Short Questions



  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    For the CTF, are the following types of things allowed if you are holding the flag:

    - Endgame
    - Clotting
    - Focus
    - Tree tattoo
    - Standing
    - Nimbleness
    - Class based heals like sapience/vigor/fool

    Last time I did a CTF you couldn't do ANYTHING, and the HELP CTF isn't entirely clear on what's allowed and what isn't.
  • For the divine, any idea on the endgame population split? 
    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    edited October 2014
    On that note, I'm moving my comment to small ideas. Whoops.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited October 2014
    Reux said:

    For the divine, any idea on the endgame population split? 

    Imps: Only the best

    Azudim: Darkies and lifers who wanna be gritty and grimdark

    Yeleni: Snugglies

    Idreth: Hipsters

    Ankyrean: Qweddyn, Mazzion

    Harpies: Aishia
  • To be clearer:

    Will you please provide ratios of what portion of the endgame population is what race?

    I'd enjoy all sorts of census data tied into these numbers, but I'm tempted to approach that curiosity IC.
    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Azudim > Idreth > Yeleni
    That's going to be my guess overall.
  • Probably skewed since Dhar did the whole I like Azudim thing. And I see a lot more lifer Azudim than darkie Yeleni. Could be wrong though.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Lifer Azudim have been a thing since before I made Areka, so there is definitely a skew.
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Lifer Azudim have been around for a while. I think it mostly started as a trend after some Azudim from the other side wanted to hop to the living side and didn't want to have to change (or couldn't change) races, but I don't remember.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Azudim and Yeleni used to have distinctly different skills once upon a time. When they were standardized, the RP around them changed from Azudim being marshals of the Undead into embodiments of death, and it opened the floodgates for a more relaxed view of who could be one.

    I am the first one that I can remember. I did it because it seemed the closest to an Imp and I hate-loved lifers and am contrarion. It caused a bit of a ripple at the time. I know Aere also did it shortly after that because she wanted to be sexy Mystique. There might have been others before that, but ours are the first I remember and if we weren't the first, we were right up in there, so, naw, wasn't about sidehopping.
  • How long ago was that change, @moirean? I know it's been this way at least since I've been playing, which is only a year or so. I don't know if Dhar's always had the Azudim thing, but I remember bashing people to endgame and thinking they'd go Yeleni and they were like naw, He likes Az.. Which I think is a pretty cool way of looking at it, tbh. Death doesn't have to be evil, just like life doesn't have to be good.

    Then again, I think it'd be cool if there was more RP to it. When I switched from Yeleni to Idreth I put a pretty decent amount of RP into it. Even more if I were switching to another, uh.. I don't know what you want to call them. Essence based race, I guess? Azudim, Yeleni. Seems to me that not many people really RP as their race, but then again I'm not sure how you would. Not like there are any distinguishable features or traits.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Moirean said:

    Reux said:

    For the divine, any idea on the endgame population split? 

    Imps: Only the best

    Azudim: Darkies and lifers who wanna be gritty and grimdark

    Yeleni: Snugglies

    Idreth: Hipsters

    Ankyrean: Qweddyn, Mazzion

    Harpies: Aishia
    Think Jensen is Snuggly?
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    He totally is.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    @Rashar - at least since 2008 I want to say.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited October 2014
    Old Yeleni used to be insanely tanky and way better in general, so there actually was a swap of what we see today - darkies couldn't be Yeleni because of RP. I think Talonnb might have been Azudim (he used to sidehop a ton), but it really was the changes that made Azudim not a lame choice compared to tanky Yeleni that opened the door to more people picking it.

    Early 2008 is when the race changes happened. It was a while before we started seeing Azudims though. I got Tekal in 2010, so I'm guessing there had to have been some lifers who picked Azudim before me, although they were rare - there have been grumps, to the point of people asking for the endgames to be tethered like class, up until like 2 years ago. It definitely didn't used to be as prevalent as it was and you used to get a bit of flack for it (cue beheading. It was a lovely walking PK cause). The introduction of Idreth helped alleviate it a bit, giving people that third option.
  • I'm fairly certain Talonb was a Yeleni as he was pretty heavily associated with Auresae's order and the Daru. The skew used to be really weird, actually, since Azudim was best for some life side classes and Yeleni had benefits for undeath side classes. But that that time when you hit level 100 you couldn't just turn yourself into Yeleni or Azudim. You needed to get a god to invest essence in you and, as a general rule, life side gods gave Yeleni and undeath side gods gave Azudim.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    I got endgame -just- after the changes and was oh so happy to avoid that particular hindrance.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I personally liked the small quests and the RP that could be had to gain the privilege of Divine essence. Ecikoria still carries a piece Arion made that was used by Brunneng when he was going for Yeleni. I still think that the option of essences being tied to Divine should be there.

