Oemeria says to you, "I have chocolates, Ser."
Licking his lips, Blackscales, a drakt villager says, "I do love chocolate."
Rhyot hurls a lance of Chaos toward Blackscales, a drakt villager from a withered fingertip, scourging him with wild, magical force.
Rhyot howls as Blackscales, a drakt villager hacks into him. Flames lick out at Blackscales, a drakt villager from Rhyot's body and scorch his flesh.
Rhyot hurls a lance of Chaos toward Blackscales, a drakt villager from a withered fingertip, scourging him with wild, magical force.
Rhyot has scored a CRITICAL hit!
The final blow proves too much for Blackscales, a drakt villager, who expires, pitifully.
Having slain Blackscales, a drakt villager, Rhyot retrieves the corpse.
With a lustful grin Rhyot drives his fangs into a vein of the corpse of an Blackscales, a drakt villager and, slurping greedily, draws out its still-warm blood from the wound in long, deep, sucking pulls. Finally satisfied, he casually discards the corpse.
Rhyot says, "NONE FOR YOU!"
Ayuna smiles at Oemeria and points at Rhyot. "It's all his decision."