I rage at how dumb it is that people not in a guild can't apprentice someone to that class. If you want a class and that guild isn't very active, good luck, I guess!
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
I rage at how dumb it is that people not in a guild can't apprentice someone to that class. If you want a class and that guild isn't very active, good luck, I guess!
mm, think about though, if anyone could apprentice someone in their class...then guilds just lost half of what makes them unique. They may aswell be clans in that situation then . The skills themselves are the legacy and teachings of -that- guild, they were (in a lore sense) developed and mastered by that guild, so it is only natural that only the guild itself may bestow their 'teachings' unto another.
Trust me, removing the classes as designated by the guilds will hurt the game alooooot more than help it. Just look at what happened to Achaea when guilds became houses .
I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make him throw four afflictions at once and attack so quick that you can't writhe out of his web attack before his next attacks. But ffs, can we make mobs not completely bat-unicorns-overpowered?
The cheap tactics aren't cheap other than the sheer, complete imbalance in team combat that exists in the game. One side has far superior ranged and hindering abilities than the other. But that's neither here nor there. In terms of pure -people- though, I haven't been on the advantage side of numbers at any given time today. Xiuhcoatl, Ellenia, Ezalor, Moirean, Ilyon... not once.
Eh, even when we were rolling you guys in fighting only Ilyon and I are in the actual Order. We had like 6-7 hours where all of you quit trying and went afk...and we got 14 shrines during it. I just left for 3 hours and you guys got close to 40 shrines.
No fault of yours of course. All of Iosyne's Order people pretty much quit the game and we haven't been inducting many new ones.
But I wish other orders could get in on the action as well! help defend and what not. Seems to me some orders are so dead that even a Holy War doesnt affect them because there is no one there to defend. Perhaps we need to reduce the number of Orders like we did with the Houses and going to do with the Guilds
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
I kind of said this myself last year. I know in two orders I have been in with Mastema and my old Sentinel that the latter had two players and neither of us could fight. While Mastema's Order has 4-6 players average with only four that I think would get involved in a fight. So in someways there is a lot of steamrolling off smaller orders, but that could do with its own thread.
Please. Don't remind me that you are in need of a guildfavour. Only makes me want to GDF. Especially when you add the (( )) in the tell because that means I can't GDF.
Buying the Torc with a discount token. I honestly thought you could use it off balance, and now I have a wasted artifact. Letting you use MIND STUPIDITY/MIND PARALYSIS on balance would have been a much better description.
The amount of hidden checks I do every second, stupidity secrets, how I hate you. Seriously, it's only like 10 a second maximum for like 10 afflictions, and everytime I get stupidity for over half a second SECRETS shows her ugly head.
Man, I TELL people to remind me to favor them. I ain't never gonna remember that unicorn guana.
Would be different if I hadn't already favoured. They just weren't up to the rank -I- said I wanted them to be and they were reminding me... in OOC brackets... Also, I'm a bit OCD. Not gonna forget.
Please. Don't remind me that you are in need of a guildfavour. Only makes me want to GDF. Especially when you add the (( )) in the tell because that means I can't GDF.
Sure you can, you just be facetious and presume everything in game is in-character (it is, after all) and then be like 'Why are you saying 'parenthesis parenthesis' before and after everything you say? Also, DISFAVOR.'
Novices being bountied for hunting in Torston because the defenders from Enorian gave up on killing them after voyria arrows didn't work. Instead of the newbies getting a fight they could have learned from, now they are going to be randomly jumped, and it's probably going to be by someone at top tier. It's a big overreaction and a shame, I think - killing people bashing there creates some good PK, but bountying escalates it.
And these aren't super newbies or obviously alts or anything. At least one of them is a friend I brought in who has never played Aetolia before.
Hun when has the Bounty system -not- been abused, especially by Enorian. I've taken it as normality in everyday Aetolian life.
I hate when you have exciting ideas for a character that involve switching guilds, and then you can never find someone from that guild online to inguild or transfer.
Rage at how much people claim there's never any 1v1 combat. Yet you can't get 1v1 combat save with people like @Xiuhcoatl. Try and the gank squad comes. It's kinda frustrating.
How dare you kill Moirean's newbies after they triple teamed you with her, Isto. You're a top tier combatant and are only griefing them, thus causing them to not learn anything by you stomping them into the ground.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
My herb curing had to turn into this for conditional statements AFTER I know I have herb balance and can eat. God damn you shamans, making everything so complicated.
if enemyClass["druid"] and ((HerbTable[k]~=lastHerb and not affC("stormtouched")) or (HerbTable[k]==lastHerb and affC("stormtouched"))) and affC(k) and not cures[k] and not (((k=="blighted" or k=="infested") and affC("premonition")))then
elseif not enemyClass["druid"] and affC(k) and not cures[k] and not (((k=="blighted" or k=="infested") and affC("premonition"))) then
Hey I dueled him alone and got starbursted sure, but I kept at even if it went on and on for ages compared to my other fights. To the point I ran out of venoms etc, resulted in both of us calling it a day!
