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Living Bloodlochian Citizens

It's something I never saw coming before but can kind of understand maybe. This discussion might be premature but it feels like another push to take the focus away from undead vs living and push to shadow vs spirit. But how is this going to affect the standards in Bloodloch? Are guilds that have strong anti-life policies *cough* Teradrim *cough cough* going to have to let living into their ranks? Just my initial thoughts on the current situation.
Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.


  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    edited February 2017
    It makes good sense for Teradrim to continue to ban the living (though I admit that we shelved their guild meeting until we could execute these Bloodloch changes). Ultimately, Bloodloch was the city most in need of a kick in the pants, activity-wise. This was a strategy I talked over with the BL leaders. It's the first step in a longer arc that should make for some exciting times in the city.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • On the bright side, Imperian killed a city and two guilds so a reboot seems mild in comparison. 
  • Yeah, I could already see that this is gonna be the beginning of some cool events. And it will definitely cause some interesting roleplay situations between the Teradrim and the living city members if anything. Can't wait to see what comes next!
    Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
  • Seth said:

    On the bright side, Imperian killed a city and two guilds so a reboot seems mild in comparison. 

    You forgot how they wiped out all the gods, then set up cults (gods). :pensive:
    It's kinda cool though. Shadow side has some inner turmoil going on (Syssin banning Vampires and Teradrim banning living). It'll make for some awesome conflict-potential and gives the faction more depth than the standard "Raah raah, kill em all, win all the things, get all the stuff." I mean, we still do that... but there's more to it.

  • What gets me is Carnifex accepts both living and undeath but undeath fits Carnifex very well as oppose to living. Wish Carnifex was a Undeath guild. My thought if bloodloch got a guild that living could actually take part in a guild that wasn't based around death say Carnifex Teradrim Houses that may be better suited for the living.
  • @Hexes Carnifex and Indorani are the only guilds suitable for living. The Infernals weren't undeath only, and it isn't a stretch for Carnifex to say that they preserve their souls much the same way they keep their Hounds functioning, since they are all tied to the Master Soulstone.

    Frankly, the only places where Living have no place is Teradrim and Houses, though I'd argue to give Houses an HNT channel that, if you were a living person, you could only talk through that. HT would be reserved the the undead and blooded, and HTS would be for blooded only. Obviously, Undead could access HNT and HT, Blooded can access all 3, and Living could only touch HNT.

    A bit of a caste system, there, but it fits the mindset of Consanguine, I think.

  • @satomi I agree with that idea. While a lot of people are against it, I think the whole appeal of Vampires in Aetolia is the aristocracy that was involved.

    And yes, Teradrim are the only SOLELY undead guild in the game. It's not something that could simply be like 'Oh we accept living now'. Would go against everything the guild stands for.
    Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
  • @Satomi but through the whole deathlore seems to fit undeath more than living, is what I am saying. Yes Indorani and Carnifex have been open to both life and Undeath it really doesn't make sense with the lore of the Carnifex to have living in its ranks
  • Hexes said:

    @Satomi but through the whole deathlore seems to fit undeath more than living, is what I am saying. Yes Indorani and Carnifex have been open to both life and Undeath it really doesn't make sense with the lore of the Carnifex to have living in its ranks

    'While some believe that the undead are bereft of a soul, others maintain that it is the soul's inability to depart the physical body that defines undeath.'

    So either undead can't get their soul out of their body (and thus can't make a sacrifice of soul to the soulstone), or they don't have one (and thus can't sacrifice part of their soul to the soulstone), either way meaning they can't use Deathlore.

    Living only Carnifex pls.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • @Toz hexes was living as a recruit of the Carnifex js
  • edited February 2017
    @Toz All mortals have souls. (undead, vampires, living are all mortals in the eyes of the gods) The difference between living and undead is just that when plain undead (non-vampire) dies the soul returns to the Earth rather than going to the Halls of the Underking. With vampires, they enter mistform and can float around and stuff. If you really analyse it, undeath, vampirism, and life are only different based on the way one wishes their soul to be handled and by whom. Carnifex are able to drain soul out of people while fighting them, so it implies that undead and vampires must have souls, otherwise those certain skills wouldn't work on them. One of theories I also have on another difference between living, undead, and vampires is that Living have Emotions and Dreams, vampires have emotions (maybe fake, up for debate) and no dreams, undead (should) have no emotions and have no dreams.

