Quotes & Misquotes: Falling Off of Bridges



  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    (Dion an Duir): Azton says, "Whos in sentinel?"

    (Dion an Duir): Serrice says, "Ask Kiyo."

    (Dion an Duir): Azton says, "Was going to get ya to destroy throat me."

    (Dion an Duir): Azton says, "Come destroy my throat kiyo."

    (Dion an Duir): You say, "You should at least buy me dinner first."
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Seir tells you, "// Clearly. Only I am badass enough to rock the pink butterfly armor look."
  • Cohort Tsvanni, the Emeraldine shouts, "I'm At north of Trees. I'm not sitting here all month. You want me, come and get it."

    10 seconds later:

    Attempting to brave the sun's rays, Tsvanni has been burnt to a crisp.
    You divine the location of this death as North of Trees in the Prelatorian Highway.

    I lol'd.

  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Guild               Novice Score       Member Score
    Indorani             0                    779
    Shamans              6                    718
    Sentaari             5                    701
    Teradrim             6                    610
    Cabalists            0                    558
    Bahkatu              1                    504
    Sentinels            4                    473
    Bloodborn            1                    462
    Syssin               1                    404
    Atabahi              0                    351
    Carnifex             0                    343
    Ascendril            4                    326
    Luminaries           0                    296
    Daru                 6                    282
    Sciomancers          3                    252
    Templars             0                    207
    See HELP TOPGUILDS for an explanation of what this means.

    Hahaha, wat
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited March 2013
     Toz 9:45 am
        >_> I want to put the wraith into a hammer

     Moirean 9:47 am
        into a hammer would be hilariously awesome, but I doubt that would work for a tutor
     Moirean 9:47 am
        he's our roan replacement

     Toz 9:47 am
        I'm gonna be honest

     Toz 9:47 am
        I'd rather hit someone with Roan than learn from him

     Moirean 9:47 am
        yes well you are trans

     Toz 9:47 am
        if you give me Roan-hammer
        I will perma-idle in the Keep
        with a trigger to auto-teach

    ...I was tempted to consider it.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Arbre said:
    Guild               Novice Score       Member Score
    Indorani             0                    779
    Shamans              6                    718
    Sentaari             5                    701
    Teradrim             6                    610
    Cabalists            0                    558
    Bahkatu              1                    504
    Sentinels            4                    473
    Bloodborn            1                    462
    Syssin               1                    404
    Atabahi              0                    351
    Carnifex             0                    343
    Ascendril            4                    326
    Luminaries           0                    296
    Daru                 6                    282
    Sciomancers          3                    252
    Templars             0                    207
    See HELP TOPGUILDS for an explanation of what this means.

    Hahaha, wat

    Makin' dat OP Shaman popular!
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • Arbre said:
    Guild               Novice Score       Member Score
    Indorani             0                    779
    Shamans              6                    718
    Sentaari             5                    701
    Teradrim             6                    610
    Cabalists            0                    558
    Bahkatu              1                    504
    Sentinels            4                    473
    Bloodborn            1                    462
    Syssin               1                    404
    Atabahi              0                    351
    Carnifex             0                    343
    Ascendril            4                    326
    Luminaries           0                    296
    Daru                 6                    282
    Sciomancers          3                    252
    Templars             0                    207
    See HELP TOPGUILDS for an explanation of what this means.

    Hahaha, wat
  • edited March 2013
    Message #305   Sent By: Tsvanni         Received On: 3/26/2013/13:22
    "Oh, I have something for you, dear."

    You sent the following message to Tsvanni:
    Oh? What could that be?

    Message #306   Sent By: Tsvanni         Received On: 3/26/2013/13:23
    "A present."

    You sent the following message to Tsvanni:

    Message #307   Sent By: Tsvanni         Received On: 3/26/2013/13:24
    "For your recent Birthday! You had one, just the other month. and I remembered."

    You sent the following message to Tsvanni:
    Well, you are the only one! I suppose I could come out.

    The Inner Gate of Spinesreach. (road)
    A black marble pedestal has been knocked over, cracking the bowl that once rested upon it. The Inner 
    Gate of Spinesreach looms high overhead here. There are 2 miniature fire elementals here. A veranda 
    has been constructed here, providing welcome shade to those in need of it. Snowflakes falling from 
    its form, a miniature ice elemental rests here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular 
    monolith is on the ground. There are 2 long off-white benchs here. A carved wooden sign has been 
    nailed to the wall. A massive golem made of clay stands here. There are 2 stout glasses here. A 
    Syndicate enforcer watches the area, nonchalantly smoking a cigarette. A grey-clad peasant conscript 
    stands here, slouching wearily as she maintains her watch over the area. Quiet and unmoving as stone,
     a lupine Atabahi stands guard here. A stout donkey stands patiently by, waiting for a burden. 
    Cohort Tsvanni, Champion of Abstinence is here. She wields a steel Theran broadsword in her left 
    hand and a steel Theran broadsword in her right.
    You see exits leading north, southeast, and down.