Rage at how much people claim there's never any 1v1 combat. Yet you can't get 1v1 combat save with people like @Xiuhcoatl. Try and the gank squad comes. It's kinda frustrating.
Are you seriously saying that jumping someone 5% of your size is exciting 1v1 combat?
How dare you kill Moirean's newbies after they triple teamed you with her, Isto. You're a top tier combatant and are only griefing them, thus causing them to not learn anything by you stomping them into the ground.
He jumped one of them. That is how the PK started. I came in because, frankly, that's just silly of him.
I just went after a bounty, Moirean. Didn't check their might. If they're gonna get bounties they gotta step up, frankly. And in the end I found her a smaller person to fight for the bounty instead of fighting me because of the size difference. Either way, there was no reason for anyone to step in.
I believe the bounty in question was placed cus I was hunting (unknowingly) in an Enorian restricted area. I made the mistake of dying and was instantly enemied by Taygeta, shortly after a bounty was placed on my head. Until then...I didn't even know Enorian existed. But hey, props to collecting your bounty, sorry that you attacking me resulted in a most unfair teaming of 2 people 5% of you and Moirean!
That's ENTIRELY to deal with stormtouched proccing off the last eaten plant and not to screw up my eating for trying to eat for things I can't cure, blighted and infested being uncurable during premonitions. It's quiet easy to prepare a huge stack for blighted and infested because of the stormtouched mechanic and and all the loki spamming. Then if you're fighting two or more shamans it'll derp give you stormtouched anyway. So you need to be able to cure it in the second place.
Once you get over the SHOOP THE WHOOP lightning blast/omen aspect of the class. It's annoying to deal with. Just because they have the ability to sit there and give you a huge ginseng stack, thanks to passive lethargy in addition to two forms of passive loki. Put that into having to be a balance class, and you have 1.5 pole spinslashes, meaning the person I'm fighting couldn't make any offensive ground in like a minute or two, being brought to 3.0 BEFORE you encounter any kind of slow downs. So if I miss or need to raze twice, I'm giving up huge offensive grounds as a carnifex. Leaves me with a, man this class is annoying who even designed it taste in my mouth. I'd rather fight in retardation against myself as a sciomancer with backup from myself as an Indorani. At least in retardation it's double edged sword. You can herb screw the hell out of people with oculi/prefarar followed by bloodroot/aconite. It, Shaman, is just an all around annoying class to fight ENTIRELY FOR YOU, and that's BEFORE the FACT you need to diagnose after like 10 loki applications or they blackout you which lasts enough for them to pull off an addition attack even if you paralyze them. I have no problems with them as a Sciomancer, but getting someone to fight me in Sciomancer is lulzy because
I'm going to seem like a snob, but if I HAVE to diagnose against a class, I'm ticked off already. I'm ticked off when I fight luminary without a donkey, thanks whoever keeps killing my donkey. All I use it for is a hidden disfigurement checker. It's not like whoever is doing it is stopping me from dashing or leaping, thanks raceskills. You make it so I don't even need a mount to move around, but someone keeps killing it anyone because LOL I troll you good gooby. However, some background why I'm ticked I have to diagnose. I send hidden checks with a refresh every .25 seconds to check for like 15 different hiddens. I have to do a lot of gagging. And when I say a lot of gagging, I have 2 mudlet triggers, consisting of 50 lines filled with gaging, and that's BEFORE counting specific gagging like when I gag stupidity messages, also thanks to the cloak NONE of that stupidity gagging works on you, and other specific things. All of that, reduced to nothing because leedle leedle loki. And cat's in the cradle with the silver spoon, and one of these days. Bamb Wamb. Zoom. With this bardiche, straight to the moon.
Trust me, removing the classes as designated by the guilds will hurt the game alooooot more than help it. Just look at what happened to Achaea when guilds became houses
I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make him throw four afflictions at once and attack so quick that you can't writhe out of his web attack before his next attacks. But ffs, can we make mobs not completely bat-unicorns-overpowered?
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
God why?
if enemyClass["druid"] and ((HerbTable[k]~=lastHerb and not affC("stormtouched")) or (HerbTable[k]==lastHerb and affC("stormtouched"))) and affC(k) and not cures[k] and not (((k=="blighted" or k=="infested") and affC("premonition")))then
elseif not enemyClass["druid"] and affC(k) and not cures[k] and not (((k=="blighted" or k=="infested") and affC("premonition"))) then