Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • Rage at less than half of the aberrations counting toward the quest total.

    Also, I don't know if this is a rage or just a lol - but the short term popularity of the sentinels post revamp has taken a dive, and now we have two people online at peak, one of whom is idle. What's wrong with us?
  • This was my most recent rejection, note this came IMMEDIATELY after I made complaints about needing an English major, 

    "Your proposed dropped: Your subject in this sentence is 'a pair', which means the verb 'lie' is improperly conjugated. It should instead be 'lies', because 'pair' is a singular noun. Your proposed examined: Your second sentence, beginning with 'Primarily black', is a run-on sentence and should be split up in some way. Note that 'an altogether unique appearance' is incorrect, as 'unique' takes no modifier, and cannot in grammatically correct English - it should be 'a unique appearance'.."

    Like, I don't have perfect grammar, I don't have a doctrate in English. I'm not an idiot though and the way that response was worded struck me as a pure troll given the circumstances. Like the first two points are fair points but the way it was written and the whole "unique" takes no modifier thing.... just. Honest to god guys. Work with your players, phrase things in a manner conducive to good customer service instead of talking down to them in a one way forum. 

  • Just continuing with the tangent before, 

    What's even more incredible is that when you do pay to customize an artifact. You're the only one that will see it and the handful of friends you show off your work to.

    Appearances have NO divine audit and everyone can look at you.... like honestly. 
  • Unique is categorized as an absolute modifier. While I understand correcting obvious things like "a pair lie" versus "a pair lies," the comment about 'unique' is hopelessly pedantic. 
  • You can say it's incorrect and give advice without being completely condescending as well which is just gutless in a one way forum. 
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited January 2014
    I have that alt because tethering exists. That is the sole reason. I don't go to lessers, I don't buy org credits, I don't RP, I don't take any positions of responsibility. I 1v1 with the class. I'm not sure where the idea came from that I could be depended upon to fight a war on that alt, cause I don't think I've ever done anything to give any sort of indication of that.

    Sure I can understand the frustration but it is what it is. I doubt I would have made any significant difference anyways, totally geared for 1v1 and 1v1 only, that alt is pretty much useless in teamfights except when paired with @Kaeus.
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited January 2014
    Then why be in the congregation at all? That's my point. At some point, you made a decision to have him follow Dhar. You login fairly regularly with him. It's whatever, I just don't understand putting a character in these orgs, and then anytime something happens where you have to go against your alt, or in this case, the FRIENDS of your alt, you dip out. It reeks of 'spy-alt' even though I know you -personally- wouldn't do that.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited January 2014
    What can I say, I like blessings and @Dhar is a funny guy.

    EDIT: That's also why I will never progress at all to any position of power/responsibility on that alt. It's a rather large conflict of interest. CR1 forever and more importantly never in an Order! The temptation of shrinesight is too much :D.
  • VeovisVeovis Florida
    edited January 2014
    Chest rage. I had 3 chests with some stacks of 6 common commodities. 1 chest with 5 stacks of 5 common organs.

    I did get some ylem amulets and almost a full set of ylem orbs and two pieces of the hunter's knife. 
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Had to reinstall windows. Can't get most of my programs to work (including mudbot and cmud and even web client, tho weirdly my web browser for forums works ok), so I've been installing updates all day. 137 and counting... Missed the city meeting that I scheduled. :(
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life

    I hate it when I do dumb shit.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • stand
    You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
    << Nalor has gained REBOUNDING defence >>
    H:100% M:100% E:99% W:96% B:35 Soul:100 XP:76.08% [cspdb eb] K:100fly
    There is a whip bound tightly around your neck. How are you supposed to do that?
    H:100% M:100% E:99% W:96% B:35 Soul:100 XP:76.08% [cspdb eb] K:100
    You must stand up before you can do that.
    There is a whip bound tightly around your neck. How are you supposed to do that?
    H:100% M:100% E:99% W:96% B:45 Soul:100 XP:76.08% [cspdb eb] K:100
    You must pick yourself off the ground first.


    HOW the unicorn are you suppose to break Garrlotelock when the unicorn cant STAND!!!!! GG Aetolia!

    I would love for a Admin to explain this ^^ .... as How can I pick myslf of the ground if STAND wont stand?
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • By waiting for report 1634 to get coded.

  • but @Ilyon Garrotelock NEVER used to work like that, If you was prone and get garrotelock you would still be able to stand up and the keep attacking....  Just like cleaver and so on....

    (( I guess now it's kinda like bbt spam? Since I would have to have you prone for it 1v1. Or I guess if you can stop the channel, it's a channeled behead. ))

    Is what the person I spoke to about it said, I would love for BBT to keep the person prone while I keep bbting them!!! And how does that make it a channeled behead as only three classes of top of my head, well two skill sets is minions/animals ... Telepathy and OP Whispers ( since whispers can work while prone, impaled etc) to be able to stop Garrotelock

    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • Not sure since when it's been like that, just saying that the coders are aware of the issue! In the meantime, you can just tumble out of it.

