NOTE: This thread is not for a discussion about Iosyne's order, though she will be referenced here, but rather is for ideas on how the Holy War System could be dramatically improved.
Holy Wars right now have several glaring holes in them:
- You have no way of knowing who is or is not in an enemy order, save guessing from titles.
- 'rogue' PK'ers can flock to congregations to bolster an orders fighting
- If you pick on an order with an inactive god\OH, then surrendering is impossible and you could conceivably draw out a Holy War for 2 years (25 RL days) leaving an entire order open PK during that time
- Unlike the disabled war system (may you never, ever return) there isn't an Active Roster feature, so everyone is open PK all the time. This leads to people just not logging in.
- When you have a god such as Iosyne that is going to attract more combatants than most orders, you create a 'super order' that is going to roll over anyone they face, simply due to player spread.
Now, some things have already been done to address some of these points (Yay, Razmael!) in regards to this - orders can now surrender immediately, though it still costs 75% of your shrines, and he was really cool at lowering our Surrender tactic down so that more of us can use it from OR10.
Now, some ideas:
- Change the way Holy Wars work to mimic part of the ylem system, in that areas around conflicted shrines become a 'free pk' zone for anyone. This would help counteract the player spread issue, as other orders could then come assist. if you're not in that zone, or do not have the 'holywar aura' then you're not open PK and thus should be left alone. This will allow the non-comms to back out of order wars.
- Only those in the opposing order can defile, though, and there names become highlighted to take out the confusion of 'are they or aren't they?'
- Change automatic surrender to cost Shrine Essence instead of lost shrines, because putting up (and taking down) shrines is hella boring.
- On that note, change how shrines are built\destroyed altogether. I don't mind the praying thing, but it would be nice to be able to use blood again as well, maybe for up to half of a shrine?
- Create a tiering system, where war can only be declared on an order of similar size with similar activity. This I'm not sure about, but what's to stop Iosyne's Order from declaring on someone over and over again to reap easy Shrine Energy knowing they'll auto surrender since they can't fight back? Heck, we could do it right now to someone like Chakrasul who is pretty much inactive.

Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I've been wanting a holy war pretty much ever since I got back into an order, and when we finally get one it ends after two hours. For me, it's the biggest anticlimax in Aetolia since the Dreikathi events. Basically, they used to be about attacking the other side in a more limited way than all out wars - a way to earn prestige and the favour of your Divine - but now it's more convenient and enjoyable to simply surrender.
So, there were a few other points in Daskalos's post I wanted to address. "Rogue 'pk'ers", or whatever else you want to call them, can join a Congregation after war has been declared, but I think you're making an issue out of a non-issue. In this last holy war, one person (Exayne) joined Iosyne's congregation, and that was a day before the war was even declared. Likewise, it is conceivably possibly to draw out a holy war for 25 days, but as far as I know, nothing like this has ever happened. It seems like a waste of resources to put mechanics in place to prevent possible abuse (unless there's some quick, clever easy fix) when all the past wars have not been dominated by these rogue playerkillers or been drawn-out as long as possible in order to kill people as soon as they log in for almost a real life month. I guess a quick solution would be to prevent people from joining a Congregation when war is declared (as opposed to when it starts), and limit the maximum time of a war to a real life week. Ideally, you wouldn't be able to surrender until at least half this time has passed. Also, going to echo some of Daskalos's concerns:
- Showing enemy order/congregation in a different colour (much like enemy militia in war) seems like an awesome idea.
- Raising/defiling shrines is tedious and boring. You just sit in the same room for half an hour doing nothing at all. So, so boring.
I don't really like the idea of a tiered system, for various reasons. If people continuously declare war on the same order over and over with the intention of griefing those players, I think it would be a better idea for the administration to step in and stop it. Basically, it feels like any recent conflict has been more about attacking the other players' morale than maintaining an in-character conflict axis, to the point where a lot of people actually don't want to particiate in PK anymore. Even Spinesreach got fed up with Bloodloch. The entire game feels skewed. Why are we in a mindset where it's better to put restrictions in place right now because someone (someone usually being Bloodloch) might go out of their way to make other peoples' playtime unenjoyable? Unless we fix this, only new issues will crop up with whatever conflict mechanics we might get. There used to be war, there used to be Ciem raids, Ylem fights were a lot more frequent, holywars actually had people fighting, and so on and so forth. The Fracture was added as an incentive for conflict, but it ended up being nothing more than a gank-squad routine.
