Quotes & Misquotes: Falling Off of Bridges



  • edited March 2013
    I wasn't stalling! Shamans are largely built around movement-cured effects, so I did what I had to do.

    Also, this may be kind of off-topic here, I think!

  • Q&MQ Request:

    Someone should totally post the "humiliating deathsight" from when someone dies to the Rapier of Shame.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • I personally enjoy when someone gets radianced.. Twice in two separate free for alls.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Ilyon said:
    Yeah, I still hate fighting shamans :(
    Singular.  Illidan's the only one who can fight.
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.

    With the heel of his palm, Edhain smacks himself upside the head.
    You have slain Edhain.

    I lol'd



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Arbre said:

    You tell Aryanne O'Lyryus, "Wait, back up."

    Aryanne tells you, "Okay... But I may trip."

    I snorted! xD
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • PiperPiper Master Crumbs
    That just made my entire day, thank you. Thank you so much. :D
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    So, this newbie wants to know what Carnifex are like compared to Achaea:

    (Web): You say, "And yeah, Ashtan [from Achaea], from what I remember of my time there, fits carnis pretty well. We're grim and do things for power, but we're not sadistic."

    (Web): You say, "Well, some of us might be. Mastema is odd."

    (literally 1 second later)

    (Carnifex): Mastema says, "Hail Carnifex."

    Freaking lurker.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Volmarion tells you, "And you, pretty woman."

    You tell Volmarion Starion, Vintal Wanderer, "(( Now that song's gonna be stuck in my head, thanks a unicornin' lot. ))"

    Volmarion tells you, "(( never gonna give you up, never gonna let you doooown."

    You tell Volmarion Starion, Vintal Wanderer, "(( I hate you. ))"
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Volmarion reminds me of Martin the Robot from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy >_>
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited March 2013

    You say, "Who is Heva?"

    Hruan, Guardian of the Halls places his left forefinger to his mask at the name of the Speaker, his voice ringing out hollowly through the Halls. "Heva is the unbound tongue, the voice of the diplomat and the bellow of the warrior in battle. Hallowed is the Speaker."

    Aren chuckles long and heartily.

    Preceptor Aren Yaslana, Morning Star says, "That's so you."

    You say, "Who is Seelis?"

    Hruan, Guardian of the Halls clutches his prayer book tightly to his chest, turning his head away at the uttered name. "Seelis is the thrice-damned Harlot. She is bound in flame and shadow for all eternity; a mistress of the terrible night," he mutters.

    You say, "That's so you."

    You quickly duck down.

    Preceptor Aren Yaslana, Morning Star says, "Fuck you!"



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    edited March 2013
    Coldly, Wahelei, Lord-Provost of Delve says, in Albedi, "This is a time of peace and jolly cooperation. I will not have violence in my Ward.

    Did someone say...
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    edited March 2013
    As a follow-up to Seir's post:

    You greet Vrin Sokersi, Sentinel of the Auric Guard with a sincere smile.

    Vrin Sokersi, Sentinel of the Auric Guard nods his head at you.

    Solemnly, Vrin Sokersi, Sentinel of the Auric Guard says, in Albedi, "Praise the sun."


    I'm slightly disappointed that there isn't anyone that mentions anything about being 'grossly incandescent'. I'm still happy that we have a legion of Solaires, though. >.>
  • Haern's clearly been making mobs again.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Within an old library archive amidst the Wards (29571) - Delve - Pious Wards (149)
    ---------- v29571 -----------
                        \   / |
                         [ ]- + -
                            \ | /
                             [ ]
                             [ ]
     [ ]         [+]     [ ]-[ ]-
      |             \   /     |
    -[ ]-[ ]         [ ]      |
          |         /   \     |
         [ ]     [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
          |       |       | \ | /
    -[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]- - -[ ]-[ ]-
          |       |       | / | \
    ---------- -2:2:0 -----------
    Long and low, this stone-walled building seems quite old, but in passable repair. It is floored with
    hardwood, and the roof is high and peaked, broken here and there by dusty glass skylights. Numerous
    cramped, crooked shelves and racks run the length of the archive, supporting a multitude of tomes
    and scrolls, each one carefully tagged. Hunched over a weathered scroll of yellow parchment,
    Scrivener Talas sits atop a stool here with quill clutched in hand.  A small sign indicates that
    LIBRARY CATALOG will list the materials in this library.
    You see a single exit leading southeast.
    H:100% M:98% E:100% W:100% Bl: 0 XP:63% [csdb eb]
      #138220 (scroll) Excerpt: 'The Ghost Within The Chassis'
               by the Delve Academic Press...
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
  • edited March 2013
    While reviewing a fight, I see this...

    Clasping his hands onto your head, Exayne injects a wave of heat through his palms and into your
    skull, causing your forehead to burn and your vision to swirl with bright dots.


  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.

    Proving to be truly craven, Calipso has fled before the might of Illidan.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    The Known Hand of Tonrar. (village of Nuunva.)
    You see a single exit leading north.
    As you turn the glow stone, you notice that a small hole becomes visible underneath it.

    You put a free hand into a small hole.

    The ground begins to slope beneath you. The slippery ground turns into a chute and you are carried away. The chute closes quickly behind you, but it looks as though you could climb the wall to get back out.
    A jagged, partially broken ice tunnel.
    A large, blood-splattered totem has been erected here, formed of obsidian, ivory and red-wood. Facing outwards and surrounding the totem are a large ivory bear, an obsidian raven and a red-wood serpent.
    You see exits leading northeast, east, and up.

