Announce post #2926: Milestones
<pre>2/3/2019 at 0:01
Razmael, the Synthesist
The milestone system is here! This is a permanent addition to the game, intended to replace the whole 'log in 21 days and get a prize' system.
So what is a milestone? It's basically just a quest. You're given a task to do - complete it and get a prize. They are broken up into three timeframes: Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Daily milestones reset at the Howling (00:00 GMT), weekly Milestones reset at the Saturday->Sunday Howling, and monthly milestones reset on the first of each month at the Howling. Any uncompleted milestones will be removed when this reset happens, and new milestones will be handed out if you are online. Otherwise, you'll get your new milestones when you next log in.
Completing a milestone will get you a keystone and the type of keystone will depend on the timeframe of the milestone in question. Daily milestones get you bronze keystones, weekly milestones get you silver keystones, and monthly milestones get you gold keystones.
Keystones can then be traded for various prizes. We're still setting up the shop for this, but here's an example of what sort of prizes you can buy with each keystone when it's open:
Bronze: Mostly minor things such as gold, experience, and hour-long buffs.
Silver: Consumables, such as chocolates. Old event currencies.
Gold: Former logindays items.
And lastly, to track your progress for milestones, simply use the MILESTONES command. Since this is new, the milestone tasks are going to be fairly basic to start with. Don't worry, we have plans to add more as time goes on!
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 23rd of Lleian, in the year 478 MA.</pre>
Pretty awesome!
I have two questions so far though:
1. So I'm a little confused about how the monthly milestones work. Looking at the rest of this month, we only have three "full" weeks, with five days in the last week, and two in March. Does that mean we could complete the week for February, but not March?
2. One of the milestones I got was four unique quests. I tried around 7-8, but only got credit for one. A few were faction ones, and one was the ylem mines, but at least three of them were not. Is that a bug, or are there some hidden limits that would make all the others not count?
Are both of the things listed under "Weekly milestone" one milestone for the "complete all weekly milestones this month"? Or will that monthly milestone tick off every week as the howling ticks over? Did I find a bug?
Shoutout to @Kyna for choosing the colour palette. 1) Ah yeah, good point. I'll drop it down to 3 for this month. Shouldn't be a problem for any future months.
2) Oops sorry, this should work now. Each quest was overwriting the previous.
You have to complete all weekly milestones for that monthly milestone counter to increment.
Message #7955 Sent By: (aetolia) Received On: 2/05/2019/0:00
"You failed to complete your daily milestone: Play 5 games of Triptycha."
If there's a toggle I missed it.
-----{ DAILY MILESTONE }-------------------------------------------------------
Squash 4 bugs from any player. Completed!
-----{ WEEKLY MILESTONE }------------------------------------------------------
Complete 4 daily milestones this week. Progress: 3 / 4
Successfully hide the cookie jar. Completed!
-----{ MONTHLY MILESTONE }-----------------------------------------------------
Mage revamp! Progress: (please?)
Complete all weekly milestones this month. Progress: 0 / 3
-----{ DAILY MILESTONE }-------------------------------------------------------
Find the cookie jar. Completed!
I have been told that fishing milestones can be applied to people without fishing, is this true?
If so, is this also true of sect?
Thanks for adding the reroll daily option, can we also have the option to also reroll weekly?
My character isn't in a city, but I still get the "complete daily mine scenario" milestones, is that unintentional, or should I just do the reroll for something I can complete?