  • If only hold breath still worked like it used to... 
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    Except Impale + Garrotelock = instadeath.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    Torc of Telepathy! The way garrotelock currently works is indeed pretty silly.
  • edited January 2014
    Okay, I have a question for one of the Admin up there. Can -you- make changes to a customized artifact? Because if you can, could you please just do that for a few grammatical errors, the multiple rejections over teeny-tiny things is really disheartening and is holding up, personally, RP I have plan. And I'm not the sort who likes RP arcs that are not huge to continue on for two RL weeks.

    Now, if you can't, I'm sorry for my rage about it.

    Alright, everyone else move on to other rage-like stuff.
  • Ezalor said:
    Twerk of Telepathy! The way garrotelock currently works is indeed pretty silly.
    Fixed for you.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    I wish the customization forms/process had an avenue for people to comment on it when resubmitting like with crafters. There's been several instances where style/how someone is reading it becomes an issue with things I've written for someone else.
  • Areka said:
    I wish the customization forms/process had an avenue for people to comment on it when resubmitting like with crafters. There's been several instances where style/how someone is reading it becomes an issue with things I've written for someone else.
    Immortal approvers aren't supposed to make your designs reflect their personal style anymore than mortal approvers are, at least not last I heard. If you think this is happening you should probably talk to Oleis or Razmael. Also, I'm reasonably certain an approver can edit a design. It's just that most don't. 

    I know I've fixed an occasional typo or grammatical error on sketches.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    edited January 2014
    Elwyn said:
    Okay, I have a question for one of the Admin up there. Can -you- make changes to a customized artifact? Because if you can, could you please just do that for a few grammatical errors, the multiple rejections over teeny-tiny things is really disheartening and is holding up, personally, RP I have plan. And I'm not the sort who likes RP arcs that are not huge to continue on for two RL weeks.

    Now, if you can't, I'm sorry for my rage about it.

    Alright, everyone else move on to other rage-like stuff.
    If I have TINY grammatical issues with a customization, that's typically what I do. When it's an issue of large structural or thematic flaws, however, I don't want to make any assumptions on the part of the submitter by enacting my own changes. 95% of the time, a rejection falls into that latter category, where the text really just needs an extra coat of polish or they're asking for something that doesn't fit into the game world.

    If we were a graphical game, we'd have strict standards about what we show the world. Text is our only representation, so we have to strike a solid balance between absolute lower-order correctness and upper-level thematic blend. And, like graphical games, we have old, old stuff that we wish nobody would ever see because we haven't gotten around to replacing it yet.

    Areka said:
    I wish the customization forms/process had an avenue for people to comment on it when resubmitting like with crafters. There's been several instances where style/how someone is reading it becomes an issue with things I've written for someone else.
    You know, it's really tricky. On the one hand, when it's just Raz and me handling customizations, the queue is pretty slow. Approving something takes a lot of attention to detail. When more people get involved in the queue, however, it's so much more difficult for us to ensure that we're applying a consistent approach and no one is being too lax or too strict.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    @Oleis - I understand that. It just becomes really difficult to communicate when there's no dialogue beyond being told your writing is wrong when the person's just reading the sentence with a different emphasis, and you can't hash it out to figure out where the actual issue is versus the projected issue, so it can get fixed without further compromising the design. Thus it would be nice if customization could be commented on like normal designs, so references or "the emphasis is on X, where is that getting lost?" or "it's death-marked because it's bearing a big skull and using Dhar's metal - where does there need to be clarity so I can add that" could be asked so a more common-ground resolution can be found. 
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    I agree. It would honestly be easier for us to have a history of the submission/rejections, if applicable so that we can see if we're making progress or the submitter is intentionally ignoring points on which we disagree.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage

    My latest rejection on a minipet was laddened with suggestions on how I should change the description. Not only because of grammar, but but for example:

    * consider 'his back' instead of 'the back' as a way of more clearly expressing the idea.


    * 'softer one', although making sense in context, could easily turn into 'a softer hue' or 'a softer color' as a way of more clearly tying it into the color comparison you're making.


    It sortof pissed me off, since those things doesn't make my description incomprehensible in any way. It's just the approvers personal opinion that it would sound better. And let's not forget pointing out a grammatical error with the same error. It's not easy making adustments when you don't tell me how it's supposed to be.


  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    To be honest with you, I'm inclined to agree. Stylistic suggestions like that are probably a little much. I'll make sure we have some more specific priorities for these customizations.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • edited January 2014
    So I really hate the twerk of telepathy. Instead of whining about it to myself. I opted to make a gif to demonstrate why I hate it. Warning, this isn't exactly porn but don't watch it in front of children. IT HAS MILEY CYRUS PROMOTED ACTIVITY IN IT. 

    [spoiler] twerk of telepathy [/spoiler]
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I mean, I hate to do this, especially with the medium he used to make his point, but I totally agree with Xiuhcoatl.
  • selfish unrelated rage of the evening: being randomly given snippets of interesting random godly attention.... while on my phone in a grocery store, shopping.

    I'll never know know who you were! Or what might have come of it! D:

This discussion has been closed.