    As you place your hand inside the hole, you feel a cold breeze rush past your arm, and the ground beneath you begins to rumble.

    A jagged, partially broken ice tunnel. (Tarean Ice Caverns.)
    You see exits leading northeast, east, and up.

    You say, in Imp, "(word)"
    Placing a bone stepladder on the ground, you quickly scramble up it - upon reaching the top, a cloud of smoke erupts and you find yourself, for once, taller than everyone. (mywings)
    Perched above the world. (Edge of Reality.)
    A glass jar containing a silvery shimmerfish sits here. A limbless Bahkatu doll lies here. A large mastiff is here, growling softly.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, in, and out.

    The ground begins to slope beneath you. The slippery ground turns into a chute and you are carried away. The chute closes quickly behind you, but it looks as though you could climb the wall to get back out.
    A jagged, partially broken ice tunnel.
    A large, blood-splattered totem has been erected here, formed of obsidian, ivory and red-wood. Facing outwards and surrounding the totem are a large ivory bear, an obsidian raven and a red-wood serpent.
    You see exits leading northeast, east, and up.

    You blink.


    Tarean ice caverns don't give a f.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Prepping to test out the new instance/raid/awesome:

    Atop a spiraling descent into shadows.
    The tenebrous cavern ceiling looms ominously high overhead. Here the slender width of the stone bridge spreads into a disc-shape that still seems to hover just above the swirling surface of the pool of darkness, which continues to fail to reflect even the tiniest bit of light given off by the pale span. Closer approach reveals a doorway-shaped hole punched through the center of the bridge here, through which a spiraling set of stairs descends downwards, disappearing quickly from view as it melts into the gloom, which in turn gives no hint of what lies below. A large mastiff is here, growling softly. Senior Administrator Veritas is here, wreathed in divine fire. She wields The Tome of Ages in Her left hand. Arbre is here. She wields a wolven quarterstaff of pale oak in her hands.
    You see exits leading south and down.

    You bounce up and down with hyper excitement.

    You bounce up and down with hyper excitement.

    Veritas says, "Waiting on Slowcavity."

    You say to Arbre, "YOU AND ME."

    You say to Arbre, "WE GONNA TAKE ON THE WORLD."

    Flashing a wide grin, Arbre gives you the thumbs-up sign.

    Arbre has invited you to join a web. WEB ACCEPT to accept the invitation.
    You have joined Arbre's web.

    (Web): Arbre says, "Web listening to: Moirean."

    You say, "RARRRR."

    (Web): You say, "Target: EVERYTHING."

    (Web): Arbre says, "Everything targetted."

    (Web): You say, "Damn straight."

    ---- The game then lags for like...a freaking minute....------

    (Web): You say, "Omg that lag wasn't me."

    (Web): You say, "Was it??"

    (Web): Arbre says, "Teeheehee."

    (Web): You say, "Ack."

    (Web): Arbre says, "Dude. We haven't even been PUT INTO THE AREqA, MOI."

    (Web): You say, "ACCCK."

    (Web): You say, "We targetted too much."

    (Web): Arbre says, "Clearly."
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland

    Veritas says, "Man, Macavity so slow. Taking all day to defup."

    Veritas says, "He's going to die first anyway."

  • (Spinesreach): You say, "Can anyone supply me with some tattoos?"

    Angwe tells you, "((Are you Clouser?))"

    (Spinesreach): Cailas says, "I can."

    You tell Scout Master Angwe Arcan, "((-,-))"

    Angwe tells you, "((Taking that for a yes))"

    ---- 5 mins later -----

    Illidan tells you, "((There's no way you're clouser. You've far surpassed his

    people..come on now..

  • You feel yourself compelled to leave the room, beckoned by the siren song of a Lycanthrope.



    This is the image I got when I read that.
  • MaghakMaghak The heights of Stormcaller Crag
    edited March 2013
    You say to Haern, "Next time we have a pools-wide collective SOLAIRE moment I'm going to put it in Q&MQ."

    Donning His full iron helm, Razmael longingly gazes upon the sun and says, "If only I could be so grossly incandescent..."

    Donning your full iron helm, you longingly gaze upon the sun and say, "If only I could be so grossly incandescent..."

    You eagerly hand Haern a white soapstone and speak out from within your iron helm, "Use this, to summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds, and engage in jolly co-operation!"

    Razmael says, "PRAISE THE SUN."

    "Aeiou." You say.

    Rising to His tiptoes, Haern outstretches His arms to embrace the sky above and ecstatically cries out, "Praise the Sun!"
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    It would probably never happen, but I'd squee if 'Praise the sun' got turned into a premote. >.>
  • Phoenecia said:
    It would probably never happen, but I'd squee if 'Praise the sun' got turned into a premote. >.>
    It is. For us. 
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    edited March 2013
    Calipso said:
    (Spinesreach): You say, "Can anyone supply me with some tattoos?"

    Angwe tells you, "((Are you Clouser?))"

    (Spinesreach): Cailas says, "I can."

    You tell Scout Master Angwe Arcan, "((-,-))"

    Angwe tells you, "((Taking that for a yes))"

    ---- 5 mins later -----

    Illidan tells you, "((There's no way you're clouser. You've far surpassed his

    people..come on now..

    Yes, I don't agree with their treatment or the insults. It's why I don't participate in it. My character dislikes you and gets annoyed by you, but I'm largely indifferent on an OOC level.

    Also, yes. I have a sexy Lycan voice that beckons all the ladies.

    Unfortunately, it calls the ones covered in body hair. :(

    Edit: Also, just sayin that if there's ever a custom emote auction again, I'm getting a praise the sun emote.
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