No smoking in the barracks, apparently. First time having any sort of in-depth interaction with a Divine!
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "I always forget the consequences of your commitment, Duchess! Perhaps I share the same memory fragment issue! Have you been slowly getting your memories back? As an aside, I am watching your friend Soldier Naos being reprimanded!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Hm? Has he done something wrong?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "He was smoking in the barracks! I warned him too!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Oh, that cigarette of his. Has he offered it
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "The Lieutenant Rijetta has it now!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Really, he's still mortal. I wouldn't begrudge
others necessary vices, but still..."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "Quite right, but there are rules to be followed! And one of them is no
smoking in the barracks! it does leave a lingering smell too!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Oh no, I meant that cigarettes are just... not a
wise choice, at all, to me."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "The coughs, the smell, the sickness... and you
are most correct there."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "Hah. I agree there, Duchess! Perhaps with your nudging he'll come to stop that practice!"
It is now noon on Tisday, the 21st of Haernos, year 487 of the Midnight Age.
(Bloodloch): A humble bellman says, "Noon is upon us - get to the shadows."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I shall see what I can do. Don't tell him I'll
be trying. It'll be our little project."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "We'll practice discretion! Just like that mission in Duiran."
With manic excitement, Rijetta screams, "STOP. POKING! MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Goodness."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "He is a brave one, that Naos."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "If it *was* him."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "I'm glad I chose the Commander to sponsor me! And... no, fortunately for him! Or he might be dead right now!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Whoever is poking her right now?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "...I think it's poking at us now!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "... what creature is this?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "I don't know! But if it's a fight I'll give it my all! It has the Lieutenant completely frozen though. So I think we're gonna die!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "If you need help, please, let me know."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I may have much to learn, but I can still try and scratch it."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "It's like everyone is frozen in fear. But there's nothing here! I knew smoking wasn't good for you!"
(Tells): A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "You can, indeed, try and scratch it, child of Mine."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "E-E...Ephi."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Oh, Gods, I'm hearing voices."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "You weren't smoking, were you?"
Child...? Wait…
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "No, no - please, what... what do you see?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "Some strange mist. Green? It's all over the place!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I am rather unsettled, and worried, but it will pass with time. I am also curious, which I suspect is a good distraction from my uneasiness."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Is it... dangerous?"
A low, raw laugh elicits goosebumps across your undead flesh and the soft, husky tones are both alluring and absolutely maddening in their torment of your mind.
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Ephi.... what's going on...?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I keep hearing things... feeling things..."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "Hmm! We appear to have been visited by the Goddess of Corruption Herself!"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "We including you!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Oh, Gods..." There is fear in her voice, nearing panic but not quite. She has clearly never been visited by any sort of God, let alone a God of Shadow. "What - Why..."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I am afraid. I am afraid. But I... am curious."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "I want to see what that mist does, but I know not how to get there."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Neither can I be sure whether it is safe."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "...hah. I'd... come get you. If I could will my legs to, or if it weren't even in the Redoubt!"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "I can assure you this is all Soldier Naos' fault though!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "You cannot move...? At all?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Is everyone all right?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Naos." There are still traces of fear in her voice she cannot completely root out. "Is everything all right?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "I can! But I'd prefer to stay -just- where I am. For my own sake! Who knows what this misty stuff can do!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Right. No sudden movements."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Deep breaths with me, in, out, in."
(Tells): Naos tells you, "Oh quite alright. Yes, quite alright. We've only the Lady Chakrasul here, in the fang-ed flesh."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "... Yes, with me. I don't care if *I* don't need it."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "...hah. It'll help. It's helping me!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Just be... I don't even know what to tell you all."
(Tells): Naos tells you, "I will..." He trails off, attempting to devise a plan. "Relax the mood by telling a joke. Yes."
You have emoted: Seized by sudden uncertainty and, of course, fear, Galilei picks up her skirts and strides away.
A comfortable living area.
You close the door to the southwest.
You lock the southwest door.
Why am I being like this?
It's just a - No! Not just a Goddess!
"Not just a Goddess." A voice repeats. Your own? No. The sound was low. Raw. Immortal.
Did my dead parents tell me some cautionary tale about the Dark Lady in my -
You have emoted: Galilei swallows nothing, throat tightening, fear gripping her without knowing at all why.
Tea? Bed? What... Do I stand? Wait this out?
Gods, let this infernal fear stop, let it pass, please...
You have emoted: Galilei wrenches her foot from where it is planted, taking a step toward her silent, waiting bed, knowing the lack of use would do little to warm her.
(Tells): Naos tells you, "Or I can put my foot in my mouth. That works too."
Goddess, Goddess - forgive me, forgive me - I have sought the Gift without knowing why, with no vision to guide me.
I am lost, and I am unworthy - pass me by, I beseech You. Let me not garner Your ire.
(Tells): A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "Fear is My Domain, child of Mine. Bathe in it. One day, you will conquer it."
