought so many laughs.
@Argolis: It's been really interesting interacting with you lately, and I'm glad I decided to get to know you better. I can't wait to see where this will end up.
@Rashar: Even though things have slowed down now, I always enjoy RP with you. I don't ever want it to stop.
@Irruel: He's a steady rock somewhere in all the tumult, a good friend and very pleasant company. I really like just hanging out.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Haven't done one of these to specific people in a while, so in no particular order:
@Areka - What a ride for Dask and Areka, eh? You're one of Dask's closest confidants and I'm glad I didn't push you completely away.
@Dhar - Underking's Maul and for being a generally awesome patron who answers my 10,000 questions without zapping me.
@Chakrasul and @Ivoln - For not zapping me after my terrible, terrible mistell meant for an ooc clan that became a shout. I only noticed it because I was looking at my chat window and was like 'why didn't that... oh crap'.
@Ciarelle - for generally being really easy to work with. I'll steal you back to Enorian one day.
@Elwyn, @Xavin - Always enjoy seeing you two around.
@Jami, @Teani, @Sessizlik - you guys are -always down- for a lesser, and that's pretty awesome in my book
@Sessizlik - and you get a special one, because muffins. And bacon. BACON MUFFINS?!
@Irruel - for being a living, breathing targeting dummy for me to test things on and sitting with me and thinking up new things. Good to have you back in the game.
@Ilarin - Dask's protégé, so glad you stuck around!
@Alee - Like above, I hope you stick around, your enthusiasm is contagious, as is @Luxanna, who also needs to stick around.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I wanted to drop though a huge thank you to everyone in game who spared a few minutes with me. It was a lot of fun learning the ropes with you all. Perhaps when the inspiration hits I'll come back but for now good bye. Sorry to anyone I left RP & work hanging with. I can only manage so much bashing & idling before the enthusiasm falls off.
If we had nineteen more of you for GM in each guild, Aetolia would be ten times the game it is. You're a boon to the players under you, novice and knights alike.
@Meyvitch, for some awesome rp lately. Get online earlier so I don't have to ruin my sleep!
@Teani for making hunting fun and for random rp. We need to do it more often.
@Solaria, for always being helpful and supporting.
Also big thank you to the Order for being generally great.
I want to give a shout out to pretty much all the players of Enorian. You've all been really awesome and I love feeling the energy of the city come alive.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Thank you, @Daskalos, for helping me fix the forums.
And for being generally awesome, not just with the gifts, but for talking Sessi straight in a time of need.
Also, thanks to:
@Teani, @Rashar, @Angwe, @Kaira, @Roux, @Solaria and @Meyvitch for awesome rp lately. If I'm missing someone, I'm sorry, I probably still love you!
@Chakrasul, for the literally non-stop awesome fucking bad assery, day after day, and your dedication to getting an empty organization rolling again. It's noticed!
@Sabeine, for the RP that always makes me feel like I need to go back to my novel and practice more. You're the best.
@Trager, for your complete refusal to give up, your willingness to RP a weighty rivalry, and your politeness and general good-to-be-playing-this-game-with-ness in OOC communication, even when I've just killed you for the second time tonight.
@Lyl, @Ezalor, @Ison, for being awesome org leaders and generally awesome people.
@Ezalor, for enduring my pestering about BB combat these last few weeks.
@Lyl, for enduring my meltdowns when I can't get a simple function to work, and for letting me solve my code problems merely by copy+pasting the functions to you.
@Catty, for the bad ass RP and being Queen of All Foci.
@Exayne, for the bad ass RP. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
@Tina, for being an absolute machine as an orderhead. Ku-dos.
@ThoseOfYouIMissedAbove, thanks for being so fucking great.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
@Killien - Best twin EVAR. Seriously you and I go way back, but this is quickly becoming one of my favorite story arcs with you. Thank you for being so amazing, putting up with your crazy ass sister, reeling her in when she needs it, encouraging her to be better, and just generally being the best brother of all time. I have mad love for you.
