Short Questions



  • edited October 2013
    if person x gives you credits you can gift them the item with your token discount on it.
    Carnifex failing since 2011. Fixes coming Soon ™
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Angwe said:
    Can they be 'gifted'? I think I have two now, I doubt I'll ever use them.

  • edited October 2013
    When I die and 'reform body' - say I end up d/c'ing (like tday :( ) and reconnecting? Do i need to reform again? I ask since I did such and ended up losing quite a lot of exp. Edit to be more clear - d/c was a lag sort, not me QQ'ing after death :/

  • Did they ninja exploss for not approaching/reforming back in? I thought it was taken out to prevent grieftastic xp loss for DC'd people.
  • I am not too sure if what you say is the case. I'll post a log next time I die [soon. :P ] It was either that or I confused the game by dying, Reforming, getting disconnected, reconnecting (Then I just sat there for like 3 minutes while exp was being leeched) then was like wtf and did Reform again. :S

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    @Missari - yes, you now continually drain XP while dead, which sucks if you're lagging/d/c/whathaveyou, and approaching/reforming doesn't start right away (especially for non-endgame folk. I know all the talk of XP is meaningless, but it isn't so expendable for lower levels). 
  • Is there a way to see how a piece of clothing looks when worn on a particular body location?
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    You can SHIFT <item> <location> if you want to see the default. If you're just trying to filter out everything else, II <item> should show you the attire message along with the item. This assumes you're wearing it the default way. If you've ATTIRE'd it to be something custom, then... it'll be whatever you set it to, no matter what slot it's in.
  • Two questions:
    1. How come I can't GIVE things to people when I am seated?
    B. Why does SHOWOFF mechanic take both or either Equilibrium & Balance?

  • IvolnIvoln Azvosh Rakar
    B: So that you can't spam people with its (often) enormous output.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Enormous output.....go on.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Does language learning still work through self study? I've been reading stuff but haven't seen ranks go up.
  • yes, best is to read a book/page over and over again.. takes around a hour of constantly reading a page to master it :(

  • IvolnIvoln Azvosh Rakar
    If you type SPEAK while learning, periodically you'll see the percentage crawl upward.
  • KerrynKerryn The Black Flagon Inn
    If you have a forge in your haven and delete the room it's in. Will it return the haven point for the room AND the forge or will it return the single point for just the room?

  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage

    Perhaps a foot or two across, this open clay globe is one of six or seven in this aerie, and holds a few scraps of leathery Grecht eggshell and a large quantity of straw. It doesn't seem to be occupied at the moment.
    It weighs about 5 pound(s).
    A globular clay nest is holding:


    Grecht lay eggs?! O.O


     I thought they were sortof bat people and to my knowledge, bats have live babies. Anyone able to explain what I'm missing?

  • Everything you know is wrong @Sessizlik !!

    Also, when customizing a Mini-pet, what all can be customized? If I keep it the same creature, but change the desc, am I also entitled to changing their dance/speak? Or just Desc/Short Desc. ?
  • PiperPiper Master Crumbs
    Oh god, you can customize a minipet?!
  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage
    I Think you can only customize the desc, but now that you ask it, I am no 100% sure and would like to know if I missed out on speak/dance when customizing my bat.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    if you do customize (item) it should tell you what you can customize on it
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • @Piper Heck yes you can. I shall have battle-pig soon!

  • Sessizlik said:

    Perhaps a foot or two across, this open clay globe is one of six or seven in this aerie, and holds a few scraps of leathery Grecht eggshell and a large quantity of straw. It doesn't seem to be occupied at the moment.
    It weighs about 5 pound(s).
    A globular clay nest is holding:


    Grecht lay eggs?! O.O


     I thought they were sortof bat people and to my knowledge, bats have live babies. Anyone able to explain what I'm missing?

    They might be like platypus? 

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Anyone remember how to actually examine items inside a display cabinet?
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    Are the combat messages considered IC? (I'm thinking they're not). And if so, can we change the endgame skill combat messages so it doesn't look like I'm using corpus?!



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited December 2013
    @moirean PROBE (ITEM) IN DISPLAY
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Daskalos said:
    Are the combat messages considered IC? (I'm thinking they're not). And if so, can we change the endgame skill combat messages so it doesn't look like I'm using corpus?!
    Which skills are you referring to?
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Azudim ones in particular, especially the 3p. 
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    He means things like stalking that say "Daskalos uses corpus stalking."
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    I thought that was already changed? I've noticed it just say stalking nowadays.
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.

    Stalking I the big one I've noticed - You use Corpus Stalking




    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

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