Announce post #3275: A Reminder
12/6/2021 at 21:46
Ictinus, the Architect
A Reminder
Hi folks,
I've recently noticed an uptick in the volume of OOC messages being sent to Gods.
I just wanted to make a quick reminder that Gods are in character roles and in character roles only. They aren't admin or out of character players, and it's not appropriate to send them OOC communication (messages or tells) unless they've specifically invited you to do so, which should in itself be extremely, extremely rare.
This applies to Celani characters as well. Unless you're working with one on an orgreq, issue, bug, or other project in which they've opened a dialogue, please don't send them OOC messages. There are plenty of IC methods available to contact NPCs and while you won't always get a response, nudging a Celani OOC is not a good way to draw attention to it.
As always, if you have a problem with a game decision or the actions of a volunteer, you are absolutely welcome to contact me directly and I'll look into it.
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 24th of Chakros, in the year 499 MA.