My actual friends don't really play MMOs. One mister can't play MMOs on his present computer, the other plays LoL and has no interest, really, in WoW. That leaves my text gaming community. :P
Has the state of PvP in WoW really deteriorated or I am just on the wrong server? We used to fight like hell for the world points, now all I ever see are alliance gank squads and no Horde to back me up. Dafuq?
I swear, WoW has the best voice acting of any video game I ever played. In Downfall right before Garrosh transforms for the last time he screams "I WILL HAVE MY WORLD!" shit gives me the chills.
Mostly Vanilla, but I moved things around, employed a more minimalist action bar, and used WeakAuras to put up retarded notices for my cooldowns and procs.
Nothing fancy on my screen. @Haven, what are you using to mod your minimap and your chat box? Those are two things I want to change around. I really liked Carbonites map, but the update for 5.4 is more full of bugs than a rotten corpse. I havent been able to find ANYTHING to change the physical appearance of my chatbox.
P.S. If Mizik's player is still around, yeah, I totally bit your name for WoW.
@Osmond: I'm using LUI. It's pretty sweet imo. It redesigns the border, chat, minimap, and skillplacement. Most of which is completely customizable. It also comes packages with omen and other addons.
I apparently don't have any recent pictures of my UI before I quit. But, it was something like this (which is from early leveling for this expansion). Think I'm missing SexyMap and maybe one other add-on I ended up using later.
@Solaria No offense to you, to each their own, but that would send my OCD into a frenzy. Chatbox and skill bars not alinged with the bottom and/or sides of the screen? *freaks out* I am so retarded about that kind of stuff I want to change the look of my chatbox ONLY because I want it to actually align with the edge of the bottom of my screen instad of that little empty space the default box has. Same with my mini map, I hate circles! I need a square mini map!
@Haven OMG I love that addon, you the man! I'll post my spiffy new UI when I finish playing with it...that might not be for a while, my Xbox One just got here today.
@Solaria No offense to you, to each their own, but that would send my OCD into a frenzy. Chatbox and skill bars not alinged with the bottom and/or sides of the screen? *freaks out* I am so retarded about that kind of stuff I want to change the look of my chatbox ONLY because I want it to actually align with the edge of the bottom of my screen instad of that little empty space the default box has. Same with my mini map, I hate circles! I need a square mini map!
Mine are moved specifically upwards because of raiding and trying to watch the ground for things. It's the way I angle my char usually during raids that I say this. If I put them directly across the bottom, it just frustrated me. Plus, if I need to watch for cooldowns to come back up, it was easier for my eye to reach that spot than to glance all the way to the bottom. Normally, I'd have all raid members up and to the left when doing 10/25 man raids so I could watch health bars properly. I also shrank down the bars/icons as I don't like how large they are on normal bars, giving me substantially more room to see my surroundings. Same with the chat window, since I usually close omen and just have as much screen as possible free for the raid. When you're a healer most times during progression, you do what you can for the team.
Just a quick one. I'll try to remember to take a real one next time I'm doing something.
As promised.