    Tsvanni's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
    Tsvanni gives the corpse of Lyahla, a pregnant Atavian woman to you.

    Tsvanni gives a grey note book for Architectural drawings entitled, "The Book of Abstinence" to you.

    You say, "..."

    Tsvanni leaves to the southeast.

    Tsvanni tells you, in Albedi, "Happy Birthday!"

    This book is written in Aetolian.
    You open a grey note book for Architectural drawings entitled, "The Book of Abstinence" to page 1 
    and begin reading.

    "The Book of Abstinence", Page 1, by Cohort Tsvanni, Champion of Abstinence.
                              The Book Of Abstinence

    * And she rode forth on her pony, Bubbles, wielding broadswords slick
    with the blood of the pregnant. Her voice raised in mighty proclamation,

    * Eliron, an Atavian boy says, "Not coming down, not coming down..."
    * You say to Eliron, an Atavian boy, in Albedi, "-----, Get down here."
    * Moments later, an ethereal stream of silver-white motes flows up from
    the corpse of Eliron, an Atavian boy and into the soulstone.

                            Ya. That's what I thought you said.

    After a mighty fight with Lyahla, a pregnant Atavian woman, The Champion
    raised her head and broadswords high, passing righteous judgement upon
    the creature, her eyes twisted in fervor, as she did terrible things.
    And thus, had the Champion slain Lyahla, a pregnant Atavian woman.

                            So Sayeth The Book of Abstinence.
  • TsvanniTsvanni The Inner Gate
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Lol, what.

    Well, at least someone's having fun.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Something is wrong with you.
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    edited March 2013

    Lin said:
    Something is wrong with you.
    No, something is wrong with you.

    This user has been flagged as a butt.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Speaking of which, are we ever gonna do anything about the fact that players are still in the Artisanal/Bardic Fellowship of Iosyne?
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I thought it meant that all of the subject matter had to concern bugs, offal and slaughter?
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    edited March 2013
    Meskhenet quickly glances up from where she had been adjusting the chains on the shirt, her chest partially exposed. "Oh well, shit. I didn't mean.." She trails off, giving a shrug and then a reluctant nod. "These chains...are a bitch."

    Meskhenet puts on a chain-laden skirt of red-tinted brown.

    Meskhenet puts on a tight-fitting shirt laden with chains.

    "Well, hey, at least it's just an agent in here and not someone watching us!" Jackson tries to help. "Or watching you, I should say. I'm not much to watch just yet." His thumbs find the band of his trousers and he tucks them justinside, a casual posture for him, not bothering to remove his eyes as Meskhenet's hands continue to work at the clothing.

    The Alabaster Rose.
    A divider decorated with floral-print screens cordons off part of the room here. A plush, white couch sporting floral embroidery sits here. A pair of black leather trousers lies here. A long table stands here, its glass front showcasing the goods within it. Reflecting its surroundings, a dressing mirror has been set up here. An ironwood bowl inlaid with yellow gold flames lies here. Meskhenet, Director of Vice is here. She wields an iron-tipped whip in her left hand and a black and gold Syndicate buckler in her right. Jackson is here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
    You see exits leading northeast and down (closed pine door).

    You have the following active defences:

    You possess the sight of the third eye.

    You are blind.

    Your senses are magically heightened.

    You are deaf.

    Your mind has been touched by the essence of the Underking.

    Your vision is heightened to see in the dark.

    You are surrounded by a pocket of air.

    You are lipreading to overcome deafness.

    You are diverting melee attacks.

    You are dodging melee attacks.

    You are paced for bursts of exertion.

    Phased slightly out of reality, you are effectively untouchable.

    You are protected by 12 defences.