@Kerryn - Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't freaking phenomenal. You've become a fast friend of mine and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you. Thanks for being the sister Katszia never had and the friend she always wanted. You've had me up all night in tears I've laughed so hard, getting into mischief with you, and we've had sobering times as well, but through it all I'm so happy to have met you!
@Neithan - Yeah so what can I say. Neithan and Katszia are one of those combinations that probably shouldn't ever be put together because they're dangerous when apart, but even moreso when mixed! I love how things seem to just flow with us and we can feed off one another's ideas. Thanks for being such an integral part of character building for Katszia.
@Alistaire - Grumpy (and crazily zealous) Paladins are the best. That is all.
@Ashmer - You make a great antagonist for my Katszia (although you get her into a lot of trouble too, so shame on you.) In all seriousness though, thanks for all the times you've made her stop and think and for providing opposition and choices. It's nice to know that there are some out there who are on the "Dark" side of things that are still willing (and actively attempting) to RP with those on the "Light" side and not just PK during lessers and what not.
@Phoenecia and @Cole - Giving Katszia people to like, then loathe. Not all great character development comes from puppies and rainbows, and the pair of you certainly provide the alternative. That said, even though most of it hasn't been "fun" roleplay, you are both great writers, and I've enjoyed that much.
@Daskalos - You're a little rough around the edges, but you've actually surprised and impressed me. Thanks for all you've done and continue to do, especially with Enorian.
Those "Divine" things: Without your willingness to twist and tweak RP randomly, Aetolia just wouldn't be the same, or nearly as exciting.
@Slyphe - You provided a great foundation for Katszia. Thank you for the RP while it lasted.
@Chakrasul - Wow. I give you kudos for your persistence! Your roleplay is phenomenal as well. I seriously never know when I'm going to be looking over my shoulder and you're going to be standing there, or "felt". It's creepy, but awesome.
@Omei - You came out of nowhere and blew me away! As yet another sudden and unexpected tweak in the ever evolving story that is Katszia's life, thank you! Options are the spice of life, and you certainly are giving Katszia things to think about. I look forward to what might happen in future RP.
I'm sure I missed some people, and I might add another thank you later to make up for that. So thanks in general to all of the people who have been a part of the story so far.
Haven't done one of these to specific people in a while, so in no particular order:
@Areka - What a ride for Dask and Areka, eh? You're one of Dask's closest confidants and I'm glad I didn't push you completely away.
@Dhar - Underking's Maul and for being a generally awesome patron who answers my 10,000 questions without zapping me.
@Chakrasul and @Ivoln - For not zapping me after my terrible, terrible mistell meant for an ooc clan that became a shout. I only noticed it because I was looking at my chat window and was like 'why didn't that... oh crap'.
@Ciarelle - for generally being really easy to work with. I'll steal you back to Enorian one day.
@Solaria, @Rashar - See: Ciarelle.
@Rhine - Dask's perfect counterpart, calm to his anger, wild to his city.![<3 <3](https://forums.aetolia.com/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/heart.png)
@Piper - I love our interactions and we need to have more. Soon.
@Ezalor, @Xavin, @Valingar, @Moirean - for putting up with my constant liaison questions and 'hey, what do you think about this?' questions.
@Kerryn - for always helping out and being a great sounding board in Enorian when I have a question or am unsure.
@Dhar's Order - You guys rock.
@Elwyn, @Xavin - Always enjoy seeing you two around.
@Jami, @Teani, @Sessizlik - you guys are -always down- for a lesser, and that's pretty awesome in my book
@Sessizlik - and you get a special one, because muffins. And bacon. BACON MUFFINS?!
@Irruel - for being a living, breathing targeting dummy for me to test things on and sitting with me and thinking up new things. Good to have you back in the game.
@Ilarin - Dask's protégé, so glad you stuck around!
@Alee - Like above, I hope you stick around, your enthusiasm is contagious, as is @Luxanna, who also needs to stick around.
@Enorian - for general awesomesauce.
I'm sure I've missed some
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."