Announce post #3410: October Birthday Plans!
9/30/2022 at 11:45
Ictinus, the Architect
October Birthday Plans!
Hi folks!
October will soon be upon us and that means it's Aetolia's birthday month!
As I'm sure everyone is still recovering after the War of Night, it's going to be a quieter one than usual this year, but there's still a few things to get your teeth into!
Firstly, all the daily login bonuses will be in effect throughout all weekdays in October:
- Mondays: Double milestones!
- Tuesdays: Denizens will respawn twice as fast after being slain!
- Wednesdays: Double XP!
- Thursdays: Increased critical hits!
- Fridays: Favours for everyone!
In addition to that, we'll be running a month-long Iron Lottery for 1000 credits with tickets available via in-game means as well as through the promotion. See HELP IRON LOTTERY for detailss.
From Monday 3rd, a themed daily quest will go live with a prize for completing it at least 21 times. Details to follow!
Aetolia's official birthday is the 7th, and you'll be able to use the CELEBRATE command to receive a one-off prize of 21 bound credits.
On Friday 7th at 00:30, there will be an opening starfall!
On Sunday 9th at 01:00, the Duel will be returning!
On Saturday 15th at 22:00, there will be a Quiz on Aetolia lore!
On Sunday 16th at 21:00, there will be a treasure hunt!
On Saturday 22nd at 21:00, there will be another starfall!
We also have a surprise in store for later in the month, and of course the haunted house will be making a triumphant return!
Everything above is listed on EVENTS!
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 9th of Chakros, in the year 505 MA.