You have emoted: Galilei huddles upon her bed, curling into a tight ball. She is afraid as she has never been before, almost as much as she had been when she had first faced the Creator. She bites down upon her lower lip, a quiet noise escaping her as it is dragged up from within her chest.
What have I done? Why did I follow him?
No - slow. Slowly.
It's fine. Completely fine.
"There is more to the Blood than the surface level you have learned thus far, child of Mine. So much more. Delightful lessons... Tantalising avarice. A hunger. Always a hunger for more." Uninvited, the voice speaks to you with an odd sense of familiarity, even though you have never met Her. She speaks
as if She knows you.
Has She been watching you? You dry heave.
You have emoted: Galilei jerks to the side of her bed, but there is nothing to splatter her covers,or the floor beneath. Her eyes are wide and unblinking, moments flashing through her mind that should not be known.
I am undone.
Am I?
You have emoted: Galilei grasps at the tucked-in sheets to the side of her bed, still hanging half off it and making no move to retreat to a safer position.
(Tells): A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "Undone to be rebuilt, child of Mine? Seek more. Seek Me. Find the Spiral. I await you at the bottom."
You have emoted: The faint buzzing of thought at the back of Galilei's mind now grows to a relentless drone, and it is only now that she moves away from the edge. Hands at her veiled head, she huddles.
I... if I find myself worthy, Goddess... I shall. If *I*... find myself worthy.
(Tells): A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "Not if, child of Mine. There is no if for My creation. When. When you find yourself worthy of Me."
I am a weak creature... still bound by many things, still treasuring those to which I am bound.
(Tells): A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "There is no shame in craving certain vices, child of Mine."
You have emoted: Galilei's knuckles pale, and she falls very, very still.
The Cabalist... once said speak of honesty and both the Sun-Drinker and the Dark Mother must be spoken of.
It... It couldn't hurt, to learn.
You have emoted: Galilei exhales. One by one her fingers uncurl, and she lets go of her resting-place to stand to her feet. It's the little things that count. This, in some way, might.
The Blood Craft.
You pay 35 gold sovereigns and receive a spiral fern.
This plant is light green, accented by a dark, sanguine shade of crimson. The leaf circles in the shape of a two-layered spiral, ending as quickly as it began. The stems of the fern are fuzzy in appearance, their color matching that of the deep red edges of the leaf.
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Right... all is well, now."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "I hope whatever... happened, got cleared up."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Foot out of your mouth, now."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "...hah. Maybe for you! We're back to the Lieutenant's mercy!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Is there to be much yelling?"
You have emoted: Galilei runs a finger along the spiral fern, whose name had struck her mind so. So simple-looking, yet not, not really.
(Tells): Naos tells you, "Everything is fine. Great! I only owe the Lady a million or so essence." His words come through as a groan, the physical pain of his body bleeding through the connection. "Just have to worry about pissing off the Lieutenant now."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "And lots of throwing! I'm really sore!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Naos?" She is concerned again, though her voice is not as, for the lack of a better expression, choked, as before. "What... no, you don't need to explain now. Just take care of yourself, once the... lecture is through."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Two of my acquaintances sore, that will not do at all."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "And you aren't even an acquaintance, but a friend. Please, take care of yourself once she is through with you."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "And most definitely and entirely one's fault!"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "She's dismissed us for now. I'm surprised we're still alive! The Lady's will was even influencing you!"
Desperate cries of anguish and blood-curdling screams of despair momentarily torment you as the grim cacophony announces the blessing of Chakrasul empowering the faithful Congregation of Chakrasul,Goddess of Corruption.
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Yes... it was harrowing."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "No doubt the memory of it will stay, for a while."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Longer than what pain you are experiencing would, I hope."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "In other news, Soldier Naos now has to wash my laundry for a month!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "He had better be careful with it."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "He better! I'll be very cross with him!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "You will be, hm?" Her old mischief slowly edges back into her voice. "Even if he does not tear anything?"
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "He made a promise in front of a Goddess! he's bound to do a good job! Even if was through our minds, she could sense it all!"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "... Oh, dear. I do hope he was aware he was doing so when he did."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "...Yes."
(Tells): Naos tells you, "My ears are burning, Miss Nehekhara."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Get water, quick."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "Well. As I mistakenly told him, I do hope he was aware he was doing so when he did."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "Hah! He knows you're in on that deal now too?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "He... merely told me his ears were burning."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Ephi's mind, "You could pour water on him instead. No. Definitely do not pour water on him."
(Tells): Ephi tells you, "It must have been that weird green mist!"
(Tells): Naos tells you, "Apparently I should be hunting soon. Interested in joining me?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "Well, I wouldn't say no to a good hunt to let out the tension. I can't tell when I will need to leave, but I could come."
You are now wearing a spiral fern.
(Tells): Naos tells you, "The presence of your company is all that's required - no matter the rest."
