Announce post #3235: Relic Collection Updates
10/10/2021 at 0:57
Ictinus, the Architect
Relic Collection Updates
Hi folks!
After discovering an oversight some days ago in how relic rerolling was handled, specifically related to collections, we've gone ahead and overhauled the collections system to be more consistent and also provide easier access to collection information outside of having to search through an excessively long HELP file.
As part of this process, we've also moved around numerous relics into different collections to more closely batch them in ways that make sense (flairs, phylacteries, racial powers, items that have various 'reconaissance' themed powers, and so on). The resulting setup is much cleaner and easier to navigate.
NOTE: This will mean that some items now reroll into things that they didn't before!
Some additional changes:
* HELP RELIC COLLECTIONS has been updated with the syntaxes for the new system.
* RELIC INFO <relic> will now show what set or collection a relic is in, if any.
Please report any bugs or problems with this system immediately. Otherwise, enjoy!
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 2nd of Arios, in the year 498 MA.