
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Had to kick my brother out of my mother's house for good.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    After I got home, I found a tick latched on to me Thursday morning. Told somebody at work, which then led to me having to tell the corporate safety officer, and now I get to go to a hospital to get tested for Lyme disease
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I hate panic attacks.

  • I am only one person. We are super busy at work, I have to pick up all the slack and one of the other girls doesn't wanna come in today cause her back hurts. We are training a new person and could really use her to help out. Grrr, rage. I can't even take a break cause I am the only one here right now. Today sucks.
  • Spent my weekend off in a panic about my health. On the bright side, I have insurance now yay so going to urgent care didn't totally upset me.
  • @Haern: like for insurance, dislike for panic :(

  • Go to take my lunch break, finish my food and sit idling at my desk enjoying my break and EVERYONE decides to come ask me questions/get me back to work. Yay to 10 minutes lunch breaks! 
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life

    "Sure, I'll be happy to talk to you about that when I'm not on lunch."

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • If you are in the states, that's actually illegal and can get a company into a lot of trouble/hefty fines. You have to take your lunch, by the 5th hour, and it has to be at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time. (last I checked)
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    Huh. I've taken lunch at my desk while helping students for the last five months now.

  • edited April 2014
    Small businesses frequently bypass those rules, because they are small enough that it is unlikely they'll get a complaint from an employee. Major companies are very aware of it, usually self-monitor to prevent having to pay out huge fines as a result of breaking labor laws. 

    Edit - 

    Kamus worked at a place that didn't give him -any- breaks or lunches, but it was a garage environment with like 12 employees. Conversely, my supervisor was super concerned that I was caught on a long call and almost hit my fifth hour without taking my lunch at the call center I work at for a major company. When I worked for Home Depot, you could get written up for not taking lunch on time, especially if you went past the fifth hour.
  • Ugh I hate lunch hour. I can go without eating, and I actually lose money if I go eat. Yay minimum wage...

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life
    Going from working twelve and a half hours a day with one half hour break to working eight and a half with an hour lunch and two fifteen minute breaks is absolutely effing luxurious.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I work 10-15 hours 10-14 days straight, usually eat lunch while working and only stop in between tasks for the bathroom. I suppose I could take breaks but I'd rather have the money, especially since I have down time between equipment readings (such as now)
  • We're not given lunch breaks where I work (gas station CSR), so during our 7-8hr shifts (or longer for some), we have to eat on the clock while helping/in between customers at our registers. 

    Thankfully my coworkers and I understand how frustrating this is and usually let each other put up our signs so we can eat in relative peace (unless one of us gets swamped). 

  • I wonder about which industries get exceptions for that rule. I can definitely see a few that would. 

    I rage at my 30 minute lunch that makes it impossible for me to -leave- and eat anything. Whenever I fail to bring lunch, I end up eating my dinner (my 'lunch' is at 5 pm) in like 4 minutes. 

    Also that it is almost the end of the month and the roomie who -moved into a new apartment- at the beginning of the month still has a room full of junk, stopping me from moving someone else in there, and his freaking motorcycle in my living room and is refusing my help to get stuff out because I might 'mess with his stuff'. The stuff that is still IN my house, in a room with a door that has no lock. 



  • edited April 2014
    @Minarael If he isn't living there, isn't paying to live there, and there is no reason his stuff should be there and it is further inhibiting you - with no locked door? ...

    Take it, move it out to the roadside, call them up and say, 'Hey, your stuff is ready for you to come and get it out by the road - but I'd hurry, someone might think its trash and take it for themselves."  then hang up. I'm sure they'd be more than quick about retrieving their oh so precious valuables then. 

  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    So I had a horrible Easter. As you can read here, one of my trains ran over a kid in the wee hours of Easter morning. I happened to be the manager on duty so I got to respond to the incident. I've been haunted by what I saw since that morning, I can't stop thinking about it and I'm constantly running through that morning in my mind. I've managed to get an average of 4 hours of sleep with Ambien and I've got some anxiety about going back to work tomorrow (I've been off since getting home that morning). I haven't felt like I've been able to talk to anyone about it.

    It's taken the Employee Assistance People three days to locate a counselor for me to go see, so I'm glad there was no rush or anything. At least I've got an appointment for tomorrow, fingers crossed she is helpful.

    As an aside, anyone who is/was a Firefighter/Paramedic/First Responder/Law Enforcement -- my hat is off to you. That is some seriously messed up unicorns and you guys and gals are awesome for being willing to deal with it on a regular basis.
  • Oh my, that's horrific. :( What a horrible way to spend a weekend. I hope you get all the support you need, Demarcus. 

    @Nola- He paid for the month, but he's not really moving -at all- to get this stuff out by the end of it. If it's still there on the 1st, he's either paying me for another month or it's going on the curb. He's already threatened me once, I'm not in the mood to be generous. 
  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage

    I've been unemployed for a loooong time, due to social anxiety and depression. A year ago, I got work practice through a project that, quite frankly, wasn't all that great for almost a year, but two months ago, I was transfered to another part of the project where I got to make chocolate pralines. I love it there.