    Buuuut this is all just theory and speculation based on lore and mechanics. I am just lonely and want to type stuff.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that living are able to give life through giving birth and nurturing etc, while Undead are only able to take life, steal life essence, and convert people to undeath. Vampires feed on life.
    Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
  • FYI - there is lore in a vampire book that confirms that undead have souls and explains why vamps have to suck on blood/etc. So, as Fyrren says, all mortals have a soul.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    That's propaganda. But then, I would say both arguments are! BELIEVE WHAT DRIVES YOUR RP THE BEST.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Cordia said:

    FYI - there is lore in a vampire book that confirms that undead have souls and explains why vamps have to suck on blood/etc. So, as Fyrren says, all mortals have a soul.

    What is canon to the realms gets rewritten a lot. All player written content is subject to "Artifice" aka world changes
  • I was 100% not serious.

    Also pretty sure Roan (founder) was living when he made the Infernals, I dunno if he was when he came back -- but it does make sense for living to want to avoid giving Dhar their soul and practice deathlore.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro

  • edited February 2017
    Toz said:

    I was 100% not serious.

    Also pretty sure Roan (founder) was living when he made the Infernals, I dunno if he was when he came back -- but it does make sense for living to want to avoid giving Dhar their soul and practice deathlore.

    If I'm not mistaken, Roan was revived as a living being through mass flesh sacrifice/soul ritual.

    As to the comments on life, undeath, and vampirism, I always just roleplayed it as similar to what Fyrren said. Living souls get sucked into the Underhalls on death, their souls are tethered to go there unless willpower, outside force, or some other trauma prevents it.

    Undead are tethered to the Earth by Ivoln, so on death, they get sucked into the ground and have to wait for their body to reform, where Living have to be judged worthy of continuing life or chilling in the Halls.

    Vamps, however (and this is where I get all ego/artifice/make-it-uppy) have complete control over their soul, because it is untethered, hence the misting. They can shed their bodies at will, take advantage of the gifts of the Earth, yet remain unbound to them, or the Underhalls. Obviously, that comes at a price, but that's a whole different argument.

    >.> It's why my current Earthen form is a giant crystalline shell with mists floating around inside it.
    Edit: I think the funnest part is that everyone can have a different interpretation/style of RP on the matter, and it is all valid until an admin smacks someone and says "NO! BAD!"

  • @Satomi Yeah, it is one of the reasons I think that Ivoln doesn't like Vampires so much compared to regular Undead, since they are not really bound to the Earth. Makes sense.
    Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Ivoln is a jealous, greedy fellow with a grudge a mile wide. Emphasis on jealous, of course.

  • Hadrak said:

    Ivoln is a jealous, greedy fellow with a grudge a mile wide. Emphasis on jealous, of course.

    Reminds me of your typical dwarf :P

  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Satomi said:

    Reminds me of your typical dwarf :P

    Insert picture of Dhar. Receive tears.

  • Hadrak said:

    Ivoln is a jealous, greedy fellow with a grudge a mile wide. Emphasis on jealous, of course.

    He's just misunderstood.
    Now with 253% more Madness.
    Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
  • Come on guys. He had a rough break up. Give him some room for Earth's sake.
    Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Satomi said:

    Frankly, the only places where Living have no place is Teradrim and Houses, though I'd argue to give Houses an HNT channel that, if you were a living person, you could only talk through that. HT would be reserved the the undead and blooded, and HTS would be for blooded only. Obviously, Undead could access HNT and HT, Blooded can access all 3, and Living could only touch HNT.

    A bit of a caste system, there, but it fits the mindset of Consanguine, I think.

    I wouldn't suggest, nor promote, a system like the above with the way that we need to go in Bloodloch. Not that it isn't a good idea with the way it USED to be, but it wouldn't fit with the direction Bloodloch is headed, nor needs to head. That said, we actually input new laws specifically noting that living citizens WILL NOT be treated as second class citizens and doing such will come with consequences. This should help ease any one who has/had any misconceptions about what is going to happen in Bloodloch with the current direction.

    Just a little FYSA.

  • @Rhyot Agree completely. It is a fair bit divisive and the emphasis on Undeath isn't the direction Bloodloch is going anymore.

  • ErebosErebos Right there! Oh you missed him!
    So what -is- the direction Bloodloch is going?

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