Short Questions



  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2014
    This thread sure is moving in a grizzly direction.

    You are not koalafied to judge us, Arbre!
  • Man you guys are dumb. To quote the great Bill Engval, here's ursine.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • Ishin said:
    So...werewolves. When we say, 'werewolf' are we talking about this..


    Or this...


    Or is it just..whichever you want?? I've read over the flavor lines and some seem to suggest biped, and some seem to suggest quadruped.
    @Ishin they are originally bipedal, with several skills actually pertaining to this (such as a wolf clawing others in the face and torso..such wouldnt be possible by quad), also that they have abilities specifically around the concept of being mounted. However, over time, some players wanted to go the Twilight/Nature route and express being a dire wolf. Not much of an issue generally, but bipedal is more logical.
  • CarivahCarivah Tremble, little lionfish
    I know that Aetolia doesn't exactly need to crib off White Wolf any more than we already have, but I really always thought that Apocalypse/Forsaken's "all of the above" was the best answer.


  • Atabahi getting pistols. Agreed.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Sanguis question!

    I remember back in the day, it was a common belief that you wanted to kill a powerful mob to raise the strongest Sanguis minion possible. Is this still true?
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    As far as I know and have tested, it doesn't matter.
  • VeovisVeovis Florida
    Lin said:
    Sanguis question!

    I remember back in the day, it was a common belief that you wanted to kill a powerful mob to raise the strongest Sanguis minion possible. Is this still true?
    Doesn't matter anymore. I'm not sure if it ever did. The data I collected showed no difference between a Mhun warrior and a Bodyguard or any Mhun and one of the children from Tasur'ke before they took them out.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    It used to matter, iirc. I believe it was changed to no longer matter.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Zombiebabies for everyone!
  • Ishin said:
    It used to matter, iirc. I believe it was changed to no longer matter.
    This is correct. It hasn't mattered for a few years now.

  • @arbre
    My point is just that despite there being examples of what they were supposed to look like, available from before the guild was even released (i.e. first revealed in the RP leading up to it), people ignored it and went for describing a full change into the animal, both bear and wolf.

    So a few players came up with a plausible explanation, but if you're after the actual correct answer, it is that bipedal half-animal form that was intended.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos

    I didn't play that far back, old man.  Atabahi was my newbie-off-the-island guild.  That's interesting to know though, thanks.
  • Aishia said:
    Start pking EVERYONE.

    Kill them all; Maghak knows his own!
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    TIL Maghak has followers.

    (don't hurt me mags)
  • CarivahCarivah Tremble, little lionfish
    I'm more interested in whether the forms are generic or how far they extend to one's "personality." As a Kelki, if I pick up Atabahi, can I be some sort of sea-wolf? Could a Horkval Bahkatu have creepy bear mandibles and bug eyes?
  • I'd say no, because I hate the idea. Not because I have any actual say in it.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    There's some room for variety (Areka's a demonbear, in that she's terribly large and still has bear qualities and fur, but it carries her colouring and general fiery nature). Your mechanical descriptions when you're mutating and moving around explicitly state fur and more traditional shapes, so you're in a position of "do I say eff it to mechanics entirely" or "do I find a middle ground". In the end though - you're a bear, or you're a wolf. 
  • I'm fairly certain the original design was very bi-pedal based, all the skills/mechanics support it. I honestly just kept thinking Diablo 2 Druid -Werewolf form. Enough people do the quadruped form though, it isn't terrible game breaking. I personally have my wolf be bipedal, whose arms are long enough I can dash/sprint on all fours if necessary (like in D2, kinda hunch over run).

    @Oleis - Any hint/chance of Artifact crossbows for Sentinels? Or some sort of utility-bow (like in my post in Arti-Ideas), so One bow =darkbow/crossbow?
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I just want to be able to mount my bow on my ylem gauntlet :(
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    edited March 2014

    Does anyone use the website client? I tried to look it over with a true new player and.... it is odd to say the least. She is trying to set up aliases etc, but I can not help her.

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    Is it possible to repeat the Dominion quests? The changelog said they were introduced to increase your house's standing in the Dominion, but that seems a bit tricky if they're a one-thing kind of deal.
  • IosyneIosyne the Lair
    They are not designed to be repeatable. If you see this happening, please file a BUG report. 
  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    @Iosyne: After completing the quests, they were not given again by the mob (as in, greeting her would not prompt a response), but if you said the keyword that previously triggered the quest, you would be given it again (I abandoned it when I noticed because I wasn't sure if it was an oversight). So, figured I'd ask here.

    I'll submit a bug report, although I don't have a log of what I did and I'm not even sure which of the two mobs I tested it with.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    How do we customize a pigeon's entry/exit? I entered those fields, but it's not showing up on the template.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Unfortunately the enter/exit pertains only to the pigeon's actual movement from room to room. Its mailing message is a special system message.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    :( Oh :( Pigeon is was less cool to customize now. I could SWEAR I saw a custom pigeon delivery message the other night. Must have just been me being sleepy.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited March 2014
    You drop a diminutive razorbird.
    --> order razorbird go east
    You look pretty silly trying to give orders to an inanimate object.

    Aww. They don't even moooove. :(

    Edit: Oh I'm dumb. Yeah you can't even give them those messages. Mine only has appearance, dropped, and examined.
  • Moirean said:

    :( Oh :( Pigeon is was less cool to customize now. I could SWEAR I saw a custom pigeon delivery message the other night. Must have just been me being sleepy.

    I thought so too but was told I was wrong. @Erzsebet‌ has custom letters, but that's about it. @Toz wrote my burning pigeon for me and I really wanted to use the enter/exit messages for it :(

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