    The people are great for many reasons. They know how to handle me with my issues, because they all have a similar background. They understand me and know how to get me going if I seem quiet. I laugh, joke around and talk, but they don't look down at me if I'm ever upset.
    I also get to work with my hands and be creative. I've been there two months and now, I can temper chocolate, make the shells for the pralines, make the ganache for filling, make the lid, make fudge and make truffles. Last week, I was shown how to work the cash register (even though I haven't had to deal with costumers yet). I take care of the dishes when I have a moment to spare so it won't pile up. I do it all.

    Next friday, my period will run out, so the project leader talked to my administrator at the unemployment office to see if I could be transfered from having a work practice through the project to have it through the actual business instead. The answer was a very clear NO. So despite being in an environment that helps me grow, that makes me feel good and useful, that I love going to, they want to pull me out and probably stick me in some other crap, where I won't have the same support system, I will have to make new contacts (which I'm not comfortable with at all) and start all over again.

    We do have a plan, in case pleading won't work, but I am terrified that the plan won't work. If I can't stay in this place, I know I will have to contact a therapist again, cause I -can't- handle being pushed around to new places anymore. It's all that has ever happened to me. I want to stay where I am, show what I can do, get better and hopefully get a job, cause you can actually be hired there! It's not like the other places I've been at, where I have work practice, but I can't get a job, cause I don't have the education for it. I could actually get a job here.

    With several holidays and a move coming up, I only have another three days to work there and it's breaking my heart. It was bittersweet hearing the people I work with say how much they love having me there, that they hope and pray that I will be allowed to stay, that they have my back if needed, if the administrator would just take the time to talk to them. I just hate having everything fall apart like this, when I finally found where I belong. This is what I want to do. This is where I need to be to be happy and learn to be -me-, not just a fake mask that I usually have on.

    Sorry, for the rambling, but I really just needed to get this out of my system.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    You've got support, and you know it. Even though my life is sort of crappy too, we can stick it out together. You made me laugh today! And I got chocolate, and toffee!

    [spoiler]So, this is my sister showing me how to make chocolate pralines. Aren't we cute?image[/spoiler]

  • My mom's health continuing to degrade. 

    She thankfully FINALLY got health insurance this year thanks to the ACA, but the complications emerging from her having several serious chronic conditions that emerged from -not- having health insurance for several years is rearing up. She's a musician, she works, but musicians don't get benefits. They don't get retirement. They don't get squat. She's also a bead artist and part of what's failing is her vision. She now has three chronic vision-impacting conditions on top o f the other ones that are very slowly making her blind. 

    My mom is tremendously independent, she would not take well having to rely on anyone else for anything. I hate watching this.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    edited April 2014
    I'm so effing mad that I allow myself to get distracted so easily (particularly by Aetolia) when I know I should be revising. I've just failed one of my financial adviser exams and I know I didn't do enough for it. I suppose this mad is directed mostly at myself for being so undisciplined but also at Aet for being the devil.
  • edited April 2014
    I'm mad that the only free days I get off are always used for studying or schoolwork, because I usually only have, if I'm lucky, one full day off a week. And that's working part-time. Finals next week. Had to get a coworker to take my Monday because they wanted to schedule me to work during one of my exams. Had to forgo my class yesterday because they scheduled me to work then. 

    I'm frustrated and stressed - trying to pack in enough for four classes (Studying four chapters for Environmental Science, doing a take-home quiz, writing an awards speech, getting the award for the speech, writing my acceptance cheat note card, studying the last section of art history, and I just finished catching up on my comp skills work from what I missed. I still wonder if I'm overlooking -something-..) all today while getting my errands done..  but at least it'll be over soon. 

    I can't wait for the day I can do absolutely nothing if I wanted to.
  • Complete and utter RAGE at Mudlet for crashing on me last night. Not just crashing but for making it completely impossible to open ever again. 

    I've lost my awesome system and side projects I've been working on, and to top it off I now have to find a completely new client to code with and start from bloody scratch. Seriously Mudlet, W-T-F!
    'Those that do not attempt are those with the least stories to tell.'
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    I've been on a self-imposed high-vegetable diet, and have been trying to avoid meat to avoid the temptation of eating red meats. Two days in, it's already killing me. I went into work today lethargic and dizzy, and I nearly passed out a couple of times. All because I haven't been properly replacing my protein intake. And then it rained today, and I didn't bring a thicker jacket. Chances are I'll be sick by tomorrow. D:
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life

    Another night of a last-minute bug taking out Serenity's distribution system going online. SHAKING ALL THE FISTS.

    Should be tomorrow, @People.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • Repeating rage about how working (now two jobs!) over full time, plus full time classes, plus acting as treasurer to bring this floundering organization back to a financially-secure state has taken away from my Aetolia time completely. I'm lucky to log half an hour a week at this rate, and I feel crappy for not getting to work on cool projects for you guys.

    ....But this hellish semester ends in two weeks, and I will be back with a vengeance. Brace yourselves.

  • Overzealous censorship. For real. Could have just concealed the stuff that deemed verboten, though there wasn't a warning when I posted that, instead of killing the entire comment. 

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