    Why hello there.  >_>

  • Touched bell right before that too. Just wanted to change clothes without it being so..meta? Meh. I cant stand it when people change clothes and act like its nothing.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Roleplay a lycan, stop caring about nudity ICly.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    edited March 2013
    Meskhenet said:
    Touched bell right before that too. Just wanted to change clothes without it being so..meta? Meh. I cant stand it when people change clothes and act like its nothing.
    Yeah. I swooped by to check my shop logs without intruding and then saw the little bit about being watched and sort of laughed at the irony. I hung around for a while just to see how long it would be before you noticed. >_>
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Kiyotan greets Syrtah, a fae guide with a sincere smile.
    Syrtah, a fae guide says, "The Heartwood has many secrets. What do you want to talk about?"

    Kiyotan utters a deep, rumbling laugh.

    You say, "I know one of them."

    You sway back and forth.

    You say, "Syrtah, do you have any gossip of the Feral Will?"

    You snap your fingers.

    Prideleader Kiyotan "Kite" dur Naya says, "Great Belakai's loincloth, she wants to give me -more- work."

    Prideleader Kiyotan "Kite" dur Naya says, "Pray tell, Syrtah, where can I find some work for the council?"
    Syrtah, a fae guide says, "Nysos the faun, located in the South Hollow, is always looking for planthopper corpses and will pay you coin for their little squished bodies. Otherwise, I may have heard of a few rumors...."
    Syrtah, a fae guide says, "The Ivory Bough is a great place to find some work. I'd check there."

    You say, "You have -rumors-?"

    "You didn't hear it from me, but there's been connections of a recent blaze and our Feral Will," the fae giggles.r.

    Prideleader Kiyotan "Kite" dur Naya says, "There's work to be done in the Bough, by the Pools!"

    Prideleader Kiyotan "Kite" dur Naya says, "There's--."

    Prideleader Kiyotan "Kite" dur Naya says, "..did sh.."

    Kiyotan stares implacably at Syrtah, a fae guide.

    You have emoted: Arbre lets out a long snort before bursting out laughing.

    Kiyotan's mouth works but no sound comes out.

    You say to Kiyotan, "Did you light the Oak on fire, avelae?"

    Kiyotan hangs his head in shame.
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Phoenecia said:
    Meskhenet quickly glances up from where she had been adjusting the chains on the shirt, her chest partially exposed. "Oh well, shit. I didn't mean.." She trails off, giving a shrug and then a reluctant nod. "These chains...are a bitch."

    Meskhenet puts on a chain-laden skirt of red-tinted brown.

    Meskhenet puts on a tight-fitting shirt laden with chains.

    "Well, hey, at least it's just an agent in here and not someone watching us!" Jackson tries to help. "Or watching you, I should say. I'm not much to watch just yet." His thumbs find the band of his trousers and he tucks them justinside, a casual posture for him, not bothering to remove his eyes as Meskhenet's hands continue to work at the clothing.

    The Alabaster Rose.
    A divider decorated with floral-print screens cordons off part of the room here. A plush, white couch sporting floral embroidery sits here. A pair of black leather trousers lies here. A long table stands here, its glass front showcasing the goods within it. Reflecting its surroundings, a dressing mirror has been set up here. An ironwood bowl inlaid with yellow gold flames lies here. Meskhenet, Director of Vice is here. She wields an iron-tipped whip in her left hand and a black and gold Syndicate buckler in her right. Jackson is here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
    You see exits leading northeast and down (closed pine door).

    You have the following active defences:

    You possess the sight of the third eye.

    You are blind.

    Your senses are magically heightened.

    You are deaf.

    Your mind has been touched by the essence of the Underking.

    Your vision is heightened to see in the dark.

    You are surrounded by a pocket of air.

    You are lipreading to overcome deafness.

    You are diverting melee attacks.

    You are dodging melee attacks.

    You are paced for bursts of exertion.

    Phased slightly out of reality, you are effectively untouchable.

    You are protected by 12 defences.

    Why hello there.  >_>

    Oh god, it's true. /ph34r
  • KogKog
    edited March 2013
    Arbre said:

    Roleplay a lycan, stop caring about nudity ICly.

    Kog apparently does lycan wrong. Rocking the silk loincloth!