    Let each Divine have their own essence-connected race that they can provide those they deem worthy, but should someone later change loyalties, they should be able to reject the essence and turn Idreth. That form is, after all, what someone would turn into if they ascended by their own means.

    On another note: to me (if I were a Divine), having someone offer me the essence that has made them endgame race would seem like a pretty good offer. A sacrifice. The Divine that instilled the power in them loses out and I'd gain more power from it. Apparently that's not how it's viewed though, at least not by everyone. Otherwise the Divine would have no issue assisting just about anyone with transforming.

  • Well, I think the option is still there for people who want to RP it. I know that I waited a couple of days as a Tekal because Slyphe is the one that turned Rashar into a Yeleni. It was a fun bit of RP, even though I was noob and derped it and was lame. And then when I was exploring options to turn back into Tekal and then become Idreth, Slyphe came and pulled the essence out.

    I wouldn't mind if Yeleni/Azudim was reserved only for Gods to give out, considering there is an option to take if that's not for you. But then again, I don't really have an issue with people just making themselves into whatever either. It's all cosmetics, and we reincarnate all the time anyway.

  • Oh man. Maghak stormlord super race please. 
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life
    Plot twist: it's troll.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • -storm- troll.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Anyone know how to make citadel do undead curing? It's only eating slices, not doing the other stuff.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Rashar: Yeah, I suppose that depends on the character/player. I got turned down when I went looking for a way to turn Idreth.

  • REPORT LIST Skill Amt Skill Amt Skill Amt Skill Amt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation 1 Antidotes 0 Avoidance 2 Battlefury 0 Bladefire 0 Bombcrafting 0 Brewing 0 Chivalry 0 Concoctions 0 Conjuration 0 Constitution 0 Cooking 1 Corpus 1 Crystalism 0 Deathlore 3 Desiccation 4 Devotion 2 Dhuriv 0 Domination 2 Elemancy 3 Elementalism 0 Enchantment 4 Ferality 1 Fitness 0 Fletching 0 Floristry 0 Forging 0 Frost 0 Fumology 0 Furniture 0 Galvanism 0 Healing 0 Hematurgy 1 Horsemanship 0 Hypnosis 2 Illumination 0 Jewelcraft 0 Kaido 0 Linguistics 0 Luthier 0 Mentis 1 Misc 0 Naturalism 0 Necromancy 0 Numerology 0 Philosophy 0 Primality 0 Pyrotechnics 0 Reanimation 0 Refining 1 Righteousnes 1 Sanguis 1 Savagery 0 Sciomancy 0 Shamanism 2 Shapeshiftin 1 Spirituality 6 Subterfuge 7 Survival 6 Tailoring 0 Tarot 5 Tattoos 0 Tekura 0 Telepathy 1 Terramancy 2 Thermology 0 Toxicology 0 Venom 0 Ventier 0 Vision 1 Vocalizing 0 Warhounds 1 Weaponry 2 Woodcraft 0 Woodlore 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIAISON NEW Misc Anything You must have Transcendent rank in a skill in order to submit reports concerning it.

    This intended?

    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Whoops! I'll get that fixed up at some point tomorrow.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • How are cityfavors weighted? Does rank matter in the case of city leaders / city councils, or only the position?

    They're about the only thing on city rewards that hold any interest to me, since I don't take gold or credits from orgs. Wondering if a favor from a CR2 CL is worth more than a CR6 council member. Or like, a CR6 anybody vs a CR4 council member?

  • Is there Aetolian/IRE merch out there officially, or do I need to figure out how to get third-parties to custom me up Christmas gifts and personal clothing?

    I love credits and all, but even stickers to plant on my laptop would be nice.
    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Dat thong. Classic.
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