Announce post #3296: Year 500 Treasure Hunt
1/8/2022 at 16:03
Ictinus, the Architect
Year 500 Treasure Hunt
Hi folks!
In advance of the treasure hunt coming up in a few hours, we've made some changes to how the chests are handled and changed up the prizes somewhat too!
HELP TREASURE HUNT has all the basic details on the game format - of particular note are:
- Artifact shovels do not work and you will need to find a standard shovel.
- You will receive the tendonitis afflitcion for a short while after digging up a chest.
There are now four tiers of chest: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum.
All chests contain some gold as well as a chance at the following:
Bronze: various commodities, inks, curatives, consumables, ylem shards, and ylem amulets.
Silver: credits, minipets from a variety of sources, customisation certificates, chocolates (including the rare almond and cherry chocolates!), various consumables, and giftbags.
Gold : Gold chests always contain an artifact valued anywhere from 50-2000 credits!
Platinum: There will be only one of these chests in the world, and it is guaranteed to contain a hood of elusion!
Good luck!
Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 21st of Variach, in the year 500 MA.
Edit: They do, but it's a somewhat low chance.