    Xavin said:
    And everything Kog says ... is true.
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    + Scout Echitae -------------------------------------------------------------+
    | Race:   Rajamala          | Health:  670/670    | Endurance: 2250/2250     |
    | Sex:    Male              | Mana:    444/760    | Willpower: 2700/2700     |
    + LEVEL --------------------------------| NEXT LEVEL ------------------------+
    | Simple (10)                           | 3.33% (1102/33000)                 |
    + RANKINGS -----------------------------+------------------------------------+
    | Experience:  Unranked                 | Combat: Unranked                   |
    | Exploration: a Sightseer                                                   |
    + ORGANIZATIONS ------------+ RANK ------------------------------------------+
    | City:     Duiran          | Councilor (CR 1)                               |
    | Guild:    Sentinels       | A Scout (GR 1)                                 |
    + GENERAL INFORMATION ------+------------------------------------------------+
    | You are 18 years old.                                                      |
    | You were born on the 2nd of Haernos, 368 MA.                               |
    | You are a novice in the Sentinel class.                                    |
    | You do not meet the requirements to become a mentor.                       |
    | You are carrying 600 gold sovereigns.                                      |

    You tell Echitae, "Echitae, your mana is running low. What's that?"

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    (The Chaos Cafe): You say, "I want more Carnifex."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Infin says, "Moirean if you weren't mean I would be a carnifex."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Calipso says, "I would join Carni if they let go of the whole Knighthood gimmick. I dont think it fits with new infernals. I dont see Carnifex as knights."
    (The Chaos Cafe): You say, "So basically if we changed everything about how the guild runs."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Calipso says, "Exactly."

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Moirean said:
    (The Chaos Cafe): You say, "I want more Carnifex."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Infin says, "Moirean if you weren't mean I would be a carnifex."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Calipso says, "I would join Carni if they let go of the whole Knighthood gimmick. I dont think it fits with new infernals. I dont see Carnifex as knights."
    (The Chaos Cafe): You say, "So basically if we changed everything about how the guild runs."
    (The Chaos Cafe): Calipso says, "Exactly."

    Barbarians of the North. Give them a Saxxon or Viking feel. Booze, Sex, and Battle. What more glory do you need in the Shadow Keep?!
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I've been extensively redesigning the guildhall lately, and what has emerged is kinda similar to the Night's Watch meets a military academy - cold and bleak, with rank and structure, but with clear spots of real people behind the harshness. The old guildhall was all dripping in skulls and doom and evil and it was so heavyhanded - this new one features weapon racks next to a fire surmounted by a picture someone painted while off duty, while a room around the corner has oil cauldrons and murder holes. I dunno, maybe I am undercutting the guild's brutality, but I think it will be a more rich experience if we go, yeah, we're harsh, but we're also human, instead of just caricatures.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Moirean said:
    I've been extensively redesigning the guildhall lately, and what has emerged is kinda similar to the Night's Watch meets a military academy - cold and bleak, with rank and structure, but with clear spots of real people behind the harshness. The old guildhall was all dripping in skulls and doom and evil and it was so heavyhanded - this new one features weapon racks next to a fire surmounted by a picture someone painted while off duty, while a room around the corner has oil cauldrons and murder holes. I dunno, maybe I am undercutting the guild's brutality, but I think it will be a more rich experience if we go, yeah, we're harsh, but we're also human, instead of just caricatures.
    I can get behind that. Just be careful what you show to the world.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • 2013/03/29 03:38:25 - Ciarelle appointed Razmael as a secretary.
    2013/03/29 03:38:29 - Razmael withdrew 1020000 gold from The Imperial Enorian Bank [Reason: ].
    2013/03/29 03:39:45 - Ciarelle ousted Razmael from the position of secretary.

    ..wtf, thief. Somebody needs to place a bounty on this dude and enemy him pronto.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Haern must be a badass - I didn't have to make HIM a secretary.

    2013/03/24 06:46:26 - Sheridan was inducted in the introduction.
    2013/03/24 13:29:41 - Haern withdrew 5000000 gold from The treasury of the Great Oak [Reason: ].
    2013/03/24 13:33:04 - Haern > A willpower regeneration room has been added to your sanctuary.
    2013/03/24 18:38:37 - Sheridan has achieved full guild member status!
    2013/03/24 20:48:06 - Seren has achieved full guild member status!

  • KerrynKerryn The Black Flagon Inn
    Arbre said:
    Haern must be a badass - I didn't have to make HIM a secretary.

    2013/03/24 06:46:26 - Sheridan was inducted in the introduction.
    2013/03/24 13:29:41 - Haern withdrew 5000000 gold from The treasury of the Great Oak [Reason: ].
    2013/03/24 13:33:04 - Haern > A willpower regeneration room has been added to your sanctuary.
    2013/03/24 18:38:37 - Sheridan has achieved full guild member status!
    2013/03/24 20:48:06 - Seren has achieved full guild member status!

    Shouldn't it have only cost half that with the city ylem perk? >.> Or does Duiran not have it?

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