I noticed an idea for this and just in case it is never added or until it is added,
here is mine! Works in Sunder. If you do not have Sunder, you will need this line spacing function:
function padLeft(s, l, c)
return string.rep(c or ' ', l - #s) .. s
function padRight(s, l, c)
return s .. string.rep(c or ' ', l - #s)
ALIASES:todolist - shows your current to do list!
addtodo (entry goes here) - adds an entry to your to do list. Ignore the parentheses
deltodo (all/number) - deletes all entries or a specified entry. Again, without the parentheses
movetodo (position) (newposition) - moves one entry to a different position on the list.
edittodo (position) (new entry) - edits an entry
Everything will save to a file in your profile, so if you change to a different profile you will need to move the file over to the new profile WHILE MUDLET IS CLOSED.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out to me!
(this is really cool)