I've heard a lot of complaints about Iosyne's order specifically, and while I love her so much and feel that my playtime in Aetolia has been much more rewarding since I joined her order, it's not a good thing if people actually stop logging in during holy wars or whatnot. I'm not sure whether Daskalos's point about 'super orders' is valid or not, but I've actually heard concerns voiced from other players about the Order (there were some comments about it in different clans, on the old forums, in the chats, etcetera). I felt that people needed to give it some time, because there hasn't been an active Divine in Bloodloch for ages and no one really knows where things are heading, but it might actually be worth discussing. I don't know.
No on any kind of a tiered system - otherwise the small orders could defile shrines of bigger ones while being immune to holy war declarations from their target. Kind of silly.
Some kind of flagging who is involved would be great. I disagree with allowing non-members to participate though, that will turn order wars into city-vs-city wars.
Arguments could be made that if you go into Holy War against someone, some of the Order members should be view-able by the opposition. Though, I'd probably just go the notification of defilers route.
The idea behind the auras is that you would be able to prevent a non-comms from being dragged into it. Our order has 9 people, of them, maybe 4 can be considered 'combatants' - and I'm including Nola in that group. Someone like Lianca? Eh, not a combatant and I wouldn't want to see her quit playing because of an order war.
Areka hit the nail on the head though. The playerbase can't police itself, and therefore there needs to be mechanical restrictions. That's not really the issue here, or the point of this thread though, as I don't like bashing any one playerbase because every side has done it at some point or another. It's more about trying to find solutions to make the Holy War system enjoyable for all without sucking the life out of the game.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Maybe put into place a time frame that has to pass before someone can join another congregation? If Person-A is in Dhar's congregation and hears that Haern and Severn are going to go into a holy war so the person quits Dhar's congregation and attempts to join Haern's only to be told that he/she must wait 3-5 years before joining another congregation.
Also, if the auras only worked during a holy war, I'd be all for it, but if they happened all the time then I think it would remove part of the cloak and dagger aspect of the game. That in itself is why I'm extremely against a log file stating who destroyed a shrine, and no, I'm not attempting to hide my own misdeeds as I haven't touched any shrines in a very long time, simply pointing out the fact that there is a huge amount of sheer satisfaction that a player gets when they've been able to complete such an act under the radar - just as the other side receives satisfaction when they catch a person in the act and slay them.
Could also shuck the entire aura idea and take a snippet or two out of the old war system and give each order mini-militias that combatants can join. The orders Champion can act as a general of sorts and could even promote ranks and yes, congregants would be able to join as recruits but I'd put limitations on any ranks that they could get and save the prestige for actual order members. This way you could simply honors the person and see that they're in the orders militia and that would separate the combatants from the non-combatant members. To help ensure that, only allow those in an orders militia the ability to destroy a shrine.
I dunno, I'm just slinging out different ideas to give options to the conversation.
Based on the Dhar/Ivoln war, I thought I'd mention a few points. I'm not sure if mechanical changes are really necessary, particularly now that surrendering is an option at any point during a war. That said, I would fully support the following:
1. Removing the open PK and replacing it with something more like a focus fight. If a shrine is being defiled by an order member during a war, they will immediately receive an aura that is different than the regular aura. This will also initiate an area within x rooms from the shrine. Anyone from either order or congregation who enters would receive that same aura. PK would then be open on anyone with the aura - and only on those people.
2. Implementing some sort of surrender option for orders with inactive heads (like automatically granting it to every active person of the highest active rank for the duration of the war, maybe.)
3. Don't keep an sort of public "rosters" for order and congregation members. If #1 goes in, that will make participants obvious enough. Leaders of the order can still be identified by status as representatives, being seen in shrine locations during the war prep period, etc. I really like the RP behind certain orders having secret membership, and this would help maintain that.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
So just give up!
There, glad I saved you so much trouble.
I think a way to solve the ratio of Gods to players would be to have organizations that are tied to several divines and have denominations that follow one divine devotedly, while all members of that organization can generally agree on the tenets of each Divine in its little...pantheon, if you will. I haven't been back in Aetolia to understand the names and realms of all the Gods, so I'll make some up.
Like-minded individuals who recognizes the One True Pastime of Burning Villages
Worshippers of:
Vintus, King of the Dying Children
Panti, Harvester of the Unjustly Dead
Sprog, Demon of Mischief
Skrillex, Patron of the Edgy Teenager
I think that might make for some interesting political intrigue if implemented, but there'd probably be problems implementing it. Just my idea. If only we had a forum for such things.