And on that hunt...
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "You, Naos, have given me an opportunity to acquire a fine minion."
(Tells): Naos tells you, "I-.." He gives a mental frown, and you can see the furrowing of his brow from the corner of your eye. "It isn't me, is it? You aren't referring to me?"
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "I would not insult you with that word. No... I refer to one of these Spellshapers."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "I had fed from them once."
(Tells): Naos tells you, "Ah. Ah! Well, I'm glad to have been of assistance then, Miss Nehekhara."
(Tells): You whisper psychically into Naos's mind, "And I... did not quite know how to feel about It."
She'd by mistake let her blood reserves fall very low once, while visiting an area for Lleis with a friend; the corpses she managed to receive had been those of an Archon, and an Adept. The Adept's corpse was the first she'd torn into in her near-bloodlust, clutching it close all the while as though wanting to protect it without being fully aware. She did come to her senses later, but memories stay long.
A comfortable living area.
You close the door to the southwest.
You lock the southwest door.
You have emoted: Galilei gently sets the corpse of a Spellshaper Adept down upon the floor of her flat, brushing a lock of hair from his dead face.
Murmuring softly, you say, "You are not the one I fed from, so much like an animal."
You say, "But you I had to take, perhaps before your time."
You say, "You are not the last I will slay. That is most likely. But, in memory of your fellows..."
You have emoted: Galilei leans lower, soft fingers brushing along the side of the lifeless Adept's face. "I do not know if you'd be glad for this." Her whisper is faintly tremulous. "This time - for real."
You bite your lip hard, bringing forth the salty tang of blood. You lean over the corpse of a Spellshaper Adept, grasping its lolling head firmly in your hands, and deliver a deep, lustful kiss to its dead lips. The corpse's limbs suddenly spasm and its eyes snap open, revealing a crazed look of insatiable hunger.
You have emoted: Galilei takes in the sight of an undead spellshaper with an unreadable gaze, rising as he rises. Her fingertips slowly withdraw, and she looks searchingly into those frenzied eyes.
Wearing a long, blue robe, this Spellshaper Adept stands tall and proud. Small smudges of darkness under his eyes give the impression of a lack of sleep. He holds a thin metal staff in his hands.
An undead spellshaper looks weak and feeble.
He is undead.
He weighs about 168 pound(s).
He is loyal to Grand Duchess Galilei Nehekhara.
Murmuring, you say, "You are my first true follower, Adept. Perhaps this will help keep you safe, Somewhat."
You reach out to an undead spellshaper's forehead and scratch a small sigil into its deceased flesh with your bloody fingernail.
You have emoted: "I wonder what you were called, when you were alive." Galilei leads her minion to the table. Whether he sits of his own will or because of the unspoken command in his mistress drawing a chair for him you can't be certain. "But I suppose you are in no condition to tell me, not yet."
It is now dawn on Falsday, the 22nd of Haernos, year 487 of the Midnight Age.
The loud and powerful toll of a bell fills the air with tension, as city watchmen signal the coming of dawn.
You have emoted: Galilei can't tell if there is truly anything inside those eyes, anymore. Faced with a minion that bears a closer semblance with herself, she deflates. What, exactly, had she been expecting? A wide-eyed but eager companion after her forced gift? Loyalty given of their own volition?
You have emoted: "At least you wouldn't hate me, would you. If there's nothing inside." The words sting even as they leave Galilei's lips, not from the imagined hate but from the implications they carry - that their state now, that her one-sided decision to reanimate him would render meaningless whatever the youth might have felt toward her kind, or life, or death, anything of substance.
What to do now that I've brought him back into existence?
You have emoted: Galilei glances at the unresponsive Adept, then at an empty corner of her apartment, then back at him.
You have emoted: She won't get peace of mind, much, with him standing about her apartment, a not-quite-living and not-quite-dead reminder of her misconceptions. But she cannot quite bring herself to cast him away, either. Galilei taps her fingers above the table, not knowing what to do. Then the memory of Her, from before, enters her mind all at once and she begins to shake.
You have emoted: Galilei's fingers grip the table's edge hard, head turned away from the minion and jaws clenched. It is her first minion. Her first puppet. Whatever she was looking for, she won't find it here, and here he will stay. Eternally standing proud and tall, those empty eyes only reflecting all the inexplicable fear and revulsion bubbling within herself, with a silent mouth and relaxed countenance.
You have emoted: With shaking hands, Galilei jerks up and out of her seat, walking round to push the Adept's head down onto the table. Fingers shaking all the more violently, she rearranges his arms, bending them just right before placing his head upon them. Unable to do more, she straightens and flees the apartment.
She's just beginning to learn what The Dark Side could offer, and also what it entails. Going to have a lot to think about.
I swear I can't get enough of Galilei and Ephi. They're total opposites of each other, it's hilarious to see how they interact and view Chakrasul.
Also, hi @Galilei. :>